Thankful Thursday


We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. I am thankful that I had a wonderful sister. And that she had a daughter. And that her daughter has 2 daughters.

Sadly, my sister lost her battle with triple-negative breast cancer on Tuesday.

I love this photo of Vanessa holding Joanie.

These past few months of watching her wilt away from the cancer have been tough on my family, but it is part of life. And sometimes life stinks.

I am thankful for all my readers and blogging friends that have helped me through this tough time. I am blessed.

Obituary for Vanessa Jean (Domey) Richardson | Cebula Funeral Home, Inc.


Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.


1. _________________ news is _______________.
2. Sometimes I _______________________ to amuse myself.
3. _________ is the reason that I _________.
4. _________ would be my superpower of choice.


  1. Ellen, My sincerest sympathies to you, your mom, your niece and Vanessa’s entire family. She fought it to the end; she is at peace now and in heaven. It’s
    cliche to say this, but Vanessa doesn’t suffer anymore. I am so very sorry
    Love, laura❤️🦋

  2. What a beautiful obituary and photo of her and Joanie! I noticed in all these photos she loved to smile! Hold that smile in your heart! Much love and peace to you and your family in this time of mourning, Deborah 🙂 <3

  3. I am so sorry for this hard and very sad loss, Ellen. Vanessa was a beautiful lady, and she will be deeply missed by you and her family.
    Sending you many hugs and sincere sympathy. May God surround you and uphold you in his strong arms at this difficult time. ❤️🥰

  4. Oh Ellen, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister and send my love and condolences to you and her family. She had a beautiful smile.

  5. I know all of your family is heartbroken at having to lose Vanessa. What a beautiful smile she had. We send not just our heartfelt condolences but hugs – because sometimes when nothing else helps, a hug does. Hope to deliver one in person soon.

    Love, Pam

  6. What nice photos for you to share 💗 My heart goes out to you and your family. Hugs and prayers for all of you!

  7. Ellen, I am so sorry. I will be holding you close to my heart as you make your way through this grief over the loss of your sister. She is beautiful and I know she was a loving good person because of the photo of her with her arms wrapped around Joanie as Joanie looks up into Vanessa’s face. I know she had a heart filled with courage. I send my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family and wish that the beautiful  memories of her will comfort you. I can only imagine how strong your thankfuls are for her daughter and her daughter’s girls that you love so much. Hugs to you♥

  8. Big healing hugs on the loss of your sister. I’m so very sorry. What a wonderful photo of her holding Joanie. So precious.

    I’m all ready for the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Big hugs to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥

  9. What a difficult time for you all. I’m sorry for your sister’s cancer and your loss. What a wonderful legacy she left behind – a daughter and two granddaughters, which bring joy to your life even after Vanessa has gone. Be gentle with yourself right now.

  10. Java Bean: “We’re very sorry to hear about your sister.”
    Charlee: “She must have been very special if your kitties let her hold them. I don’t let anybody except Dada hold me. Not even Mama, usually, except once in a great while or if maybe she has food.”
    Chaplin: “We Hipsters send lots of purrs for your whole family.”
    Lulu: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags.”

    1. Ellen please give your family my sincere sympathy at the loss of Vanessa
      a beloved daughter, sister and sister in law mom and mom in law, grandmother and devoted partner.
      V anessa
      A mazing friend to all
      N ever ever forgotten
      E yes as bright as diamonds
      S parkling smile
      S ister of Ellen
      A nimal lover
      Hugs Cecilia

  11. Dearest Ellen we are so VERY sorry Vanessa lost her battle with Cancer. She was as adorable & sweet as you!! Please know you are in my prayers & in BellaDharma’s ***purrss***
    <3 May Vanessa's memory be for a Blessing <3
    All our love Sherri-Ellen (BellaSita Mum) & **purrss** BellaDharma

    Pee S: Aunty Ellen mee will *purr* fore you an yore furamillee durin this diffycult time…..mee iss furry sorry…. 🙁

  12. Those are pawsum pics awnty Ellen. We’re so sorry fur your loss. We’re sending lots of hugs and purrayers. Ifin you need anything, purrlease holler.

    Luvs ya’

    RaenaBelle, Zebby and mommy A

  13. What a terrible ting it is to lose someone before their time. But your sister had a wonderful smile, and I suspect she used it often. May you too smile now and then, thinking of the life she had, and the love you shared. Godspeed, Ms Vanessa, and God bless you.

  14. We are so sorry to hear your news, Auntie Ellen. Our heart is heavy for you and your family. The goodness of your sisters spirit will survive, and, one day, you may well meet again, be it in human or other sentient being form. Till then, your good and happy thoughts and memories will a strength and light in the darkest of hours.
    Gentle purrs
    ERin & Mrs H

  15. We saw the news and wanted to come by with our deepest condolences, even though we know words cannot suffice at a time like this. We’re sending you and your family purrs and purrayers and gentle nose taps.

    Derry and the biped

  16. Ellen, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. This kind of loss goes very deep through the generations in your entire family. I have all the sympathy in the world for you and yours as you go through this difficult journey in grieving. Keep each other close and it will ease the suffering as you share your experiences of your sister. Much love.

  17. Ellen, I can’t tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I can only imagine how you are feeling. Sending you lots of love and hugs and my deepest condolences. xo

  18. I am so sorry for your loss, Ellen. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to lose a sister. My heart is with you and your family. ♥

  19. Ellen, such a lovely picture of your sister holding Joanie. I am so sorry to learn she has passed away.Cancer is awful and merciless. I send you love and comforting thoughts.
    Hugs, Nancy and purrs from Julie

  20. We are so sorry to read this. Just imagine how many of your kitties came running to welcome her home.

  21. I’m so very sorry to hear about your sister Vanessa. Her beautiful smile was amazing. We all send love and hugs your way. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  22. I’m so sorry to learn of Vanessa’s passing and your going through this terribly sad time. I only have one sister and I don’t know what I’d do without her. Hugs from Tessie, Peekaboo and Onyx

  23. I’m so sorry to read this sad and painful news about your sister Vanessa. It’s difficult to find words that can ease the pain. I hope you can find some comfort in the beautiful memories and cherish them in your heart. Wishing you lots of strength.

  24. Lots of healing energy hugs to you ~ losing one’s sister hurts ~ Sweet photo of her and Joannie ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~ Xo

    A ShutterBug Explores ~
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  25. So sorry to hear this, Ellen. The loss of a sibling is so hard. Nearly 2 months since I lost my dear brother and the grief is unbearable. I don’t think I will ever get over it. We are burying him on Monday.

    Sending love,

    Marie xx

    1. Thank you. When your brother passed, I remember thinking it would not be long until my sister did. I am sorry your brother’s passing was so sudden. XO and love to you too. I will pray for you to have strength for Monday and for your heart to mend. XO

  26. I am late visiting to offer my best love and condolences but I am here. God bless you and your family at this terrible and tough time. Anyone who has lost with be with you in spirit and in their hearts.

    Hugs to you Ellen.

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