Michael’s Monday

Happy Monday everyone! Today is fun and games day on the blog. I recently went to Michael’s Craft Store and got my kitties some cool straws in the clearance section for only 50 cents. 004My kitties are loving them and they are fat enough to put treats inside of ( the straws, not the kitties 🙂 ) We sent some to our friends Dezi and Lexi and they are having fun with them too : https://dezizworld.wordpress.com/2015/06/28/blest-sunday-selfies/. Adding catnip to the straws makes them extra fun too.

I find a lot of great toys for my kitties in the clearance section at craft stores. After Halloween, I got this great ball for Jinx:011He loves glittery balls like this and this was a giant one. And I always get great deals on yarn to make toys for them.

Joanie will be showing off her tummy tomorrow and we will have more medical updates.




  1. We like straw toys TBT makes. Iffen yer Bein folds then in 1/3s and bends one end to stick it in the other end, that makes a neat thing to bat around.

  2. I love those sparkly balls too! My human hides them from me, though, and only allows me to play with them under supervision because she found some of the sparkles in the litter box – can I help it if I like eating pieces of them?

    1. That was so sweet of you to decorate the litter box for your human 🙂

  3. Toby loves straws and sparkly balls! He plays with them all the time!!! What a good idea – I’ll send mom over there right away!!

  4. Sammy loves his fat straws too! Brilliant idea – we forget about visiting the craft store to look for fun stuff…………anxious to hear more medical updates for your gang…………AND of course tummy photos!

    Happy Monday
    Hugs, sammy

    1. I am glad Sammy is enjoying his too. Phoebe may do a tummy photo too, she is getting jealous of all the attention Joanie’s belly gets.

  5. Y’know, the mom never thought about looking at the craft store for kitty toys (or things that could be kitty toys). She always checks out the clearance shelves at the pet store, but you gave her another good idea. Thanks!

    1. You’re welcome 🙂 I am always looking for things for my kitties everywhere I go.

  6. guys…we iz knot a loud ta play with straws any mor coz sum one we noe { tuna} shoved one under de sofa just enuff ta bee outta hidin frum view, but knot enuff in hidin that de vacuum ma sheen dinna nab it….then de vacuum masheen wuz mezzed up….N we waz like….PLAN; SUCCEED !!! 😉 ♥♥♥

  7. What a clever mom you all have. My crafter mom never thought of looking for potential cat toys at Michaels where she buys tons of crafting supplies we constantly raid.
    Scout Charles

    1. I bet your Mom will find something for you next time she goes. Does your Mom crochet? I have lots of patterns for cat toys I can give her.

  8. Mom has tried both straws and pipe cleaners with us. We don’t really care for either, unless our humans are using them, then we are all over them. Mom has never looked for kitty toys at the craft stores. She’ll have to remember that tip. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. Your Mama comes up with the best ideas to keep all of you happy and mentally stimulated! You have a good Mama 🙂

    the critters in the cottage x

  10. I have never had straws to play with, but I like sparkly balls. Mum says there is lots of straw for me to play with in the barn.

    1. You do have lots of straw in your barn- my kitties would love that. When I had rabbits, they would steal the hay from them all the time and then throw up.

    1. I bought that after Halloween, but I am sure they have other colors right now 🙂

  11. We are going to beg meowmy to find us some straws too! Pipo likes to bit plastic, no doubt he would love them!
    Minko loves to swat at his toys, so we could get meowmy to put a few together to make a ball of sorts!
    Catnip inside of them will make them extra tantalizing.

    Minko eats the strands of glitter balls so he isn’t allowed those anymore…
    Kitties, just like toddlers who nefur grow up:)) Ya gotta think ahead!

  12. I can see how those glittery balls would be tempting to eat, your Mom is smart to keep them away. I hope you get some straws 🙂

  13. Yep weez fur sure enjoyin’ our straws. And we luv da spawkly balls too. Sissy sez Lucky used to luv ’em so much he wuld swallow them, by accident of course. And they always came back up a spawkly mess. MOL Mommy luvved Michaels, but weez not have one anywhere near us now. Hope y’all enjoy yous new toys.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  14. Them strawss are cool…an thee purple ball is grate!! You sure find cool toys fur Purrincess Phoebe an thee crew Lady Ellen.
    Pleeze give mee <3 LUV <3 to mee Rainbow Gurl fur mee….
    ***paw patss*** Siddhartha Henry (thee littul Purrince)

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