Sunday Selfies


We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

Rosie and Ethel are not related, but they look like they could be.
Emmy, Rosie and Joanie. We used to joke that Angel Phoebe had clones of herself because she was everywhere, and we think Rosie did the same.
Lucy likes to sleep in the boat.
Penny just informed me that Monday is a holiday, so she is taking Tuesday off.


  1. This made me giggle. Thank you. ~hugs~ Reading your posts is almost as much fun as watching Polly Esther Dactyl playing with her red and blue fish you gifted us. 😀

  2. Lovely selfies from everyone. Penny, you seem to be taking a lot of time off lately and delegating to Rosie!

    1. Penny does do other work, she helps her dad when he cooks and she is the official door greeter. XO

  3. Those cats certainly are running the show (hahahaha) – they have their own schedules and heaven forbid if they clash with the humans in the household!!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. Everyone said exactly what Mom was going to say! Penny, you are the BOSS around there!!

  5. Charlee: “Area 51? Did you find any aliens there?”
    Chaplin: “Or Men in Black?”
    Charlee: “Who are the Men in Black?”
    Chaplin: “…. I feel like I should know but I can’t remember.”

  6. We can’t get over how much Rosie and Ethel look alike. They all look cute and adorable.
    Joanie seems to take a lot of time off, is she feeling OK?

  7. Rosie and Ethel look like twins ! Penny, It looks like you’re taking your schedule seriously. Great selfies ! Purrs

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