Selfie Sunday with Phoebe

Happy Sunday everyone! I am very happy because this week all the Christmas cd’s will get put away until Thanksgiving. Mom says we have to wait for the 3 Kings on January 6th. They must sneak in like Santa because I have never seen them. She says they bring gifts, but I have never gotten one from them. That is Dad’s birthday too so I always figured she put the Christmas music away and stopped singing as a gift to Dad. Mom hasn’t been singing anyway because of her cold.

Sammy got his first kiss on New Year’s Eve at Cat Scouts. He has been courting Maggie since Valentine’s Day and he finally asked for a smooch. It was his first kiss if you don’t count the 500 a day that the Mama’s boy he gets from Mom every day.


We got a WordPress report card the other day :

I want to thank our top 5 commenters of the year:

And thank you to everyone who has commented! My sweet purrince loves me a lot to comment 683 times last year. And I love him too. And you know who I love so very much? My Grammie- I got to see her yesterday.

We are joining The Cat on My HeadCat4-001002

Here’s my selfie. I was so excited when Mom came home with this, I thought it was to store cat treats in, but she said no- phooey! Can anyone guess what she is planning to put in this?

And the winner of the Grumpy Cat Giveaway is Mario – Congratulations! And don’t worry, Mom will include some catnip toys for you.





  1. great selfie!!! We would have commented most of the year if we COULD have!! MOL!! (you know the technical difficulties we were having with your blog most of the year)………

    Wow, it’s only 9:49 pm here in Michigan…….it’s Sunday already where you are?

    1. I am sorry you were unable to get our posts for most of the year. I hope that doesn’t happen again. We are thankful to everyone who comments on our posts. Yes, I posted really early last night because I was going to bed early and I still haven’t figured out how to set up an automatic posting time. XO

  2. Hooray for Mario!!

    And Happy Birthday a wee bit early to your Daddy!
    If meowmy waited until Jan 6 to put away her decorations it would nevfur happen around here, MOL!

    We nevfur see those kings,either…and are they not traveling around on those huge camels?? We don’t even smell them, nor does dog-guy warn us about them…sheesh, what are we missing? More gifts, yes, we need more gifts, MOL!!

    Hoe your Mom can sing Happy Birthday to your Daddy, Phoebe:)

    1. Thank you, I will let Daddy know you wish him a Happy Birthday. The whole kings and camels confuses me- I would definitely accept gifts if they come here though. I think Daddy will prefer if she can’t sing- MOL! XO

  3. Great selfie… although I have no idea what your human is planning to do with that thing. It looks like it would be a perfect treat dispenser to me!

    1. Thank you- it would be the perfect treat storer and there is a place for coins so I could charge the other kitties for treats 🙂

  4. Sammy had his first smoochie huh? That’s great……and YOUR biggest commenter is of course your sweet Prince Siddhartha – no surprise there! We’re not sure what your Mom is planning for that candy dispenser – – – I think kitty treats would be a great idea – maybe she’ll put gum balls in it?????

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Thank you Sammy, you are a top commenter too 🙂 Mom says good guess on the gumballs, but that is not what she is going to use it for. XO

  5. Happy New Year to all the Pilch’s. Phoebe great selfie. You are very photogenic. Way to go Sammy P. A mancat always remembers his first non-mom kiss. You are a very lucky guy. Maggie is a beautiful self assured young lady cat.
    Concats to Mario for being your first winner of 2016.
    We thinks the gum ball machine going to be a planter…..
    Scout Charles

    1. Happy and healthy 2016 to you and your family! Thanks for saying I am photogenic 🙂 Good guess on the gumball machine being a planter, but that is not what she is going to use it for 🙂

  6. Happy New Year! We love your selfie, Phoebe. I’m with you – it would make a great treat dispenser. Congrats to Sammy on his first kiss!! And congrats to Mario for winning!!!

    1. Happy 2016 to you and your family Toby, I certainly hope it is better than 2015. Sammy says thank you.

    1. Thank you Brian, you are very sweet. Maybe if Mom keeps reading that everyone agrees about the treat dispenser, she will let me have it.

  7. Big concats to Mario.
    Oh Phoebe you do have a sweet Grammie!
    Those are super selfies.
    Happy Sunday Selfies!!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  8. Is it for gumballs? I agree, Phoebe, that it would make a great treat dispenser. That sure is a cute picture of Sammy and Maggie and your selfie is great!

    Pierrot is seen gazing at his lovely Snowball’s picture every day. 🙂

    1. It is a gumball machine, but Mom has other plans for it. That is sweet that Pierrot gazes at Snowball’s photo every day. We hope he doesn’t have asthma, but if he does, you can get him some meds for that.

  9. Our Christmas festivities go on until January 6th as well! We still have all of our decorations up, and the Christmas music is still going. I don’t think my furbabies much like my singing either, Phoebe. Tell your dad happy birthday for me!

    Concatulations to Mario! Purrs to all!

  10. A big congrats to Mario. That is terrific. So glad you got so many comments, That is always fun. And Phoebe, that is one great selfie. You are good at that. Have a great Sudnday.

    1. Thank you , I love selfie Sundays. Mom says I should let the other kitties get in on it too though.

  11. Concats to top commenters… wow… guess we’ve been missing out on commenting…with Mom running all over the place checking in on all us kitties…
    We am wishing your dad a furry happy purrthday and purring your mom stays feeling betters… Thanks for stopping by and purring fur Guero and Angel.

    Furry interesting selfie… the Mom am trying to help us figure out what you am going to do with that… howsumever the only thing we could come up with was chicken… but that’s cause we likes chicken… Mom said a chicken would not fit in da spinster… and I said pooh.

    -Benjamin Little Bear,
    who always thinks everything should be chicken
    unless it am a box, then box am mine.

    1. Thank you for commenting , we know you are very bust and we are grateful to anyone who takes the time to read this. Chicken is a unique idea, but that is not it. 🙂

  12. How nice fur Sammy to get hims furst kiss on New Years. We betcha yous mommy’s gunna put money in her gumball machine. Or maybe actually gumballs. MOL Concats to Mario. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Those are good guesses, but that is not what she is going to put in it. It did have 14 cents in it when she bought it. She got it at Hobby Lobby and it was making a rattling sound, I guess people in the store were playing with it 🙂 XO

  13. Conkatulayshunss Mario at on winnin thee contest!! Well dun!
    An Phoebe yur selfie iss adoorabull…..because YOU ARE adoorabull…
    An mee finks that wood bee a purrfect treet dispenser….ladymum syss it iss a gumball masheen…what efurr that iss……
    An mee an LadyMum all most fainted when wee saw wee are at thee top of thee Comminterss List!!! WOO HOO!!!
    Mee luvss you so berry much mee swee Purrincess….mee wood commint a bazillion timess a day if Ladymum wood let mee 😉
    ***paw kissesss**** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ yur commintin Purrince,
    Siddhartha henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Pee S.: Sammy thee ferst kiss you will all wayss reememburr!

    1. I was very proud to say my purrince was top commenter 🙂 Thank you my sweet boy. It is a gumball machine, but that is not what Mom is going to put in it. XO and lots of love and paw kisses to you too.

    1. Humans are egocentric and she is putting something of Daddy’s in there, but not food. Happy 2016!

  14. Fun selfie! Sammy, congrats on your conquest! Cute girlfriend! Pretty soon, you guys will be rolling in catnip! Phoebe, I love the picture of you and the blue machine compliments your orange and white good looks. So I give up, w hat’s going to go in it? Gumballs? Kibble? Cat treats?

    1. Sammy is blushing 🙂 No one has guessed yet, so we will let everyone keep guessing and tell all later in the week. 🙂

  15. What great stats for the year. 366 posts in one year is pretty amazing. Keep up the good work. We were happy to see that purrticipating in Sunday Selfies has brought traffic to your site. Thanks for hopping into the new year with us! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. Your wordpress report card must have been straight A’s!
    No gumballs? Maybe it could be a goldfish tank?
    I think treats would be pretty perfect in there.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red

  17. I love your selfie Phoebe! I think your mom is going to put peanuts in that little machine. I would pop by for a visit if she put cat treats in it.
    You are such a cutie pie Phoebe.

    Kitty Kisses,

    Kali and Shoko

    1. Thank you for saying I am cute 🙂 She says no treats in it- phooey! And I was going to charge the other kitties for them, like a kitty vending machine. XO

  18. Mes thinks that is the bestest cat treat container EVER!!!!
    And we has family birthdays on January 6th (and 7th) too!
    Lots of New Year Kisses all round from mes to yous!

    1. I think so too, but mean Mom says no. She will show everyone what is in it on Tuesday. Whose birthdays are the 6th and the 7th? Nic Cage’s b’day is on the 7th 🙂 Thank you for the New Year’s kisses sweet Nellie, we are sending you kisses, hugs and love to you and your Mom.

  19. Fun selfie, Phoebe! Is your Mom putting gumballs in there? Or some other yummy candies? Congrats to Mario on the win! Purrs to your Mom, we hope she feels better real soon.

    1. Thank you, Good guesses, but no, she isn’t putting any food in there. Mom is doing better, she is just a baby so she can con Dad to wait on her.

  20. Phoebe it took me so long to get to the bottom of the comments that I forgot what I was going to say!! MOL Of course your Purrince would be the best commenter! 🙂 We are just glad we can get your blog post notifications now!! xx

    1. I am very glad you can get them now too. I know a lot of people/kitties had trouble getting them for a long time. XO

  21. Mee was so sirprized to bee TOP comminter….mee was all puffed up today with Purride!!! 😉
    An LadyMum sayss gumball will become a fish bowl? Maybee the pain medss have gotten to her brain???
    Mew mew mew…..
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

    1. I was puffed with pride too that my sweet purrince was top commneter. Thank you my love.
      No fishies in the bowl. XO

  22. Any time mee sweet buttercup gurl who mee wershipss with all mee heart <3
    Mew mew mew so much fur fishiess inn thee gumball masheen….
    ***paw kissesss*** an **tummy tickulsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxx

  23. What will you put inn yur own gumball masheen mee purrty Purrincess???
    Treetss??? 😉 or maybe $money$ coins???
    **nose kissesss** an ~~head rubsss~~
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I would put treats in it, but maybe not because Joanie and Sammy would find a way to open it and take them all. XO

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