Sunday Selfies

Hi everyone! We hope you all had a nice Christmas. Ours was great until my hubby and I got sick. Something we ate didn’t agree with us. That is why this post is late and we don’t have selfies with Santa ( we will show those Wordless Wednesday).

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

Rosie is checking out her new boat scratcher.

Sammy scored a big container of treats (for sharing) and fishy toy.  He deserves even more for taking such good care of me.



  1. I am so sorry you both were sick. I imagine there will be others if it was a food- bourne illness. May you be better and better every minute! XX

    1. Thank you. We are better. 🙂 My mom was the only other one and she got a little sick- probably because she didn’t eat as much as us piggies. XO

  2. Uhoh…….now that’s not a fun way to spend the day after Christmas! Well hopefully you and the hubby guy will feel better soon. That boat scratcher is totally fabulous……

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Oh, We are sorry you and your hubby got sick, Ms. Ellen! We hope your managed to enjoy Chrissymouse nonetheless.
    Trixiw, Caspurr and Shimshi.

  4. I am sorry you both got sick and hope you quickly feel better. That is a great boat scratcher.

  5. So sorry y’all got a bit sick, and hope it’s better today.
    Kitty toys are always so cute, and they sure do like to investigate anything new. 🙂

  6. Oh, dear…such a bummer of a day for you and your hubby…hope you are feeling a whole lot of better now. Sending some POTP and love to help you feel 100%!

    That is a swell boat scratcher!! Now Rosie can travel the seven seas! LOL!

    Sammy is a sweetheart:)

  7. Deerest Aunty an Unkell wee furry sorry you both got sick…CATFISH! That iss no way to cellybrate!!
    Mee iss sendin tripell POTP fore a quik reecovurry!
    Rosie that iss one seeress Scratcher…an a boat….furry kewl!!
    An Sammy yore fishy toy lookss grate an treetss are pawsum!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

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