Selfie Sunday

Hi everyone! You caught me sharpening my nails 

I saw Grammie Thursday and Saturday. I love her so very much! I even waited for her right by the door. Sadly, I have a lot of free time now. I used to spend a lot of time giving Snowball a bath.

I miss her so much.

Mom was so worried about Snowball that our 3rd Blogoversary came and went on May 23rd. It doesn’t seem like it has been so long since we got started. We are thankful for all the friends we have made these last 3 years. And I am thankful that my purrince found me too.

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop and The Pet Blogger Showcase. Here are some selfies:

Little too close Joanie Brody KaTwo Prancie Penny Emmy or Oscar?



  1. Mee-you has it been 3 hole yeerss mee sweet buttercup??? Time sure flies doesn’t it…like a giant eagle on soarin wingss….like mee LUV fur you mee deerest Phoebe….
    An mee iss sorry that yur missin Snoball so muchl you were so close as Sisfurss…mee wishes mee could bee there an you could bath mee an mee wood snuggull you an comfort you…
    Fankfullee you have yur Pawentss an sweet Grammie an all yur fursibss….
    An all yur selfiess are wunderfull speshell yurss Phoebe…..
    All mee LUV fur ever an ***paw kissesss*** an ~~tummy tickullsss~~ yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you, I will never give another kitty a bath again- unless I ever get to meet you in purrson. I love you so much my sweet boy. XO and paw kisses and tee-hee-hee, I am very ticklish today.

      1. Mee iss sorry yur so sad Phoebe about Snowball. mee iss sad still about Pappaw ‘King’ George beein taken away bye Coyotess last year an guess what?? Mee Mumma Tori’ss Sisfur Aunty Shelly gotted taken bye thee stinkin Coyotes befur Winter….mee iss still berry 🙁 mee can tell you!!!
        Butt wee have each other an that meenss ALOT to mee….
        Let thee lickety lickin begin mee buttercup!!
        ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~tummy tickullsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. I am sorry about your Pappaw and Aunty Shelly. Life is so sad sometime. XO and paw kisses and tee- hee tummy tickles

  2. We are hoping that soon you will feel better, Phoebe. Missing a good furry furend is not easy, for furblings or the peeps. Purrs and hugs to you all.
    ((((( ♥ )))))

    We are thinking that not-skunk-kitty is Emmy! Look how delicate her pawsies are. (S)he has white socks too:)
    What soulfur deep eyes, too…OMC.

    1. Oh, and oops, those are all great selfies!
      Brody did truly well, and did the newest meower!
      Your selfie on the scratcher is head on, Phoebe! Love it!

  3. Very nice pics of you, and my heart hurts for you over the loss of Snowball. The new cat also looks beautiful.

  4. Well done multiple selfies this Sunday! I hope Emmy/Oscar can be brought into the family soon – she/he sure could use a good grooming poor baby…..sure has pretty furs! We know you all miss Snowball – it’s just not the same when someone you’ve loved for so long is suddenly GONE. Big Hugs.

    Love, Teddy and Mom

    1. Thank you. Mom hopes the new kitty will move in soon, possibly Wednesday if it is FELV/FIV negative. XO and love to you both

  5. Concatulations on the anniversary! Lovely girl, we are so sorry your furriend has passed away from you. And Brody, you are looking super handsome today!

  6. I can see why your blogiversary wasn’t a time to celebrate but maybe now is a good time to say Happy Blogiversary. Your day falls on my son’s birthday.

  7. Concats on your Blogoversary!! Love the selfies, and am itching to know more about that black-n-white mystery kitty! Purring for Angel Snowball

  8. All of you sweet little ones are a smile on my mom’s face this morning. Thank you, all of you for appearing. And mom and I know how hard it is not to have a loved family member there to play with and meow to. Smoochies sweet heart. My mom and I still miss Spooky.

  9. Such a wonderful collection of selfies! We understand how much you must all miss your Snowball. Even with a houseful of pets, just one loss leaves an empty spot.

  10. Happy belated Bloggy-versary! Sweet Phoebe we are so sorry you are missing Snowball, it is so hard when someone you luv so much is gone. Sending you all extra luvs today.
    Marty, Mom and the Gang

  11. Awww, Phoebe I know you miss Snowball. Wish I could make it better.
    Glad you saw Grammie!
    Happy Third Blogoversary… I am so happy to have found this sweet wonderful cat blog.
    Emmy/Oscar seems to be making him/her self right at home! Love all the selfies this morning!

  12. We know you miss sweet Snowball, but she is certainly watching over you each and every day. You all took such fantastic selfies. Emmy/Oscar is even already a pro like the rest of you! And, of course, happy blogoversary!

    1. Thank you. Yes, Emmy/Oscar seems to like the camera, I hope he/she likes hats too 🙂

  13. Phoebe you do have that sly, proud look of a cat caught sharpening her claws. Missing Snowball, too whose acquaintance we made a long time ago!~ Have a good Sunday, gang, though I know its still a sad time!

  14. What a shame about Snowball. I’m sad to say that Tilly and Jezebel didn’t seem to care at all when Luna passed away. But Luna only really cared about me, her soul mate human. ~grin~ Still miss that little queen of a cat. Great photos, all. Be well!

    1. That is sad when cats don’t miss family members. We all grieve differently though so they may have grieved in their own way.

  15. Happy Belated Blogoversary!! Great selfies! We know how much you miss Snowball. It’s so hard when a pal leaves for the Bridge. We think Emmy/Oscar did a super job.

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Hi Phoebe. Really glad that you got to see Grammie tis week, twice. That sure must have lifted the spirits. Happy belated blogoversary, it sure has been fun visiting you all each week since we discovered the internet and Sunday Selfies. Sending you best wishes and gentle purrs for Snowball. Your family selfies are a delight, and I oft wish I had a bigger family to share the place with, but that cream supply is only so big MOL

  17. Hey guys, beautiful selfies and we too were so furry sad abut Snowball, and are so sorry fur your loss. Mew have been in our purrayers and thoughts.

    We did add Snowball to our Memorial Mandala last Monday, just in case mew missed it.

    Big hugs and gentle purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  18. Awww, you’re so precious. I know you and your mom miss Snowball. We all know that.

    We also know you love your Grammie very much too.

    Sometimes when life happens you forget things. It’s all good. Happy 3rd blogoversary.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  19. Gotta say those are beautiful selfies. Sorry you miss Snowball so much. It’s hard to lose a friend. We know how much you and your Mom loved her.
    Happy 3rd Blogoversary!
    All the best to you sweet Phoebe and to your family.
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  20. Phoebe, I remember you saying that Snowball liked to spend time with you. How nice that you took good care of her. We miss this gentle girl too.

    Everybody’s selfies look great! We are very happy to see so many of you in one post. We’re excited to hear more about Emmy or Oscar!

  21. Happy belated blogoversary ! Missing Snowball just helps you remember the good times too. Did Grammie have treats ? (I know you love her ayway!) All the selfies are great !

  22. We holpe you can find someone new to groom. ? Nice to see everyone’s pics, and we love the names for the new guy/gal.

  23. Snowball leaving was so much of a shock to us that we didn’t have much to say. I’m sure you miss her Phoebe. She is at peace now.

    The selfies are fantastical. Wow what a beautiful family.


  24. I’m sorry about Snowball. It can be hard to celebrate things like blogiversaries at a time like that, but 3 years is momentous. Congrats!

    Thanks for joining the Pet Blogger Showcase!

  25. i can’t even imagine what Frodo or Zulu would do it one of them passed–they so love washing each other and cuddling by the fire. I hope you find a new cat to wash Phoebe! Maybe Emmy or Oscar!

  26. How nice to see so many of you today. We feel as if we don’t know some of you all that well. Phoebe, we hope you are not grieving too much for Snowball. It is so hard to lose your friend. We continue to send purrs and prayers as well as congratulations on your third anniversary. Time speeds by so quickly. We really hope you’ll keep up the blogging for a long time to come. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  27. You look precariously balanced on that scratcher.
    When my Smokey passed away, it took her kitty brother Felix a few weeks to stop looking for her and get back to a more normal routine. Animals grieve for each other and it will just take time for everyone to find their new normal.

  28. We are Still sad about Snowball. Mom is working on something special for you and Phoebe and hope to get it in the mail soon. I love the selfie of Sweet Penny and Simons glad Joanie got so close to the camera It makes it easier for him to kiss her

    1. Thank you, we miss Snowball very much. Penny and Joanie send kisses to you and Simon and lots of love too! XO

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