1. Lookin guud there Brody an Trouble! An well dun Elvira…you are makin progress!
    An Aunty Ellen mee can tell you mee iss heartbroked over losin mee Sistur. An BellaSita Mum cried fore 2 hourss today an made herself sick!!
    Mee herded ehr back to bed fore a few hourss to reed an then nap with mee.
    It hit her hard cause today wuud have been Unkell Siddhartha’ss birfday….
    Sumhow wee gptta carry on…..sumhow….
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  2. We are so sad about the loss of Little Binky. I will miss her, and I know that so many others will too. That’s a lovely memorial picture of her. And very cute photos of your kitties! XO

  3. Looking good, Brody and Trouble! And how nice to see Elvira in the living room. 🙂

    We are devastated about Little Binky’s passing. She has been such a great friend to so many of us, and we will love and miss her forever.

  4. Lovely selfies from everyone. Little Binky will be sadly missed.

  5. Little Binky was one of a kind…..we all loved her beautiful outlook on life. I will miss her so very much. Love the selfies! Nice of Elvira to make an appearance.

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Wonderful selfies, Ellen. I, too, am sad to read about dear Binky. I’ve been slogging my way through trying to thank everyone directly for all of the kind words, hugs, prayers and love, and learned of poor Binky’s passing on the way. I’ve saved an especially heartfelt “Thank You” for you for all of the kindness and love you’ve shared throughout. The catnip mat you sent Cleo is freshly laundered and folded, and is sitting on our kitchen island with Cleo’s pink collar resting atop it. As with her food and water dishes and the assorted ramps and steps I made for her, they’ll stay where they are for the time being. As when old Orbit passed, we can’t quite bring ourselves to get rid of these things. Risking going on way too long, I’ll just finish up with repeating my From-the-Bottom-of-Our-Hearts Thank You for all you do. And perhaps our next trip to New England might allow time to include a stop in your neighborhood to meet you in person.

    1. Leave Cleo’s belongings out forever if you want to. We have so many things around the house to keep our angels in memory. I do hope we can meet in person someday.

  7. HI beautiful kitties! Glad we got to see Elvira.

    Losing Little Binky was so hard, we’re all missing that sweet baby. Hugs.

  8. What a lovely bright quilt portrait. It’s lovely and so are you!

    Little Binky? The whole cat blogosphere is devastated so thank you for honouring her. I just cried, honestly.

    1. Elvira is finally adjusting. I am sad about Binky too, she was a sweet girl. XO

  9. Charlee: “We were very sad to hear about Little Binky. She was such a good friend to us all.”
    Chaplin: “Hey it sounds like an Elvira sighting in the living room is kind of like a sighting of Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe you can sell the picture to the National Enquirer!”

  10. Yet another loss. ~sigh~ Thank you for being so wonderful to family and friends, Ellen. ~hugs~ By the way, clicking on sweet Little Binky’s link led nowhere. Did the grieving family close their home page, do you think?

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