Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone. Before we get started I want to ask you all to please pray for our friend Jackie, many of you know her as angels Eric and Flynn’s mum at Two Devon Cats Blog. She is currently in the hospital.


We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.  I am thankful that I get to be the keeper of the castle for a while. That is the only good part of this story. The Great One’s family sold their home to take advantage of the seller’s market, but haven’t found a larger one yet so they will be in an apartment temporarily. We are storing some stuff and I figured she could play with it when she visits. And I can play with it whenever I want.  I thought the potato head family would enjoy it as a summer home.  I fear The Great One will rearrange their faces if she catches them in it though.

I am sad because I have been begging my hubby for 7 years to give them property ( my niece, not the potato heads)  and he finally agreed, but the cost of building right now is outrageous. Plus they decided they don’t really want to live in this town. I had a picture in my head of them right down the street, but I guess that is not happening. So for now, I will wallow in pity and play with the castle.

We are joining  poetry day named after Teddy’s angel brother Sammy ‘s Poetry Day. Here is the photo prompt provided:

I’m on a diet, that too much food, 

but I wouldn’t want to be rude.

Once the breaded chicken and buns are removed
I can eat it because it is Atkin’s approved.
* I am kind of on a diet by fasting for at least 12 hours daily, but I would never give up a food group like carbs. I would never eat that much meat either. 🙂
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two. The linky stays open until Wednesday night.
1 If I were one of the 7 dwarves, I would be __________________________.
2. I think television is _____________________.
3. _________ is a rule that I regularly break.
4. I can’t believe _________ isn’t more popular.


  1. Oh I hope Jackie is soon out of the hospital and feeling better! So sorry The Great One won’t be living closer . . . that does look like a cool castle to keep for a while. XO

  2. We are praying for Jackie and hope she’s not only FINE but home soon. As for The Great One – I know you would have enjoyed having her and her family right down the street but let’s hope it does wind up being close so you can keep up your regular visits. The poem is GREAT – I hadn’t thought about it being HEALTHY in any way because it’s a tower of BAD STUFF (haha) but it sure does look YUMMY FOR THE TUMMY!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  3. It’s unbelievable how much land cost and how much it cost to build a house. My parents had hoped to build close to me, but it was just too expensive. They were able to find a house for sale at a reasonable price so now they live just up the road from me and it’s really nice having them so close. ~Alasandra

  4. I love Jackie too. She and Ivor are in my prayers.

    I love that you love to play with the great ones castle. You crack me up. I’m sorry they don’t want to live in your town.

    Love the poem. Looking at that gave me heartburn. Way to much meat.

    I’m all ready for the fill-ins tomorrow. Thank you for co-hosting.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  5. We heard about Jackie last night through Cat Blogospere. So sorry to here she’s in the hospital.
    The potato Head family look like they belong in that little house. It’s perfect for them.
    Sorry your niece won’t be living in town. Bummer.

  6. Sending prayers for Jackie! 🙏 Wow, that is a lot food and could feed a large family and more. It will be interesting to see the answers to the Friendly Fill-Ins.

  7. I have heard from folks all over the US about the price of building supplies and added to that the shortage of trucks to deliver them. That is a fine castle and poem. As much as I love a burger that one is too big.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We are purraying for Ms Jackie too. The Potato Head Family looks like they are enjoying the castle. Purrhaps so much s that getting ones face re arranged would be worth the it! The housing market is so strange right now. We hope your Niece, Hubby and the Great One can find ther purrfect home that is not too far from you. And we love your poem! It is purrfect for our Mom too! Except she says she is on the “see food” diet.

  9. 1. I would be Doc. Several of his characteristics fit me. 🙂
    2. I think television totally stinks. So except streaming some fave old stuff on Netflix, and Katie’s baby shows on PBS, it ain’t on.
    3. Keeping my mouth shut is a rule I regularly break.
    4. I can’t believe a peanut butter and pickle sandwich isn’t popular.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Katie must have her baby shows. 🙂 I must say ick on #4. 🙂 XO

  10. We purring and praying for Miss Jackie. We’re sorry The Great One’s family won’t live that close to you. It sure is a seller’s market right now everywhere.

    Mom pretty much always does intermittent fasting since she doesn’t eat breakfast.

    The Florida Furkids

  11. Miss Ellen wee purrin an purrayin fore Miss Jackie! Wee so wurried.
    An wee are so sorry that yore kewl idea fell apart…THE past 1 1/2 yeerss have terned our werld uppyside down….
    Mee iss sorry you cuud not build.
    LadyMew sayss you are entitelled to beein sad…shee not seen her furamillee inn 7 1/2 yeerss now….it iss pawthetick they nevurr came to vissit. An now they have a mew reeson 😉
    **purrss** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} LadyMew

    1. I am sorry it has been so long since your mum has seen her family. I wish I could see your mum in person someday. XO

  12. We too have all our paws crossed for Jackie and Mom is adding her prayers for her to be well again.

    Mom and Dad could sell our home in a day for a very good price, but they would be in the same boat with very low inventory on available homes. And the price of building new has skyrocketed. Mom would really like to downsize AND get a master bedroom/bathroom on the first floor. Crazy times.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. Thank you. They sold theirs in 3 days and made a big profit, but now they need to find one. I need another bathroom or an in-law suite for my mom.

  13. So much to think about, when you are deciding where and whether to buy or build. May they make a good decision that will be best for everyone. Hugs to you as you stand on the side and watch them go through this.

    Prayers for Ms. Jackie.

    Fun poem!

  14. It is too bad your niece does not want to live in your town.
    Hope they find a place that is not too far away.
    Mum and I are purring for Jackie <3
    Purrs, Julie

  15. The real estate market is so crazy right now! We had thought of selling our house too because the value has gone up so much, and then building a smaller house on our property next door. However, we can’t afford to build right now because of construction costs either! Crazy times!

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