Last Day to Enter the Giveaway

Happy Saturday everyone! Today is the last day to enter the 4th of July Giveaway for these prizes: 026While your family is out celebrating the 4th, you can be having your own picnic with a chicken leg and an ice cream cone. Then you canΒ  play with this patriotic beach ball and “firecracker”.

52 Snapshots of Life

It’s Saturday so time to get hopping. I am using the same photo for 2 hops. The Lazy Pit Bull’s #52 Snapshots theme is “Father” so I used ( I mostly use that one now because it is so easy) I made a cat shaped collage with some photos of the kitties on their Dad’s lap. I also added in one photo of my Dad with KaChoo ( I hope they are together in Heaven). collage1I also added a matching frame so I guess that can count for Athena’s Caturday.

We are also participating in Feeling Beachie’s Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun.

Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. I love to ____ on the ____
  2. What was the last _____?
  3. New____ are_____
  4. Happiness is _______

My Answers:

  1. I love to READΒ  on the BED WITH MY CATS
  2. What was the last MOVIE YOU WENT TO THE THEATRE TO SEE?
  3. New PAJAMAS are the BEST

Phoebe will announce the giveaway winner tomorrow. We are also joining Rascal and Rocco’s Parade:New Pet Parade button 200x200


  1. I love your caturday art!! Mom and I looked at that site with your design when we were deciding what to do with my picture!!

  2. We are still so lovin OUR crocheted toys that we won’t enter an possibly steal them from some kitty who could love THEIR first ones.

  3. Loves Loves Loves your caturday art piece! AND the giveaway yous gots going on. Mes must say your chicken legs is my absolute favorite!

  4. That is great art with so many memorable photos. Our Mom used the same program to create our art this week. It really has so many options. Looking lovely as always Phoebe. Hope to see you tomorrow for Sunday Selfies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thank you, I love this program because it is so easy. A lot of editing programs take forever to upload and I am not a patient person.

  5. Amazing art work, I want something similar. Makes me think about how to make a very big pic like that, and make a puzzle out of it to my landlord, for X-mas for example.
    And, excuse me, I am lil confused, how to join that give away and can non- American cats join too?

    1. Our giveaways are open to everyone. That would be a great idea for a Christmas gift. I am sure you could use that editor and upload it to any place that does puzzles.

  6. Such a SWELL giveaway Phoebe……and we love that collage you did – it’s super special………..have a grand weekend!!!

    Love, Sammy

  7. Your artwork is fantastic. We’ve been using a lot too. It has a lot of interesting options! We love those toys….we sure would love to win them!

    The Florida Furkids

    ps – thank you for the reminder….we got a package the other day and Mom didn’t let us open it right away…it’s the bikini!!!

  8. lol, I love that your # 2 is the same as mine! Great minds…

    I saw Aloha and it was adorable.

    I love the artwork and your cats!!!

  9. Are you all looking forward to July 4th? Here in Canada, we’ll be celebrating on the 1st. I’m just hoping against hope that there won’t be any fireworks. At least not nearby. You know?


    1. We don’t like fireworks here either. They do them in town which is 3 miles away, but we still hear them. Thanks for visiting us Seville πŸ™‚

  10. That is a really cool cat collage! How did you do it?!! It’s pawsome πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you, I went to and then clicked edit and chose a collage ( the cat one πŸ™‚ I then chose 4 photos, I think you could choose up to 6 and then the program does all the work πŸ™‚ I love it because it is idiot proof which I need for stuff like that.

  11. Mee-you Lady Ellen yur so talented makin such furabuluss toyss!!! Mee knowss thiss fur a fact πŸ˜‰
    An thee Kat foto iss cool…LadyMum wundered where shee could do that with mee fotoss…
    Fankss fur thee tip!!!
    **paw kissess** to mee Purrincess Phoebe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

    1. Your photos would look so cute in a cat collage πŸ™‚ Paw kisses and nose kisses XO Love, Phoebes

      1. Mee-you Purrincess Phoebe guess what?? LadyMum DID make a collage of mee!!! Shee says shee will crop it an put it up on thee bloggie as background on mee birthday!!! Woo Hoo!!!!
        How are you today??
        ***paw kissess*** an ~~head rubss~~
        Yur littul Purrince, Sidhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I bet he wants all of your attention, that happens when I try to read the newspaper. Hope you have a great weekend too.

  12. These toys are wonderful for their beauty.Forthis, We love those toys and we sure would love to win them.also, We’re still whapping ours around! Bye the bye, I love the artwork and your cats.Thanks a lot for sharing such interesting post.

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