Nosey Rosie’s Tips- 20

Hi everyone! Hope you are not sick of my. Penny says she gets all of July off so I have to work.

I have the bestest news to share. My folks captured Bridget Sunday night. They kept feeding her and got her to eat in a large trap then they put sardines way in the back of the trap and they caught her. Mom says she is grounded forever.  She seems happy to be back with her sisters. Thank you for all the purrs and prayers. We pray that our friend Sawyer will get home too.

And now I want to show you all the proper way to eat a Squeezable Treat. A couple weeks ago, my friend, Summer made a video taste testing one and it seemed a little messy, her human’s fault , of course. To see, click here. 

So my friends, here is the proper way:


And the winner of the Ice Cream Goodies is : ATCAD-my friends Yin. Yang, Scylla and Chimera.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. Rosie you are doing good work here! Great treat-lapping technique in the video . . . and yay, we are so glad that Bridget is back safe in the house! Sardines usually do the trick!
    We so hope that Sawyer is found safe too! XO

  2. Super great news about Bridget! Whew!
    Well done on the Squeezables!
    Still praying for Sawyer’s safe return home.
    You are doing most excellent with Tuesday Tips!

  3. Sardines were a smart thing to put in that trap!
    Smelly and cats cannot seem to stay away from that treat.
    Glad that Bridget is back home, safe and sound.

  4. Nosey Rosie’s News and Views is fun to read, just like Penny’s tips are fun.

    Hooray for catching Bridget, and i do hope Sawyer follows his nose home soon.

  5. I’m so happy you caught Ms Bridget, happy dances all around! That is a great treat tip, I’ve never had any Squeezable Treats.

  6. Best news ever. I figured the trap would work. She knew where home was. I’m doing the happy dance.

    Yes, she’s grounded forever.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Big hug to you and lots of scritches all around. ♥

  7. YAY! Welcome home, Bridget! To be honest, we’re glad you’re grounded forever. You need to stay home, Bridget. We’re sending all of our purrs and prayers to Sawyer in hopes he will find his way home.

  8. Charlee: “Yay! Welcome back to the house, Bridget!”
    Chaplin: “Being grounded means being safe, warm, and well-fed, with lots of comfy places to nap, so that’s a pretty good deal if you ask us!”

  9. Miss Rosey yore a dainty eater like mee!! An oh so purrty!!
    Well dun sardeeness!
    Bridget you are nevurr leevin again…you scared us alloutta our furss!!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

  10. guyz….we iz buzzed happee yur sisturr iz home wear she kneadz ta bee

    bridget; we hope ewe rememburr that outside sux and inn side iz grate…
    pleez ta stay inn…..knot ta menshunz therz a lot lezz burd song…INN

    🙂 ♥♥

  11. Good news about Bridget ! Now to find Sawyer !

    The ATCAD kitties will love those ice cream goodies ! Concatulations to them !

  12. I am so happy Bridget is back where she belongs. Now we continue to pray for Sawyer. Love the vieo, so sweet. Rosie is in charge. Have a great week.

  13. Hooray for sardines! That’s such awesome news about your folks catching Bridget! We love your Squeezable Treat technique — like a pro. And congratulations to ATCAD!

  14. My mom puts my squeezie on a small plate and I lick it up from there. That’s great news about catching Bridget! And I heard earlier today Sawyer is home now too! ~Ernie

  15. That is such wonderful news about Bridget! You must be so happy—and relieved! I’m really happy for all of you. xo

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