Icky Worms

Happy Tuesday everyone! Here is Penny opening day 9 of our homemade Advent calendar. She ate most of the treats instead of letting me give one to everyone.


Today is medical day and I am ashamed to say Millie has worms- it is possible others do too. Millie has been losing weight so we took him to the vet on Saturday. We asked for a dewormer figuring those awful fleas from the summer may have given him worms. He did get blood work and he has on over active thyroid so he will start his medicine for that tomorrow ( a pill). I am relieved that it is treatable.

Back to the worms, I crushed up a pill and a half and put it in his food, but of course, he wouldn’t eat it. He must have gotten some in because I found a surprise in the litterbox. The big surprise is that it wasn’t tapeworms from the fleas,it was a round worm-ick!! The vet said those come from dirt. Our cats don’t go out and I have the plants in the off limits diningroom.We started blamingย Millie’s shoe fetish thinking he could have got something off of those. Then I remembered that I planted kitty grass in potting soil. 010Here is a photo of Phoebe mowing the grass this summer. Needless to say, everyone needs to be dewormed now. The vet was able to give me meds for 8 of my kitties, but the other 7 haven’t been there in over a year so now I either have to bring them all in for an exam or find an alternative dewormer. I have heard horror stories of store bought ones-has anyone had good luck with those? If anyone’s cats have access to potting soil, you may want to deworm too.

Here is Millie with his letter to Santa- he needed a distraction to pose.


Today is the last day to enter Phoebe’s giveaway to win a gift for your mom ( or dad). 003


  1. Oh so sorry about the worms……that is a lot of work (and meds) for 15 cats so it would be great if you could find something over the counter that worked. Sam hasn’t had worms since he was a baby in the shelter so we really don’t know anything to recommend. Hope everybody is fine and fit for the holidays though – you probably would prefer NOT to be giving meds over the holiday. So Millie is on thyroid meds like Sam now huh? Having any problems giving him the pill? As you know we crush Sam’s and give it to him in strawberry yogurt which he loves.

    Hugs, Pam

    1. Thanks for the strawberry yogurt tip. I am picking up his pills today so I will let you know how it goes. Judging by past attempts to medicate him with other things, I think I may need the yogury.

  2. Ugh, gross. My boys go out into our little enclosed garden (safely contained), knock on wood they’ve not had worms. I didn’t know they could get worms from dirt! Purrs from them that Millie is well, worm-free very soon!

    1. I had no idea potting soil carried the round worms. That is good that you have a safely contained area for your kitties to go out.

  3. Yikes! I’m feeling for you, and am a bit grossed out too. Angel and Chuck had tapeworms when we got them as kittens, plus they were covered in fleas. The outside cats don’t appear to have worms, and trust me, Patty puts his butt in my face often enough that I get a good look ‘down there’, but we know that isn’t enough evidence. When I dose him with flea/tick stuff, I get the kind that deworms too, but heck, they live outdoors! It’s a constant worry for me, so I mix some diatomaceous earth into every meal, hoping that the holistic remedy actually works!

    1. You are smart to get the stuff that covers everything for the outdoor cats because they probably eat mice which they can get it from too.

  4. Ugh, round worms. Our mom doesn’t trust anything over the counter since getting burned years ago and says the money is better spent ridding them via the v-e-t. We don’t like the v-e-t but we don’t like worms even more. Purrs….

    1. She is right, but with buying Christmas gifts and all, I can’t afford to take the other 7 right now. I bought a dewormer that had good reviews on the Drs. Foster and Smith website.

    1. I hope you don’t either, but if your paws touch dirt and you lick them then you could get worms.

    1. Thank you , I hope we get rid of them too. We already had to deal with fleas this year and everyone is indoor only.

  5. Squiggly worms…I’m running for cover. I don’t mind Sandy Claws and the Christmas mouse on my back but I don’t like worms
    Hugs madi your bfff

  6. When we first had Eric and Flynn, they both had tapeworms and as they were so young they were treated by injection by the vet. As Flynn has free access to our enclosed garden he gets wormed every 3 months with Profender which is a spot on wormer.

  7. I wouldn’t think potting soil would have worms (it’s usually sterilized), unless it was regular outside dirt put into a pot. Guess that’s heading towards the trash! I’m surprised the vet didn’t give you a dewormer for everyone, even though it’s been over a year since seeing some of them.

    1. I was disappointed too that I couldn’t get meeds for everyone being that I am one of their best customers and my niece works there. I guess some potting soils do have the worms which is why I wanted to warn people.

    1. Millie’s thyroid pills are itty bitty and he needs one every 12 hours, he has 2 and so far, so good. Thanks for the cream cheese tip, I will keep it in mind for other kitties and it would have come in handy for the dewormer pills he had.

  8. Hopefully they will be gone before the holidays! Ick!:p Stinky…what name would you prefer to be called?! ๐Ÿ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. I think she would like to be called Muffin because she always kneads with her paws and makes “muffins” ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. So sowwy ’bout da worms. Looks like yous got it taken care of tho’. Ifin ous still need help let mommy know and hers can giv yous a foo diffewent options.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Thank you, I appreciate the offer. I did end up buying something for the other 7 at the local pet store that had good reviews online.

  10. So very sorry about the worms ๐Ÿ™ I have only heard horror stories too about the over the counter wormers too. Didn’t know that about potting soil, thought I was safe keeping the boys indoors!

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