Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone!  We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop 

  Sammy is thankful he finished his 2 projects from Cat Scout Summer Camp. A memory board and a tin to fill with a survival kit. If you want to make your own survival kit, the link to the youtube video is below.




We are also joining  Sammy’s Poetry Day. Here is my poem to go with this photo prompt provided by Teddy’s mom:

Georgie was a boy of only three,

he had no desire to climb a tree.

He liked kissing girls to make them cry
little did he know she was going to punch him in the eye. 
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. If you are looking for _____________________, try __________________________.
2. _____________________________ fills me with hope.
3. It’s only a matter of time before _________.
4. _________ is my favorite conversation topic.


  1. WoW! Are wes furrst!?!!? Too bad that NEVER EVER happens on Sammy and Teddy’s Where in the World Tuesdays!
    Sammy, your memory board and survival tin look pawsome! And wes LOVES your poem!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  2. Sammy’s projects turned out GREAT! And your poem is the best …we love it! 🙂

    Hugs to you all, sweet pals.

  3. Ha ha ha! Now that, THAT is my kinda poem! We is gonna have to watch the survival-kit-in-an-Altoids-tin! Cause there’s not much room in there!

  4. GREAT job on the Scouts projects SammyP !! We also think you definitely got the poem for poetry day right – I have a feeling there might have been a little punch after that sneaky kiss………HAHA

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Oh that made me laugh this morning!!
    Love the badge with Susie on it! I’m a great fan of her as well! Sounds like her! Rabbles rabbles ree, kick ’em in the knee!

  6. The Hubby has Altoid tins, and tins from other mints and candy, filled with all kinds of crap…er, um…stuff, hidden here and there! Inside the glove box of the car, in drawers…they have screws, coins, nails, and various little pieces of things that need to be kept.

  7. Survival kits are ever so important.

    Love the poem. I laughed out loud at the ending.

    I’m all ready for the fill-ins. Great questions.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Big hug to you and scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  8. Ellen,

    The mini survival kit is quite neat. If I were an outdoorsy gal then this would certainly be in my day pack. Poor ole Georgie boy. I hope he put a steak on that sore eye and stays away from girls. They can be vicious! lol I grabbed your FFs and I’ll see ya tomorrow, my furriend!

  9. Well done, Sammy! You are a purrfect scout. And, as always, your poem had be happily laughing! Purrs!

  10. Mee-yow wow sammy yore furry tallented!! Grate projectss!
    An Miss Ellen yore poe-em iss heelareeuss an oh-so-guud! LadyMew iss LOL’in an mee iss MOL’in!!
    Yore furabuluss!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

  11. Please tell Sammy he forgot to put extra treats in his survival kit. He’ll need them while he waits for help. Purrs Snoops and Kommando Kitty

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