1. MOL We luv it Phoebe. And we think you look very purretty. Sorry you’re gettin’ snow. We sure hope we don’t anytime soon. Stay warm and toasty. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  2. We knew from the weather maps that you would get “hammered” with the white stuff…..that is a LOT of snow! Hope you do NOT lose power and that you all stay nice and warm and cozy (Phoebe I hope your treat supply is adequate!).

    Love, Angel Sammy

    1. Hammered is the word. We hope not to lose power and internet tomorrow when it is going to be wet snow and sleet. XO

  3. Oh, I love this for its beauty and its humour (“help”)! You did really well with this. Excellent! You are so creative, my friend. Me? Not so much, but I sure appreciate it! Have a safe, warm weekend with your loved ones. Hugs.

    1. You are the only one who noticed the HELP! 🙂 Thank you for the compliment. You are very creative, I have read lots of your writing and it is all wonderful. XO

  4. I think snow is best kept inside a snow globe. It’s not so great when it gets out in the world at large. Pretty, but too cold. You make a very pretty snow globe too, Phoebe!

  5. Oh, we’d love to have a snow globe as pretty as that! It sure sounds like you all might need to hunker down and stay snug and cozy inside this weekend. But that means more cuddles, right? So it might turn out okay! Warm wishes to all of you!

  6. Don’t get cabin fever, Phoebe! Here’s hoping that your whole family and friends come out the other side if this snow storm in perfect shape!

  7. I hope you enjoy your snow. We’ve had a wet winter here. Way too much water,

    Have a purrfect day, Phoebe. My best to your wonderful peeps. ☺

    1. This snow was light and fluffy so it was easy to move, tomorrow it is going to be a wet snow with sleet.

  8. I’m not sure exactly where you’re located but your weather sounds just like ours here in NH! Though we didn’t get quite that much snow, so I’m guessing you are probably somewhere south of us in New Engladn.
    I guess winter has finally decided to make it’s appearance! We’re trying to look on the bright side, so we got our snowshoes out. 🙂

    1. Yes, I am in western Massachusetts. Good idea, we should get ours out too 🙂

  9. We just had snow here too!
    To bad the humans don’t know how to drive in it…
    Have a wonderful weekend,

    Noodle and crew

    1. I am not good t driving in it so I stay in. We are going to get another foot tomorrow.

  10. Yo, that’s cool how the snow is coming down in the snow globe. We got 10 inches Thursday but it’s supposed to be too warm to snow tonight altho north western NJ will get a few inches.

  11. Hopefully Phoebe is looking through the snow glob and not feeling trapped inside! I’m glad we don’t have snow here.

  12. We saw that you were having way too much snow…we had a dusting here but today we had rain and its all gone. The temps are above freezing here. Not normal for here at this time of the year.

    Stay warm, cozy and safe! Phoebe, you look cute in that globe, but we think you must feel a bit trapped in there…the snowed in feeling we imagine.

  13. MEE-YOU MEE PURRFECT Purrincess inn a snowyglobe!! True eternal beeutee Phoebe gurl….
    An wee saw mews frum yur State last nite an there was a lot of snow! An wee gettin more snow here all so!
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~ xxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince. You have a lot more snow than we do, it is a tough winter. XO and paw kisses and nose rubs.

  14. Wow!! That’s a lot of snow!! Please, keep it up north! We don’t want it down here. Although if we got that much snow mom could stay home from work and I would like that very much!!

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