Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! Did you miss me last week. I can’t believe I had a holiday off. Those Potato Heads sure are sweet to cover for the day.

Sorry about the squinting in my photo, but I hate that flash.

I had a quiet, child-free week, but that is going to change tomorrow- drat! When does school start again?

Grammie favors Rudy because he runs right to her, so she bought him 3 bags of treats and she bought Penny a bag too. And poor me got nothing. Mom said she told her I can’t have treats because I have a touchy tummy. Just because I let her touch my tummy doesn’t mean I don’t deserve treats. I love a tummy rub. Mom always tells me I have a nice tushy and tummy.

Rudy picked Grammie in the finger though because he was impatient with the treats, so I have a feeling he won’t be getting anymore.

Mom got Dad to do some more decluttering over the weekend. Bye, bye ski pants, ski boots and a suitcase. He got rid of half the stuff he went through. He still has 6 more boxes to get through, ideally by the end of the month.

They said our stuff was safe, but they lied. They took our pole down that we use to get to the top of the entertainment center. A few months ago, they took the one from the other side so now we can’t get up there. Just because one fell over and cracked the double pane window. Apparently, they cost a lot to fix and don’t want that to happen again.

Time to go hide. See you next week.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. Rosie, tell your mom that there must be some kind of treats that won’t upset your ‘touchy’ tummy…at least we hope so. We get freeze dried chicken or liver.

    Maybe if the kidlets sit really still, you might want to come out of hiding to check them out?? Minko used to do that with company, as did Pipo, though Pipo was braver and came out long before Minko did. Though…if auntie came with her pup…then they both stayed out of sight!

    Hope your Mom enjoys the kids…and school is weeks away, yet…

  2. Oh we love a chatty/gossiping kitty! You are wonderful even with squinty eyeballs. How well I understand that…

  3. Hi Rosie! Nice to get the “scoop” from you this week…..sounds like it’s still “all go” at your house with some decluttering by the Dad. It’s always a “wrench” to get rid of stuff but just think how much more room you’ll have to run around and play when boxes are gone. YAY!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Rosie, you deserve treats for doing such a fabulous job giving us the news update. Sorry to hear that the window broke, but you know we humans we have to keep that kind of stuff fixed and it’s not really very cheap. Maybe you can get something else to climb on somewhere else in the house. You’re looking good this morning and we were very glad to see you instead of potato heads.

  5. Rosie, NO one tells it better than you. I am tickled to know that you personally will be child -free for a bit. They can be a little wearisome when they chatter and do stuffs, can’t they? Have to say I love seeing your exit. That little Rosie behind! And yes indeed, those double pane windows..oh MY. They do take a lot of green papers to replace. Maybe your poles are somewhere else in the house safe. Ask Gremmie to help you look. XX

  6. Rosie, thank you for the scoop which I always enjoy. I hope you get some treats that don’t hurt your touchy tummy. Our Callie is in trouble too because she got up on the mantle and knocked off one of my hubby’s prized statues and the base of it is now broken. She’s been pouting for a week and so has my hubby. Sigh.

  7. Chaplin: “We’re sorry to hear what happened to your poles. I don’t know what we would do if we couldn’t get on top of the fireplace. Maybe you can figure out some kind of kitty parkour to get you up to the top of the entertainment center.”
    Oona: “What is kitty parkour?”
    Chaplin: “You know, you bounce off one corner then the other corner then the first corner again and you keep going higher until you get to the top.”
    Oona: “Sounds dangerous. OONA IS TOTALLY IN!!!”
    Chaplin: “Yeah I figured.”
    Charlee: “Hiding is the prudent thing to do when there are or might be strangers in the house. It’s what I always do.”

  8. You do Nosey Rosie the very best. I’m all caught up now.

    I know decluttering is difficult, but if mom keeps it up dad will follow.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to Ellen. xo ♥

  9. Thanks for the news, Rosie! I wonder if you could have freeze dried one ingredient treats, like chicken or liver. Sometimes kitties can handle a small amount of something like that when their tummies get upset easily.

    If all you lost in the decluttering was the two poles to the top of the entertainment center, consider yourselves very blessed.

  10. Wow! Freaky thing that happened with the broken window. Glad noBODY was hurt. You did another good gabfest today Rosie. Don’t do any hiding until you know they are coming. I didn’t know you had a touchy tummy. Hope all is going well today with the play date.

  11. Mee-yow THE poless are fun til they brake a window or smash sumthin nice. Maybee Aunty an Unkell will put pole sumwhere else or innstall a new pole sumwhere outta harmss way???? Wee can hope rite?
    HURRAH Unkell!! You are gettin there….well dun! Aunty you are a *STAR* fore beein payshunt with Unkell…..
    Rosie girl a ‘touchy tummy’ iss not ’bout strokin or pattin yore purrty belly….Nose! It meenss yore tummy iss sennsytive to foodabulls an treetss……
    Mee can only have Greeniess Dental Treetss an no more than 6 a day or else mee tummy goess haywire!!!
    Aunty iss there a speshell treet fore sennsytive kittiess at Vet’ss?
    An mee will come hide with you Rosie….Hu’man Kittss are SO noisey!!!!!!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

    1. Maybe I can have Greenies, I will ask mom to get me some. She just got me some sensitive stomach Pro Plan food. XO

      1. Rosie if you can have Greeniess Catnip flavour xcellent. There iss Tuna an allso Salmon…..mee can stomach Salmon. Mee not like Tuna treetss! An stay away from Tempytattionss; they are furry bad fore uss Sennseetive Kittiess 😉

  12. It sure has been busy at your place sweet Rosie. Decluttering is never a good thing, some of the best goodies always come up missing!

  13. Nice to see you Rosie, even if you can’t see me. So sorry you aren’t able to have treats. I’m wondering if something like a Squeeze-up treat would be OK for you. It’s like a thick liquid.
    It’s great that your Dad is getting some decluttering done. I wish Dani’s Dad would do that, but he’s too busy cluttering at the moment. Y’know what I mean? Ta for now.

    1. She loves squeeze ups, but unfortunately, they don’t like her. Yes, I know what you mean> XO

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