1. Thank you. Friday always does that to him. She cuddles me, but not like that. XO

  1. What a beautiful tuxie was Emmy. And yes, the Cat on my Head had such lovely memorials for Emmy. We think of you daily and feel the loss too. Time heals but words don’t really help with sorrow. Still, we send love and hugs. Love the kitties on their papa.

  2. Morning Ellen .
    WOW I took a chance and lo and behold your blog actually came up
    Happy Sunday Selfie to all the sweet kitties. Kitties love their Daddy
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. Tuffy has come a long way Aunty! Doin a Selfie! Rite on!
    Bridget yore lookin gorgeeuss!
    Friday yore so sweet an {{huggin}} Unkell 😉
    An Trouble yore just so ADOORBSS!
    May Emmy’ss name bee fore a Blessin allwayss
    **paw kissess** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

  4. Trouble always looks slightly worried but so sweet and I love the beautiful cards. It’s lovely people care and are so creative.

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