Friendly Fill-Ins Week 404


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. ___________________ is a movie I can quote by heart.
2. _______________is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.

3. I look forward to the return of _________.

4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as _________.
My answers:
1. Peggy Sue Got Married is a movie I can quote by heart. A Nic Cage film, of course.
2. Eating too many sweets is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing. Biting my nails is another one. And staying up until midnight.

3. I look forward to the return of my favorite show. Actually, I was looking forward to it a couple weeks ago and it is now back- Resident Alien on SyFy.

4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as a cat lover.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from February 2015, Angels Phoebe and Snowball relaxing together. From the day Snowball arrived in 2013 until she passed in 2017, Phoebe was hers.

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  1. ‘angelss’ Aunty Phoebe an Snowball were so cute twogether Aunty Ellen.
    You must miss them alot.
    Aunty you did a GRATE job on Fill-Innss.
    BellaSita Mum wantss to due herss:
    1. “The Mechanic” (1972 original) is a movie I can quote by heart.
    2. Easting too much chocolate is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.
    3. I look forward to the return of Daylight Savings Time!
    4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as Crazy Cat Lady, hahaha.
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I do miss them a lot. And thank you for these great answers. I need to look up that movie. I usually eat a lot of chocolate too, but I gave it up for Lent. I had the same for #4. XO

  2. 1. There is no movie I can quote by heart. But I used to win bets on ‘Jesus Christ: Superstar’ lyrics in college.

    2. Staying up late is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.

    3. I look forward to the return of Spring. Not exactly an original thought, but I really do.

    4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as “know-it-all”. And I’ve earned that.

  3. I think my comment didn’t get through…

    1. There is no movie I can quote by heart. But I know some musicals pretty well.
    2.Smoking is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.
    3. I look forward to the return of Dune. Dune2 is due soon.
    4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as “know-it-all”. But deservedly.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I wish you would stop smoking too- it is so bad for you. Yes, I think of you as that too because you do know a lot. XO

  4. That picture is adorable.

    We had similar answers to #2. I missed last season of Resident Alien. I need to binge watch and catch up.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Wow, a whole movie? Maybe one of early Charley Chaplin, haha. No words! But mama remembers the Wizard of Oz and the last words of Clark Gable in Gone With The Wind. And oh, such lovely kitties that we never knew….

  6. Sweet pic of Snowball and Phoebe!

    1. ___________________ is a movie I can quote by heart. I hardly watch movies, so I couldn’t even begin to quote one!
    2. Eating food that I love even though I know its n to the best for me is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.
    3. I look forward to the return of Springtime, with all its pretty blooms and colors.

    4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as a nutcase…LOL!

    1. Thank you for these great answers, but I can’t imagine anyone thinking you a nutcase. XO

  7. What a beautiful picture of two of your angels! They must be snuggling on the bridge as I write this. It sure is a comforting thought.

  8. Aww, Angels Phoebe & Snowball look so cozy all snuggled up together. Let’s see, dad can quote (and sing, unfortunately) way too many lines from Rocky Horror Picture Show, and he says waking at stupid o’clock every day is a bad habit he would like to break. Some day.

    1. I was like that with the Rocky Horror Picture Show but…finally got over it.

  9. I know what you mean about having certain things that you would like to try to stop doing. Or maybe the best way to phrase it is to start doing something else. I love that picture of your two angels and your little story to go with it. How wonderful two cats could get along that way immediately.

  10. Love those pics of sweet Angels Phoebe and Snowball
    Dirty Dancing is my fave movie but I can’t quote it by heart
    Eating food I know is not good for me is a bad habit that I can’t stop doing
    I look forward to spring
    I am known by my friends and family as a cat lover

  11. I love seeing the two cuddlers, precious girls. I remember Phoebe and Snowflake well.

  12. I watch Resident Alien! One night while sitting with Corey as he did his homework … (I sit in there with the headphones on) I think either a commercial or the show itself came one … somehow I ended up thinking to watch it … it was funny …. then I watched the whole 2 seasons … and then had to wait for season 3 …. which is now here … except I haven’t watched S3 E2 yet …. it’s been recorded just have been busy busy ….. LOL
    My answers for today’s fills ins are:
    1) RHPS (I noticed several people said that LOL)
    2) looking for the negative
    3) the Jedi (that’s just where my brain went!)
    4) the Brat Child 😁😁

    1. I am so glad you watch Resident Alien too, but of course you would as you have great taste. Thank you for these great answers, although I thought of you as more of a look for the positive type. XO

      1. I’m mostly a positve person – sometimes negativity creeps up on me …. like I’ll want to go outside for a walk but I’ll say “oh it’s going to rain and ruin everything” …. stuff like that.
        What I should be doing is thinking positve and saying “I’m going to go for a walk and it’s going to be great!” and staying positive until something happens – and then learn to be flexable …. ah that’s another story LOL

        1. That isn’t negative thinking, that is just trying to get out of a walk- I do that all the time. 🙂 XO

  13. Charlee: “Our Dada saw the title of this post and said ‘404’ and said ‘Post not found!’ And then he laughed and laughed and laughed. And yet the post is right there, it isn’t ‘not found’ at all. He is such a weirdo.”
    Chaplin: “Our Mama and Dada have been watching ‘Resident Alien’ too. Dada says it’s just as nutty as ever. He also says it’s a little jarring how much the main kid character grew while the show was on break.”
    Oona: “Dada shouldn’t be surprised! Youngsters grow! Just look at Smol Oona!”
    Chaplin: “Yeah you didn’t grow THAT much, Smol Oona.”
    Oona: “OONA GREW ENOUGH TO DO THIS!!!” *knocks Chaplin over*

    1. I am glad your folks like it too. Kids grow fast and it was off for about a yr and a half. Be nice Oona.

  14. It’s sweet to know that Angels Phoebe and Snowball were there for each other. Sweet photo of them♥ Your #4 is no surprise and I am happy you are a cat lover!
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. I don’t think there is any movie I can quote by heart but It’s a Wonderful Life comes close.
    2. Eating way too many carbs is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.
    3. I look forward to the return of peaceful food shopping and much less crowded roads and safer driving when the peeps head back North in a little over a month.
    4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as the funny one. HAHAHA!
    Thanks, Ellen!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And thank you for these great answers. I am surprised the snowbirds make that much of a difference. I can see you being the funny one. 🙂 XO

  15. Great fill ins and beautiful flashback.
    2 weeks in a row I’ve done the fill ins!
    Thanks to you and Lorriane for the questions.
    hugs Cecilia

  16. Fantastic fill-ins, as always! I’m behind on Resident Alien, but I really enjoyed what I’ve watched so far and so can’t wait to catch up for the new season. My parents also really enjoy this show, and they’re already watching the new season. And, unsurprisingly, my answer to #4 is a lot like yours. Phoebe and Snowball were and always will be adorable! Purrs!

    1. Glad you and your folks are fans too. I hope it gets renewed, but I doubt it being that they cut season 3 to 8 episodes. XO

  17. Had to resubscribe since I realized yesterday I haven’t been receiving your posts. Grrr. I know what you mean about sweets. Just had my lipid panel done and the A1C was unfortunately elevated. Ugh.

  18. 1. Dirty Dancing is a movie I can quote by heart.
    2. Ice Cream and Cheetos is a bad habit that I would like to stop doing.
    3. I look forward to the return of Spring.
    4. Amongst my family and friends, I’m known as the smart one. That’s according to my siblings.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. XO ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I love that movie and know most of the words too- nobody puts Baby in the corner. 🙂
      Yes, you are smart and funny. XO

  19. What a precious pair. I’m a nail biter too. And midnight is actually early for me!

  20. Those were really good fill-in answers and such a super sweet flashback.

  21. That picture of the two Angels is beyond beautiful, what a sweet pair💗✨💗 Great answers on the fill ins too😺😸Extra Pawkisses to all of you🐾😽💞

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