Penny’s Tips Volume 49

Hi everyone! The Jewish day of atonement, Yom Kippur begins at sundown so I thought I would tell you a Jewish story. Don’t worry , there is a penny in it.

It is titled, The Rusty Penny by Tuvia Bolton .Many years ago ( the 17 or 1800’s), a rabbi was collecting money to help some Jewish prisoners. He went around with a group and asked everyone to donate. He went to a so-called miser’s home and asked him for a donation. The man gave him a rusty old penny which was considered an insult, but he accepted it and said thank you. A few minutes later, the miser offered him a lot more money which he also graciously accepted. Then the miser offered the entire amount needed. The rabbi later explained the man was not a miser, he had just never had the joy of giving because everyone else threw the rusty penny back in his face.

I may not have explained it that well, you can read the story by clicking here.

The point is, it is good to give and once you do, you will always want to. I am sure that is true, but I am s till not giving away the Kick Stick.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.



  1. Penny! I love that! IT’s a good lesson. As always, you look like so beautiful in your glowing colors.

  2. I wonderful tip today and I so agree. This tip made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Big hug to you and lots of lovies to all the kitties. ♥

  3. I like this story. Shows one should always be gracious… But I agree about not giving away the Kick Stick. Anyway, everyone knows kittehs have special rules to live by.

  4. That is a wonderful story, Penny! Thank you for sharing this!
    And I think it’s totally fine to keep Kick Stick for yourself 🙂

  5. Penny, that was an excellent story, and we believe it to be true.The feeling of giving is so wonderful, once you start, you never want to stop. And we think it is okay to keep your kick stick for yourself. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

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