J. Lo is Desperate for Money

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is ROAR day and once again I wish I could donate more than $10,but I know anything helps as well as spreading the word. Last week I saw a cute kitty that was rescued , but could end up back out on the street. Brian’s Home blog brought this to my attention: http://www.brianshomeblog.com/page/2.

J. Lo is the kitty’s name and despite the name, I think she is adorable and want to help her cause. Here is the link to help if you can afford to, if not, please share-that helps too. http://foreverhomewanted.com/2014/10/09/j-lo-the-cat-needs-help-funding-her-surgeries-and-needs-a-home-greenville-sc/. This poor little girl, and I mean little is full grown at 4 pounds. She had a prolapsed rectum that needed surgery- ouch!

blog11This is Barney, we named her that because she showed up at the barn one day. We had her for 10 years and last year she passed away quickly from liver failure, but we don’t know what caused it. She was a sweet lap cat and we miss her very much. This was her as a cowboy.

Hope you have a nice day everyone!



  1. We read about J-Lo…….4 lbs. is so TINY!!! We’re sorry your Barney left so quickly for the Bridge – she was a pretty kitty and we love her cowboy “look”. Mom says when it’s my time to go, she hopes I go quickly and not over a long period of time (me too!). That has to be tougher on the humans I think!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I have had cats die quickly and slowly and they are all hard. The worst for me was my KaChoo, she was at Tufts for one more night and expected to come home with me the next day. Then I got a call that she passed- I was devastated that I wasn’t with her.

  2. Barney was such a sweet looking gal. Thanks so much for sharing J Lo, it looks like her health will be fine so we have got to find her a home.

  3. Barney looks like she was a really lovely girl.

    Liver failure is icky. My Auntie Blossom was doin’ pretty well one day for a seventeen-and-a-half year old lady and then the next… complete liver failure. Doctor said we cats are able to mask a lot of the symptoms for quite a while and then suddenly become overwhelmed by them. That’s what happened to Blossom. Maybe to Barney, too?


    1. Thank you Nissy. Barney was acting healthy, eating, no vomiting then one day when I picked her up I noticed her sides heavy. Turns out she had fluid in her abdomen so she had a bunch of tests that week as her condition worsened 🙁

  4. Mommy gave some green papers to J-Lo. But more than anything we are worried about her being put back out on the street. Mom so wished we could bring her home to live with us, but she knows we would beat up on her. We keep purring and praying for her. Barney reminds us of our angel brofur, Skooter…similar markings and girth. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. That was sweet of your mommy to give to J.Lo. We pray she gets a forever home soon, we also would take her, but hubby stopped me at 15. Sorry about your brother, Skooter, I am sure he was sweet and handsome.

  5. Barney is adorable in that cowgirl hat. We know you must miss her very much. And J Lo is so pretty too! We’re going to help as much as we can, poor little thing!

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