1. Brody passed out, he was so happy to get a headbonk and nose kiss from his lovely Leia. XO

  1. What an excellent selection! It would take Mrs H a month of Sunday Selfies to get two let alone three types of me. Thought if I did hers I could probably get five different types in an afternoon whilst she napped! Mol
    Toodle pips and purrs

  2. Precious! Thank you for the smile. Be well, my dears!

    Oh, and thanks for the comment on my fiction snippet. ~grin~ I’d probably run, too.

  3. You all definitely showed your distinctive personalities in your selfies. Brody, you are decidedly studly. Thanks for being hoppers. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  4. You completely smoochable babies!

    pee ess: now for some reason you, Brian’s home, Island Cats and Summer no longer recognize me. I have to fill it all back in. You are all worth the trouble. XX

    1. Thank you for taking the time to fill in yor info every time, I wish I knew how to fix it. XO

  5. Awww, what cute selfies. Think about you all a lot. I don’t do pet blogging any longer. I have two blogs and Facebook and that keeps me busy. I don’t make it around to visit pet blogs very much. Thank you for visiting my new bog. Hugs and nose kisses to all of you from Pooh, Chancy and Mags

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