It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?


Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

Elvira is posing with the books I am currently reading. She hopes she is awww..worthy.

I am reading an older book first published in 1975 by Mark Vonnegut, The Eden Express: A Memoir of Insanity. Yes, he is the son of Kurt and is schizophrenic. I actually read his books out of order so already knew he found a way to deal with his illness and had become a pediatrician. This is more about his young adult years, but very interesting.


And I am reading one that was recently released, Melissa Gilbert’s Back to the Prairie: A Home Remade, A Life Rediscovered. Melissa Gilbert writes about giving up a life in Hollywood to move to The Catskills in New York state where she doesn’t have to worry about looking young and getting Botox injections anymore. Some of it is interesting, but a lot of it pretty much describes the life I already live like seeing bears and deer and gardening. She doesn’t have to sell the country life to me, I know it is peaceful. 🙂

Penny has decided to post tomorrow before Rosie gives away any other family secrets.




  1. Cute photo Elvira. I love to read, but haven’t had much time lately. I hope to get back to it soon.

  2. Well, good for Kurt’s son!!! Some anthros are so resiliant. And yes, country life or rather village life is so calming but mama does miss certain things you mentioned…haha. Still, she is going to be one year younger this month and I can tell that she is REALLY happy with what she is at this age. Me, too, mama. Oh, and she is still enraptured with old Hircule Poirot….also lots of new books on her list. I wish she would get her act together and use Goodreads well.

  3. Of course you are aww worthy Elvira! I wouldn’t swap the country life for anything! Thankfully we don’t see bears though.

  4. Elvira is most awww worthy. So cute.

    Mom is reading some interesting books. Tell her to enjoy.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  5. Elvira, you are always awww worthy! It’s so good to see your tortie beauty. And thank you for sharing these books with us. As a reader of Vonnegut and also as a fan of Little House on the Prairie, I need to look into these reads. Purrs!

  6. Charlee: “Our Dada is reading something called ‘New Moon’, which he asked us to very specifically state is a science fiction book about the colonization of the moon in order to exploit its resources, and is not about sparkly vampires or werewolves.”
    Chaplin: “Seems like the moon would be the perfect place for werewolves though right?”
    Charlee: “I would think so. Dada is probably lying.”

  7. I’d kimda like to read that as I was crazy about the series. Sounds like from your mentions here that I may as well not. Like you, I alreasy appreciate all of the above. 🙂

    1. I found it a little boring and I didn’t like hearing about her political views. XO

  8. Elvira ~ you are one smart and beautiful kitty ~ Mom reads interesting books ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Oh yeah Elvira you ARE AAAWWWWW werthy fore sure!
    An THE 2 bookss yore reedin sound furry innterestin…speshelly book Mistur Mark rote ’bout his illness….Skitzyfrenia…..
    *whispurrss* “Aunty did you know BellaSita’ss x-fiance iss a Parrynoid s
    Skitzyfrenick?” That iss why they nevurr got married….

    As fore what wee been reedin wee just finished “Still Missing” bye Chevy Stevenss. It iss a Canadian story an furry fritenin an seereuss….butt furry well ritten crime drama.
    Last nite wee started “Foxglove Summer” Bye Mistur Ben Aaronovitch THE 5th book inn his Riverss of London” Police/Magick seerees. It iss splendid so far….
    Reedin iss guud fore THE mind an soul issn’t it Aunty Ellen?
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. You and your mum do a lot of reading. That is great. I would have been afraid to marry someone that sick. XO

  10. I am interested in the Mark Vonnegut book. I read all his father’s work in my youth. Some of it more than once. Happy reading this week.

  11. Elvira has a great name and even more fabulous home with you. ~hugs~ I’ve been reading “Just Tyrus”, an autobiography. This gentle giant is a hilarious commentator we discovered on the “Greg Gutfeld Show”. I highly recommend checking it out. Be well!

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