Nosey Rosie’s Tips-5

Hi everyone! It is me Rosie again. Penny said I can have my turn early this month. Last week, I took this photo of her with all this dry stuff on a pan.  Now I watch a lot of tv and whenever people are seen like that , the police usually appear. I asked her if I should call the police.

She told me if I do then I will sleep with the fishies.

  How fun is that? I love fishies. I can’t wait to sleep with them. I don’t want to get wet though so I asked her if I need a special outfit.

She said I need some cement boots- does anyone know where I can get some?

Sorry, that wasn’t actually a tip, bit I didn’t have much notice.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Before we go, we want to offer our prayers to Dougie Dog at Zoolatry who keeps having seizures.





  1. Oh, Rosie, I think Penny is being naughty with you…

    Purrs and pawyers and POTP for Dougie Dog.

  2. Don’t take any notice of Penny, you certainly don’t want cement boots!

  3. Back away from the cement boots!! We’re sorry Dougie is having seizures…..we wish NOBODY would have them including our friend Sawyer at The Cat On My Head.

    Love, Teddy

    1. Seizures are awful. We pray for both of them. XO and love to you both.

  4. What you need is a fish tank. Then you can sleep next to the fishes and not get wet. 🙂

  5. NO cement boots Rosie! I think Mr. Huss has a very good idea.

  6. YOU got me laughing! That’s pretty good when I rolled out of bed a few minutes ago !

  7. Thank you for your prayers! I am swimming today sans cement boots! (an old photo actually). You can come swim with me, I will give you a “wet suit” which despite it’s name will keep you “dry”!
    Weird, huh! And you’ll find lots of fishies to catch … c’mon!

  8. We don’t think you should call the police.You should just enjoy that stuff in the pan !!
    Oh…sleeping with the fishes usually involves water. You don’t want to be in water…right?
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  9. You don’t want to sleep with the fishies. I would not take her advice. No cement shoes either!

  10. Rosie I would suggest listening to your mom instead of Penny! Love filled prayers to Dougie Dog! <3

  11. You’re so cute Rosie! Stay on dry land and have some catnip with Penny.

  12. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend Dougie Dog. I’m sending a prayer for him!

  13. We like fishies but we’re pretty sure we wouldn’t like those boots.

    We’re purring for Dougie Dog!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. You don’t want cement boots. Ever. Ask your mom and she’ll tell you why.

    Prayers for Dougie Dog.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your siblings and your wonderful mom. ♥

  15. What has Penny been watching on TV that she knows about cement boots and sleeping with the fishies? You are all so much fun, i hope you have a fabulous Tuesday.

  16. I agree, I think Rosie is be very naughty and telling you stuff to get you in trouble.
    Purrs and Prayers Dougie the Dog.
    We love you Rosie but I want Penny back!! We love Penny’s tips.

    1. She will be back next Tuesday, actually next Tueday is Jinx’s 18th b’day so it will be the week after for Penny. XO

  17. You two are pretty funny! Purrs to sweet Dougie Dog from all of us.

  18. Sure wish Dougie Dog lots of good thoughts that he gets better soon.

  19. Yes, we too are worried about Dougie!
    Rosie, no worries, nothing to see or do there…just enjoy.
    No laws against catnip, and The Mafia doesn’t have any pull in the feline world.

  20. That Penny is a kidder, Rosie, I’d take what she says with a grain of . . . tuna maybe? . . . we send hopes that Dougie Dog will get better too.

    1. Agreed! ~grin~ I’m sorry about Dougie. Seizures are a terrible thing to witness in a pet, I imagine. 🙁

  21. penny; “grazz” ~~~~ iz leegull in most statez now ya noe 😉 😉


  22. Rosie, we think Penny is pulling your legs:)

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  23. You look so cute and cozy today, Rosie! Manna and Dexter say that they think that fishies are fun too. The two of you are very funny kitties. 🙂
    -Purrs from your friends at

  24. Rosie those are some funny tips from Penny MOL. You cats are funny fur sure

  25. I love fishies. I can’t wait to sleep with them. I don’t want to get wet though so I asked her if I need a special outfit. LOL! Thanks for the giggle! But, I’m very sad to hear about Dougie Dog and his seizures. 🙁

  26. LOL I don’t think she really means it. Cement boots are SO out of fashion!!!

  27. 🤔Cement boots…do you want to stay in the fish furrever…MOL😸Pawkisses for a Happy Wednesday to you all🐾😽💞

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