Penny’s Tips Volume 79

Hi everyone! I hope you like Halloween because I have a fun project you can make. I am also having a Halloween themed giveway.

Pardon the mess. Here are the supplies needed to make a Halloween bottle. You just need some old bottles, stickers or decals and small pieces of fabric. I am lucky that mom has some old bottles , if you don’t , you can get them at an antique store or ebay.  Some sodas and other beverages come in bottles that would work too.

Here are some mom has made.

 I decided to make a pet ghost in a bottle.

 Do you like it?

And for the giveaway:

I am giving away a ghost print catnip mat, a crocheted ghost and a bag of plastic eyeballs ( they are fun for whapping around).   Just leave a comment on today’s post by Thursday 9PM ( EST).  Winner will be announced Friday.

In case you are wondering where Rosie is today, she is battling a giant spider.


We are joining  Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

We are also joining Create With Joy’s Inspire Me Monday


  1. Rosie!! Be careful!! Don’t let that spidey get you!

    Penny, those are cute bottles…we don’t do much here for that holiday, actually we never have, we (being the peeps), don’t much care for it, though sometimes we do get dressed up for a brief photo shoot. I think those would work with Christmas or other holiday themes too:)

  2. MOL…itsy pitsy spider Rosie..👻Love your ideas, Penny and we’re so happy most of your pictures are biggified. So we can see you clearly now 😉 😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday🐾😽💞

  3. What a fun craft project! I’ll bet it would be neat to fill the bottles with tinted water (if you had a cap or cork). Your mats are awesome!

  4. A bag of eyeballs! Oh you can’t get any better than that except for the rest as well…and Rosie. I think you will win that one That spider doesn’t know who he chose to battle with!

  5. How fun and Penny’s tips are always perfect.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  6. Hey Penny, Daisy Mae and I love your tips especially the crafty ones. That ghost in a bottle looks fun to make and we love the idea of making other Halloween crafts with stickers. Love the pet ghost in the bottle. Looks like a lot of fun.
    We bet Rosie will vanquish that gigantic Spider for sure. Mr. Spidey is coming for you but you get him first with those sharp claws.
    Daisy Mae saw the giveaway and what the prize was and really wants to win it. Actually, we both want to win the giveaway. Please enter us.
    Daisy Mae And Crystal

  7. What a fun project. Your pet ghost in a bottle is so cute!
    OMC Rosie is on a big battle against that giant spider! You can defeat it, Rosie! 🙂

  8. Rosie, I cannot stand seeing a wee spider no bigger than my thumbnail, let alone one as big as that!
    Penny, we don’t really decorate for any holiday, however this post has reminded me that I have some Halloween candles in storage that I will drag out…as soon as I remember where I put them…hmm…

          1. Miss Ellen mee not know how much rain wee gotted butt is was ALOT! On an off (more ‘on’ fore sure) all day an last nite an even this mornin…iss sure Autumm!!
            Happy Octoburr to you an all yore Kittiess!

  9. Ellen,

    What do you do with the Halloween decal bottles? Do you fill them with something or just put them on display? Cool idea! The catnip mat is sure to be a huge hit at your house and anyone’s home where kitties live. 🙂

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