Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful that I scored this purple Furby for Typhoid Mary.

Back in 1998, I failed my 10-year-old niece, and I was not about to do the same to her daughter (Typhoid Mary).  I was holding out for a lower price, then I decided to just order one before Thanksgiving, but when I went to order, there were no purple ones anywhere. I ended up finding one on Ebay, but after several days of them not shipping it, the person finally wrote to me and said it was damaged and they could send me an orange one instead. I think they were lying because they know they can charge a lot more for it now, but all that matters is that I scored one. It was the very last purple one at Macy’s. I am also thankful that my mom and I are still able to go out shopping together and I pray we can continue to for many more years.

We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.  And here is the photo prompt provided:

This is a large crowd.
and it is so darn loud,
but I refuse to cease,
until I get a Furby for my little niece.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.


1. I feel like ___________________________________.
2. By the end of the year, I want to __________________________________.
3. December is the month that I _________.
4. My house looks _________ during the holiday season.


  1. So glad you were able to get the first, Ellen! It’s indeed wonderful too that you can shop with your Mom. I miss shopping with mine. XO

  2. Sorry I missed yesterday…life got in the way of blogging anywhere! Nothing bad, though, thankfully, just BUSY!

    I like that you got that Furby you wanted so badly!
    Don’t let TM see this post though, that will spill the beans!

    I used to love going shopping with my mother, just the two of us, but we didn’t do crowds, ever!

    Your poem fits quite well with your thankful!

    1. NO worries, I know you work a lot. Luckily, TM is 5 and can’t read much yet or have access to online. XO

  3. Oh, shopping with your mom sounds so wonderful. And so glad you found the Furby. Now mama wants one, haha. Just kidding…but they are amazing and your little nieces are so lucky to have the collection.

  4. Congratulations on scoring the Furby… for kids used to be easy but nowadays there’s always something SPECIFIC and usually VERY POPULAR they want so it must be tough! Good job on the poem…..

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  5. Your poem is perfect for your Christmas purchase of a purple Furby. Congratulations that you got the color you wanted but what a shame people are tricky and mean at this time of year.

  6. When I was young, we never got the latest fad. We just got whatever and we were happy to get it. Every few years we would get one expensive gift, like a bike.

  7. We have a couple of presents still yet to get. I have no clue what to get Mom or my sister. Everyone else is pretty much figured out. We just need to order when the time is right. I do like holding off for good deals if I can but it’s not always possible. Getting a discount, even a small one is better than paying full price every time! I’m thankful beginning this evening, we’ll be on vacation again. We have loads of activities planned and I’m excited. Have a furtastic weekend, my furriends!

  8. Super that you found the Furby! Reminds me of the Cabbage Patch Doll craze back then. I managed to get my girls one each, but through prize drawing. haha 🙂

  9. Your story reminds me of the time when both my kids were young and our collie had passed that summer. For Christmas they asked Santa for a stuffed collie dig (one for each). I ran around all over town trying to find two and finally found them two days before Christmas! I’m sure your niece will be thrilled! 💜

  10. What a fun story. I think we have a couple of Furbies in the closet here (one of them was altered to be a musical instrument). And great that you and your mom can still have adventures together like shopping on a crazy holiday weekend.

  11. How lovely! You are so sweet! Glad you were able to get the purple one 💜 Aww I would have loved one as a kid!

    That is indeed wonderful that you can still go shopping together with your Mum! I used to love shopping with my Mum too.

    Happy for you 😻 💕 Purrs from the kitties 😽 😽 😽 😽 😽

  12. You’re so right. Shopping with mom is one of the things I miss most of all. To the point where I tear up when I go into some of the stores she loved.

  13. So, this year’s toy of choice is a purple Furby eh? 😉 The things kids love!!

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