Tapeworm Tuesday and IKEA

Happy Tuesday everyone! Still battling the fleas, but their troops are way down-I think I will win this war–eventually. In better news, the new IKEA catalog arrived yesterday and I had my hubby hide it πŸ™‚ If I start looking at it before I go to bed, I can’t sleep. I get so excited- I know I am pathetic.

Today is medical day and I am going to write about my next battle tapeworms. I know cats can get them from ingesting one flea, that happened to Stinky a few years ago. So I am going to assume all my cats have them, but there is no use deworming until the flea problem is completely gone. Here is an article I found about tapeworms: http://ladymeow.hubpages.com/hub/Fleas-Tapeworms .

I am going to keep this short- I must get to my IKEA catalog. Have a great day!


  1. UGH! The mom hates worms! And then to think we have them . . .

    We wanted to let you know the package came after the mom was hurt. She hasn’t let us open it yet because she is hoping she’ll be able to take some pix for a post about it soon. Her leg is still pretty bad . . . But thank you! It was a bright spot in a dark time.

  2. Thanks for stopping by and visiting with us a few times already, we just realized that your blog link was on your Google + page, anyhoo nice to meet you all and sorry to hear about the pesky fleas, we really hope you can send them packing for good and pronto! (PS: We know what you mean about the IKEA catalogue, we like it too!)

  3. Yep those tapeworms be no fun at all. Meez had them when meez came to live wiff mommy. Cuz meez wuz only 3 weeks old mommy kuldn’t tweat me wiff da pills, hers had tu use a natuwal home wemedy on me.. At least it tasted good. MOL Good luck wiff yous fleas and worms.

    Luv ya’


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