Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! Before I start my post, I would like to have a moment of silence for Boomer of the Trout Talkin Tabbies. Rest in Peace


I am joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop because I am thankful that I got to see my Grammie and she brought me treats too. I love my Grammie so very much!

And now for my M poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day.

I hate taking pills
I would rather pay bills.
Twice a day, a pink med
Mom catches me in bed
And at night a liquid that is icky
it is even a little sticky
Taking meds stinks
I wish Mom would give them to Jinx.

We are also joining Wandering Through the Shelves Thursday Movie Picks.This week is  Remakes/Sequels you want to see made.

  1. Overboard, the Goldie Hawn movie would make a great remake with her daughter, Kate Hudson playing her role.
  2. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, imagine how much more fun it would be to skip school with the help of cell phones and modern technology.
  3. It’s a Wonderful Life, I would like to see a remake of that, the same time period and story just with new actors. I doubt it would be as good, but I would like to see someone try.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. I hope _______________________ gets renewed for another season.

2. My first crush was __________________________.

3.                             usually makes me                          .

4. If I were a super-hero, I would be                                       .


  1. Boomer will be missed. I have no doubt that St. Francis greeted him.

    Ferris would be an intertesting movie to remake, especially for the reasons you gave.

    Hugs! ❤

    1. I feel very bad for Boomer’s family. So sad that there are only 2 left at the Trout Talkin Tabbies.
      I wonder who could play Ferris? XO

  2. I am so very sorry to hear about Boomer. 🙁

    I am glad that you got to see Grammie and that she brought you treats, too. That is so sweet of her to do. I’m sure you gave her lots of sweet snuggles of appreciation.
    I’m sorry that you have to take icky medicine. I hope that you are better very soon.

    I think that a remake of It’s a Wonderful Life could be interesting, but it sure would seem weird seeing it with different actors. I saw the movie Scarlet, which was a sequel to Gone With the Wind. I hated it. It was too modernized; it didn’t have the same feel at all as GWtW. It just felt, I don’t know, dirty, I guess. And the actors just didn’t live up to the memory of Gable and Leigh and all the other great actors that were in GWtW.

    Who can you picture as the actors in an It’s a Wonderful Life remake?

    Have a blessed week!

    1. Gone with the Wind would be impossible to top. I didn’t know there was a sequel. I am not sure who I would choose for It’s A Wonderful Life. I hope you have a blessed week too.

  3. The problem with remakes, no matter how good they are, is that we feel that the first one we saw is the way it SHOULD be done and all others are cheap imitations. That was not true with When a Stranger Calls. The remake was better than the original.

  4. We were so sad to hear of Boomer’s passing too – I think Angel Sammy was there to meet him. In the meantime, Mom says I can tell you that your “M” poem was PURFECT! This is just the kind of thing Sammy would have said – YUCK on the meds!!! We’ll be here to fill-in tomorrow………

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. I am sure Angel Sammy was there for him too. Glad you like the M poem.XO

  5. It is so sad about Boomer. Love the poem about Meds. Sounds very familiar. Phoebe, glad you got some treats from Grammie. You all have a great day.

  6. We have been sending many purrs and prayers to Boomer’s family.

    Phoebe, we are so happy that you got to see your Grammie! But, yuck, meds are gross. We think your poem is fantastic, though, and that it should be made into a theme song for all kitties who have to take nasty meds.

    I really like your fill-ins for tomorrow, as always, so I’m off to go fill them in!

    1. Thank you, glad you liked the poem. We look forward to your fill-ins. We are sad for Boomer’s family.

  7. My heart goes out to Boomer’s friends and family.

    We don’t like taking medicine at our house, either!

    1. Yes, it would be a great remake, but 2 commenters said it is in the works, but not with Kate Hudson.

  8. Hahaha, Phoebe… you wish she would give the meds to Jinx. Poor Jinx! Hate that you have to take meds and I know your Mom wishes she didn’t have to give them to you but sometimes we have to do what we have to do. So happy you saw your Grammie!
    So sorry about Boomer… I didn’t know him but it is incredibly sad for his persons and it is always sad to hear about a loved pet that leaves us.

    1. Thank you, Jinx is lucky he has never needed meds. We are sad for Boomer’s family too.

  9. Found online: “Anna Faris, Eugenio Derbez to Star in ‘Overboard’ Remake With Leading Roles Reversed” from yesterday! We are sad about Angel Boomer too, and Phoebe you need to tell your Grammie to buy stock in cat treats companies!

    1. That is disappointing about Overboard, I want Kate Hudson. Very sad about Boomer. Maybe Phoebe should buy stock 🙂

  10. We were very sad to hear about sweet Boomer. Hey, treats are good though! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  11. So sorry about Boomer. It’s so hard to lose a four legged family member.

    Love the poem as always. Giving cats medicine is not for the weak.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

    1. It is sad whenever a beloved pet passes. Glad you like the poem. My Mom sends her best.

  12. We were so very sorry to read about Boomer. WE had no idea he was declining.
    He was a funny friend and we’ll miss him.

    I love your poem
    Hugs madi your bfff

  13. Interesting suggestions for remakes though in the case of It’s a Wonderful Life I’m against it. When something turns out so perfectly I’m loathe to see it tinkered with since it’s an impossible task to improve. There was actually a rethink of it made with Marlo Thomas in the 70’s called It Happened One Christmas where she played the Jimmy Stewart role obviously with a gender switch (with her being Mary & Wayne Rogers George but Marlo had all Jimmy’s story). It had a top flight cast with Cloris Leachman as the angel, now Clara instead of Clarence, and Orson Welles as Potter but it was only okay with none of the originals gossamer glow.

    A remake of Overboard was just announced but with Anna Faris rather than Kate Hudson. I can see that working since Faris shares many of Goldie’s comic gifts. I enjoyed the original but it’s hardly inviolate. Neither is Ferris Bueller but there the challenge would be to find someone as beguiling as Matthew Broderick was in the first.

    This was a fun exercise, and interesting to see what everyone thinks could be reworked or continued. Since we had multiple choice on the theme I went with the remake & sequel options. Sequel first:

    The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)-Sequels are tricky affairs usually a lesser shadow of the original but occasionally as with Aliens it works out well so I’m usually hopeful. Man from U.N.C.L.E. was a stylish, fast paced affair with a terrific vintage look and relaxed, enjoyable performances from the three leads and Hugh Grant as their wry boss. It didn’t perform as well as expected so this probably won’t happen which is too bad since it was a more realistic adventure with less reliance on CGI than most current actioners.

    And two remakes:
    I’m not much for remakes of classics, what’s the point? You can’t improve on perfection so unless a new perspective or element can be added leave well enough alone. My first is an example of adding a different element. However sometimes a good idea receives faulty execution, occasionally even the best filmmakers stumble and then I say have at it. That would be my second.

    8 Women (2002)-This French musical mystery farce is a one of a kind concoction, wonderfully entertaining with a cast full of the best feminine Gallic cast of the day (Catherine Deneuve, Fanny Ardant and Isabelle Huppert among them). It would have been hard for it to turn out better. But since women’s films and musicals are thin on the ground despite the abundance of talent available an American remake would be great to see especially since the cast runs across all adult age brackets, hell it even has a custom made role for Angela Lansbury as the matriarch.

    Topaz (1969)-Every great director has a lemon in their filmography, this exercise in boredom is Alfred Hitchcock’s. Sluggish to the point of ennui and indifferently acted it was difficult to get through even once. The thing is the basic story, a Russian agent defects and during his interview tells of another supposedly friendly country’s spy ring that is selling high risk secrets to the highest bidder, is a good one and has great potential to be made into an excellent film. If the studios feel the need to remake the Master’s work than start with this fumble and not one of his successes.

    1. I am with you on The Man from U.N.C.L.E. I haven’t seen these other 2. I am so disappointed that Kate Hudson isn’t going to be in Overboard.

  14. We’re really sad about Boomer. We are 100% sure St Francis was there to greet him as well as all of our Angels. His memorial post was beautiful and had us very leaky eyed.

    Great poem!!!!!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. I know St. Francis was there. That was a beautiful and very sad post.

  15. We were all so upset to hear Boomer that old butter lover had gone over the bridge. He lived a long full life full of fish.
    We LOVE your poem because we HATE medicine too
    Timmy and Family

    1. He did have a long life, but it is never long enough. Glad you like the poem.

    1. Same here, we know their lives are short so we cherish every moment.

  16. Phoebe, I’m glad you got to see your grammie and you got treats! The next time I have to take meds, I’m going to turn your poem into a song of my people.

    We are very sorry about Boomer and are thinking of his family.

  17. I am so sorry to hear about boomer…it is never easy when one loses a furry babe. We just lost one on Dec. 1st. I could not imagine remaking Its A Wonderful Life since that is my favourite film. Joel is right that they remade it with Marlo Thomas in the lead role but it pales in comparison. I almost picked Ferris Bueller myself but more as a sequel but it would be fun To see it remade considering the age of cell phones and selfies. I like Overboard and that would be fun to see it remade

    1. I am sorry you lost a furbaby too. Some other commenters said Overboard being remade is in the works, but not with Kate Hudson.

  18. TW is still crying over Boomer. That was such a touching and lovely post.

    1. I hope John Oliver gets renewed for another season.
    2. My first crush was Buzz Lucas.
    3. Silvervine usually makes me crazypants.
    4. If I were a super-hero, I would be Cat Woman.

    1. Boomer’s post was beautiful. Thank you for those great answers CK. My cats get crazypants with silvervine too. 🙂

  19. I’m not sure I’d like to see a remake of It’s a Wonderful Life. That movie is so great and I’m sure the new version would be a disgrace.

  20. Sorry to hear about Boomer. Always hurts to lose a pet. Yeah, I do like how we went down similar routes with one of our picks, things changed since The Breakfast Club and Ferris Buller were at school

  21. Boomer will be missed, but loved and cherished forever.

    Your poem is cute, and it tells your sentiments quite well…sorry you have to take yucky meds…but, on the other paw, we hope they do help.

    Pawppy loved the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and he took petcretary to see it once. She enjoyed it, too…but in truth movies are not ‘her thing’…

    1. Boomer will be missed, so sad there are only 2 Tabbies of Trout Towne left.
      We don’t go to the movies often, maybe once a year.

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