Monday’s Fun

Happy Monday everyone! Phoebe told me to remind you all that the naughtiest contest ends tonight. If you haven’t already, please write the naughtiest thing you have done in the comment section for a chance to win catnip coal.

My cats have discovered a fun toy, one of those rubber wristbands similar to the Livestrong ones: 003005As you can see, they have plenty of toys, but this one is a hit right now. Prancie was having so much fun tossing it in the air and chasing it that she attracted a crowd ( Stinky and Snowball). As an added bonus, they have a table to play around that is usually not there.

I hope to hear from the vet today- I hope it is good news that they removed the entire tumor on Joanie. I will let you all know tomorrow. Thank you for your purrs and prayers.


  1. We are purring and praying for Joanie too……! As for that rubber bracelet – that’s a lot more fun than a milk jug ring – and I just happen to know my Mom has one of those bracelets….I’m gonna start whining by her jewelry box and see if that works!

    I wish I’d done something NAUGHTY in my life – I’ve had plenty of years to do something but I’ve never been naughty. Isn’t that pitiful?

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. That is OK that you have always been good Sammy, that is why you are such a great Cat Scout. I hope mom gives you that bracelet. Thank you for the purrs and prayers for Joanie, I just called the vet and no results yet.

  2. We purr that you get good news about Joanie too.

    The naughtiest thing I ever did? I chewed the cord on the little TV the peeps have in our kitchen and made the TV stop working. The mom was not very happy about that. Fortunately, the dad-guy was able to fix it. ~Ernie

  3. We are sending healing purrs to Joanie.

    Well we are all very naughty here, but we will tell you about Scylla. The naughtiest thing she ever did was bite Mommy on the nose. See Mommy had surgery and she was kinda doped up on painkillers and laying on the couch. Scylla jumped up on Mommy and Mommy was petting her, but she fell asleep when the painkillers kicked in and Scylla was mad because she wanted Mommy to pet her some more so she bit her on the nose. She bit her so hard Mommy’s nose started bleeding. We thinks that was VERY NAUGHTY!!!

  4. We hope Joanie’s report is good and all was removed successfully! Paws crossed!
    We left a comment on some naughty things we have done on your Sunday post ! 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you for crossing your paws- I hope to know about Joanie today, but when I called they didn’t have the results yet. I loved all your stories- I feel like mine are all angels now.

  5. Cool, guess dat means yous havin’ lots of company this week. 🙂 Weez’ll be purrayin’ fur Joanie, dat it’ll all be gweat news. It’s Fanksgivin’ after all, we need sumfin’ to be fankful fur. 🙂

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. We are purring for good results for sweet little Joanie. Keeping our paws crossed! <3

    The naughtiest thing we've ever done? Hmmmm…. we can't remember. We've done too many naughty things in our lives… MOL 😉

    KItty hugs, Roxy & Tigerlino <3

  7. Monday and fun? I’m not sure I’ve ever heard those two words together before – wish things worked that way over here! Glad someone is having fun though. Enjoy!!

  8. Paws crossed for Joanie – keep us posted!

    My human says the naughtiest thing I ever did was poop on the grassway at the L.A. Feline Film Festival, right by a row of booths! She says we were lucky there wasn’t much foot traffic in that row right then! I say that wasn’t naughty, it was necessary – I really needed to go!

    1. I agree Summer, when you gotta go, you go. Thanks for crossing your paws for Joanie- it worked 🙂

  9. We’re purring and praying for good test results for Joanie! Please do keep us posted, okay?

    When he was younger, Moosey used to chew on the stems of dried plants we had in the house. We no longer have those because of him. Hee hee.

    1. Thanks for the purrs and prayers for Joanie- they worked. I hope our purrs and prayers work for Moosey.

  10. Naughtiest thing? Well, we all go growl at the door when someone likes UPS rings the bell. But we all decided to growl at the closet door in the room where TBT was one night late. It made his hackles rise. He approached the door with a sword and flung the door open and stabbed into it.

    We were just funnin him. Does that count? And he has a sword? Yikes.

    1. It counts,but there are kitties even naughtier than you. Be careful with that sword around.

  11. I’m surprised they’re not playing on the table. Any time furniture moves in my house, the kitties Must investigate.

  12. We keep purring for Joanie ! The naughtiest thing ? Well, I must admit that it’s when I disappeared for 4 days when I could go outside freely (we didn’t have a fence yet) ! Purrs, Zorro

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