Meow Like a Pirate Day


Ahoy mates! Friday wanted to be our resident pirate this year.

I wanted Elvira to get in on it too, but she told me to walk the plank.

Emmy agreed to the hat. Emmy, Grammie and I are off on a long journey to a cardiologist 2 hours away in Latham, NY.ย  She usually sees an internist as kitty cadiologists are all about 2 hours away. Despite her med changes, she still needed fluid removed last Thursday and the internist doesn’t feel like she is giving her adequate care. I called and the soonest appointment was November 29th so I took it because then the internist could consult by phone with the cardiologist now. Then the next day I had an email to confirm my appointment on Monday so I did. And I called to be sure. Luckily, she travels well.


Our friend, the gorgeous, Katie Isabella is spokescat-to visit, click here. And Hailey is spokesdog- to visit, click here.ย 

And we are joining Comedy Plus’ Aww Mondays.ย 



  1. Nice Friday wanted to be your resident Pirate! Emmy looks cute in the Pirate hat…..we sure hope the visit to the cardiologist goes well for Emmy.

    Hugs, Terrible Ted the Pirate and his Mom Pam

  2. Prayers continue for Emmy. Fingers and toes crossed too.

    Cute pirates too. A huge awww.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo โ™ฅ

  3. Chaplin: “Arrrr! May yer long voyage to the cardiologist be fruitful!”
    Charlee: “Our Dada says that back in the day when they lived in New York he and Mama used to drive to Latham to go to a big aquarium store. But now he can’t remember what it was called. Apparently this is a condition known as ‘CRS’.”
    Java Bean: “What does ‘CRS’ stand for?”
    Lulu: “I think it means ‘Can’t Remember Stores’ …”

  4. Lookin mitey cute there Friday an Emmy!!! Yore cute Pyeratss!

    Emmy mee sendss POTP an **purrss** fore a safe journey to Vet’ss an back.
    Bee safe Aunty Ellen!!! Wee purrayin Vet can help deer Emmy!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

  5. What a great pair of pirates ! Elvira would have made a teRRRRific Tortie pirate too. Maybe next year.
    We are glad you goit such a quick appointment for Emmy with a specialist ! Purrayers and POTP for that to go well.

  6. Such wonderful pirates and we’re proud of you for stepping up Friday! Purrs and prayers to sweet Emmy, hope all went well today.

  7. Our ship was sailing slow so we didn’t quite get here on the “right” day, but ahoy to all the
    sweet and surely good pirates we see … and best wishes to Miss Emmy with purrs and prayers.

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