Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone. Before we get started, we want to ask for prayers for our friend Fenris.  To visit, click here. 


We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful that my hubby and I were able to celebrate our 31st anniversary with our dear friends, Pam and David. I am also thankful that my mom spent a lot of time at our house with the cats so I wouldn’t have an anxiety attack worrying about them.

I am also thankful for the beautiful gift they gave us. Just spending time with them was gift enough, but we do love this incredibly thoughtful gift.


As you know, Teddy’s folks are vacationing, so the poem isn’t due until next week.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two. As you all know. Lorianne and I LOVE Halloween so they all have to do with that this week.

1. If I were to attend a Halloween party, my costume would be _______________________________.
2. On Halloween, I plan to ______________________________.
3. If my life were a scary movie, it would be titled _________.
4. If I found an ouija board, I would _________.


  1. POTP an purrayerss an ***purrss*** to Fenris Poochie!!!
    Aunty Ellen an Unkell youss’ got to hang out with Miss Pam an Mistur David??? How pawsum!!!! That iss a lovelee giftie they gotted youss.
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  2. Oh, what a lovely gift!! 31 is a magic number and guess what, so is 32, 33, 34, you get the pic, right? Thank you for Fenris news. We had it from the blog, too, and so glad he has medicine to help. HAPPY 31st!! And more to come.

  3. Have fun to celebrate your anniversary and also to be able to see some friends from farther away in the country. But that was a blast getting to see each other in person.

  4. So nice to get together with friends, and celebrate your anniversary. Wonderful photo. 🙂

  5. happee bee lated annie furs sarry two yur mom and dad💙💚💙💚
    and grate werk brody ‼️‼️😉

  6. Chaplin: “We’re happy you got to spend time with your friends on our anniversary! And we’re sure that your mom spoiled the kitties in proper Grammie fashion!”
    Charlee: “If I were to attend a Halloween party, my costume would be a cat who isn’t attending a Halloween party …”

  7. Ellen what a beautiful photo of you and and Pam and your guys.
    WOW and a great anniversary gift too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Congratulations on 31 years of marriage! How thoughtful and sweet of your good friends to give you such lovely anniversary remembrance something you’ll cherish for years. I have many thankfuls – our staycation which was so relaxing, beautiful weather, the birth of our grandson, DD#2 is engaged, mom & sis doing alright since daddy’s passing, and I’m thankful for good friends like you! 🙂

  9. Congratulations on your 31st Anniversary. It’s lovely to see couples who are still together after such a significant amount of time. And such a wonderful gift your friends made for you!

  10. How wonderful that you got to see Pam and Davi and celebrate your anniversary with them. We are sure you all had lots of kitty tales to share.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  11. Thanks so much for your support and sharing our link we really appreciate the well wishes you sent Fenris’ way. He is doing better and we have our paws crossed that the vet will be pleased with his progress.

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