Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone!  We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop 

I am thankful the Halloween orange Kit Kats are back ( they are white chocolate, but colored orange). The first thing The Great One’s 2 year old sister says to me every week is, ” you bring me chocky?”  These are her favorite.

We are also joining  Sammy’s Poetry Day. Here is my poem to go with this photo prompt provided by Teddy’s mom:

No need to wait for a special day,

don’t let that groom get away.

Drive thru wedding at a great price

although we charge extra to throw rice.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. I feel like ________________.
2.  I wish I could exchange _____________ for _____________________.
3. It’s time for me to _________.
4. _________ is really tempting these days.


  1. That’s a cute poem! I’ve never heard of orange kitkats! I’ll give them a try!

  2. 1. I feel like I’m in the right home, but messing up (Laz).
    2. I (Laz) wish I could exchange Ayla fer Iza, from what I unnertand, Iza would have been a great playmate for me. Ayla just hisses.
    3. It’s time for me (Laz) to adapt.
    4. Marleys tail is really tempting to me (Laz) these days. Then we wrassle. I like that.

    1. Laz, thank you for these great answers. I think everything will work out in your new home. Good things take time. XO

  3. I love KitKats! Cute poem, I think it would have to be a drive thru with the size of that church.

  4. Love your poem…….!! Makes sense to charge extra for rice – these days it’s probably as expensive as the wedding is!

    Hugs, Pam

  5. Going to have to try the orange Kit Kats, they really call to me this morning. I didn’t even know they had them! Perfect colored accessory for Trouble. Hahaha on the poem and charging extra to throw rice! Good Morning!

  6. How fun. Cooler weather and Halloween. Candy too.

    Love your poem.

    I’m all ready for the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  7. That’s a very cute poem, we like! We hadn’t seen those orange kitkats either, but we used to have an orange kit kat that lived here. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. Kit Kat officianados are wild about their choice of chocky – never could get into Kit Kat myself, but oh, I can’t get enough Mounds! Best to The Great One, and I just love the poem for that sweet little chapel, extra for rice – too cute!

  9. I enjoyed white chocolate as a child. Now the dark stuff is my go-to if I’m craving sweets. 🙂 I like that image, and the poem. Well done.

    1. I can’t get into the dark, I know it is healthy for you, but I can’t.Glad you liked the poem. XO

  10. white chocolate is no longer a fave; used to eat it when I was a kid back in 1627;
    zero bars; we would stick them in the freezer !!! 🙂

    today’s poem is cute; liked the rice line !! 🙂 ♥♥

    1. That’s one great poem! After all, not efurrykitty can get to Vegas for the wedding–gotta have the Little Chapel in the Snow 😉 We wonder what will even happen on Halloween! Well, if there aren’t any trick-or-treaters, more for your mama to eat — can’t waste them, you know, MOL!

  11. Grate littel poe-em Miss Ellen!
    An there are Orangey KitKatss?? LadyMew sayss shee nevurr mew this…shee likess tryin mew choccie barss….seeressulee shee has a choccie ‘ddiction!
    **purrss** BellaDharma

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