1. Prancie is definitely a Daddy’s girl even though I am the one who rescued her. XO

    1. Sorry the trick doesn’t work for you. We hope you all had a great day too.

  1. Prancie: ‘If I knock this over, I’ll get a treat!’ (pushes it off the table)
    Dad: “Oh Prancie, here’s your treat!”
    Prancie: ‘Humans are so easy to train!’

    1. It sounds like they did go to the same school 🙂 We try to keep breakables away from her.

  2. And dat works? Mommy says only good girlys get treats. We’re gonna have to tell her dat’s not true. MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. It works here, she even knocks the phone off the hook in the morning. XO

  3. Oh, Prancie, you are so cute! That is some great kitty mischief. My kitties like to knock things down too. You’ve got to keep your humans on their toes! 🙂

  4. MOL!!! We have an angel furbling who was like that! We called him our scientist, cause he was always testing the forces of gravity.

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