It’s Saturday, How About a Contest?

Happy Saturday everyone!  I wish every day was like today, it is 58 degrees ( it is going to warm up a little)-I like being chilly. I have another contest to announce, but first, a product to tell you about.

One day when I was in Staples with my mom, I spotted this cute tape dispenser. 001I asked my mom to get it for me for Christmas, but she got it for me that day ( yes, I am a brat). I couldn’t find one listed on Staple’s website, but I found one here:

Now for the contest- now that the weather is cooler, I have been thinking about baking. Hopefully, you are too because I have this adorable cat spatula and 2 cat cookie cutters as a prize along with a couple crocheted pumpkins for the kitties. 002003To enter, please follow us on Twitter: If you already follow, consider yourself entered and if you don’t have Twitter then just leave a comment on here. Thank you for reading this blog.


  1. We could really sink our teeth into those adorable pumpkins. Hope we win. Hope you will join us tomorrow for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Weez didn’t even wealize dat wuz a tape dispenser. Dat’s vewy cute. 🙂 And of course weez alweady be followin’ yous all on Twitter. Not dat weez know how to keep up wiff Twitter yet, da one and only “conversation weez had went way to fast and weez got lost and almost didn’t make it out. MOL What a cute spatula. Mommy’s in da bakin’ mood too, but hers will hav to wait till weez get back home and can get ow house back to weady and workin’ order. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I am so happy for you Lexi and Dezi and your mom that you will have all new stuff in your apartment. I hope everything goes well. I have trouble with Twitter too, but I am trying. Thank you for following us- you are entered in the contest.

  3. That is one cute tape dispenser! Wes has been loving your comments on our blog, but wes not had much time to goes and comment back, Thanks yous!!!

    1. You are still entered, if you don’t have a Twitter account all you had to do is comment and you did 🙂

  4. OH THAT SPATULA! OH OH OH! And the pumpkin! I had come to tell you again that the blue ball you sent me is my most favorite ball in the world! I mean it. LOVE it.

    I am following you on Twitter and I am @Katiebella2. xxoo

    1. I am glad you like your ball, Katie. Thanks for following us on Twitter, I will make sure I am following you too.

  5. Oh what a great giveaway…super cute cat spatula, love it and the tape dispenser is so cool too! We follow you on twitter & would like to enter please. Have an easy Sunday, kitties!

  6. What cute STUFF for a contest! We love your crocheted toys….those pumpkins are precious….Mom could have used that spatula this morning – she was baking biscotti !! We don’t have twitter so we’re commenting here……and sending Sunday Hugs too.


  7. Well rats, we don’t tweet…but those are some cute things! Mommy saw the cat cardy at Target and tried it on, but she didn’t like how it looked (she says she’s to busty, whatever THAT is, MOL).

  8. Hi to ALL of you! 🙂 Thanks for dropping by our blog. We are looking forward to getting to know you better! Those are lovely giveaways. The pumpkins are especially adorable. I know a few cats over here who would love to bat them around! We would love to enter your contest. See you soon!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. Thank you for inviting us over …there’s thirteen of us…will we all fit?
    Mummy Janey is a baker…she went all googly eyed over the prizes.
    Love The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx
    Pee Ess We don’t have Twitter so we had to comment here.

    1. You are entered. Sure, there is always room for more, good to see another big kitty family. Thanks for stopping by, we love making new friends.

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