Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Hi everyone! Love is in the air! You already saw Phoebe’s card from her purrince.

And you know Brody has a girlfriend.

Sammy went to a dance at Cat Scouts with his sweet Maggie.

  Don’t they make an adorable couple?

And Pierrot sent Snowball a sweet card and gift:

Toby and family sent their loves a big box with hearts all over it:

Millie thanks BobbieSue

They each got a bag of Temptations and a furry mousie and a special card with their photos on it.

Penny thanks TobyJoanie thanks Simon ( the mouse makes a good pillow)And Jinx thanks PeggieSue

And I thank their Mom for the meditation book . We are all blessed. Thank you to all our readers for your friendship. We love you all!!!


  1. We are so happy you received and loved our gifts. Mom is making us wait until this afternoon to open your gift She says the light will be better for photos. I think she enjoys torturing us. We love you all. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️??????

    1. We love them!!! You all spoil us. We hope you like your gifts too. We all send our love to all of you. XO

  2. WOW!!! Talk about a house full of love – you’ve got it! Everybody with special greetings and presents…………….I have the GIFT OF LOVE to bring to all of you from me and Mom and Dad (oh and Teddy too!).

    Love, Angel Sammy

  3. Aw, happy Valentine’s Day to you all, Mom & Dad too! Pierrot loves Snowball so much. We enjoyed seeing so many of you today. You’re all special. 🙂

  4. Happy Happy Valentine’s Day to each one of you…your mom and dad, Grammie and Angel Spooky too. xoxxx

  5. Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you sweeties and to your Mama too!

    We are happy to see you were spoiled on this special day 🙂

    the critters in the cottage xo

  6. happee heartz day oh lovez two ewe all frum all oh uz !!!!! ♥♥♥ R wish for ewe iz for de snowz ta go a way !! 🙂

    1. Thank you, we only got 6 inches yesterday and now it will be warm in the 40’s and melt. Happy Valentine’s Day! XO

  7. Look at all the Valentine Love going on at your house! And mes would LOVES for yous ALL to bes my Valentine. Mes KNOWS there is a tone of LOVE in my flinty little heart!
    Mes is wishing yous lots of Valentine Wishes and Kisses
    Your Nellie Bellie

  8. Wow, love sure is in the air at your house…lots of love going on, how awesome! Happy Valentine’s Day to you all, hope it was sweet!

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