Hi everyone! Time for Friendly Fill-Ins Week 5 for tomorrow. I came up with the first 2
and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second 2. And remember, if you don’t have a blog, feel free to answer in the comment section.
1. I used to love to eat _____________________, but now it repulses me.
2. I would never eat _______________________, but now I love it.
3. I always cry .
4. always makes me laugh.
Here are my answers:
1. I used to love to eat canned corned beef hash, but now it repulses me.
2. I would never eat Polish Borscht ( not the beet kind), this is a broth made with the juice of fermented oats. You add boiled eggs, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, kielbasa and horseradish to it. My hubby makes it for Easter and Christmas, but now I love it.
3. I always cry at weddings during the father/daughter dance. Especially when they dance to I Loved Her First. I was blessed that my Dad was still alive when I got married and despite us both being shy we managed to dance to Daddy’s Little Girl. This song came out later:
4. The Trout Talkin Tabbies post every Thursday always makes me laugh.
We are also joining The Lazy Pit Bull’s Pet Blogger Blooper’s Round-Up.

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Love your answers!!!
The Florida Furkids
Thank you 🙂
Most excellent answers to your fill-ins!
Mes not posting tomorrow though 🙁 Mes too tired from Virginia Beach…..
Thank you, I understand. Campaigning takes a lot of work. XO
Awww that is a sweet story about you and your dad. My father passed away before I got married. I’ve always wished he could have met Larry–they would have liked each other.
The Tabbies of Trout Town are hilarious–they always make me laugh too.
I am sorry your Dad passed away before your wedding.
Aww…I love the story about you & your dad. My dad met Bill later and they became close. I love Polish food! Yum. I will be there for Christmas! Every Christmas morning, Grampy would make corned beef hash. The Trout Town Tabbies are favourites of mine. I absolutely love them Hugs, my friend!
Thank you. I am glad your Dad got to meet Bill. I wish you could be here for Christmas, that would be fun. I also make lazy pierogi. Was the hash your Grampy made from a can or his own recipe? XO
We occasionally (as in once every year or two) eat corned beef, but I’ve never heard of that Polish Borscht recipe … sounds interesting. The father/daughter dance sounds like a wonderful memory.
I have never liked corned beef and cabbage, but I used to like the hash and it was so greasy- ick.
We love the story about dancing with your dad!
Have a wonderful weekend…
Noodle and crew
Thank you, I hope you have a great weekend too.
Sweet story about you and your Dad…….I was happy to get to dance with my Dad too at my wedding. My Dad at that point was very weak and ill but he made it to my wedding and took me down the aisle. Special for us girls isn’t it?! The borscht your husband makes sounds interesting. I bet my husband would love it. MAYBE I’ll give it a whirl one of these holidays!
Hugs, Pam (and Sam)
I am sorry your Dad was so sick, but I am glad you got your dance with him and that he walked you down the aisle. I can give you the recipe for the borscht. XO
Yippee! It’s Friday Fill-In time. As usual I modified the questions to suit my answers!!! Love you all!
LOL…I did the same thing, Toby..
I enjoyed your answers 🙂 Love to you all too! XO
I don’t like corned beef either. The Polish Borscht sounds interesting. I am not sure that I would like it, but it is something I would try.
That is lovely that you danced with your dad at your wedding. My dad died when I was very young so I never had that opportunity.
If you lived near me, I would invite you over to try some borscht. I am sorry you lost your Dad so young. XO
Great answers! How lovely you and your dad danced together at your wedding. That must have made really precious memory!
I’m totally with you about # 4 🙂
I am lucky that I had a wonderful Dad. And I love those trout talkin tabbies 🙂
We yet again love your fill-ins! Your Daddy/daughter dance answer is precious. This is just such a great, fun challenge. And great blooper! Treat time is a prime time for bloopers around our house, too.
Thank you for participating, I always enjoy your answers. I am really glad we have been getting more participants every week, it is fun getting to know more about everyone. Any photo is a blooper waiting to happen around here 🙂
Happy Friday!!
Nice answers..
Silver’s Reviews
My Friendly Fill-ins
Thank you! Happy Friday!
Very sweet #3! My Dad passed away the year before I was married. He never got to meet my husband… they would have liked each other so much. I love kielbasa but I don’t think I could do the Polish Borscht. Love the Fill-in Fridays… thank you!
I am so sorry your Dad passed before you got married. Borscht is definitely an acquired taste. Glad you liked the fill-ins.
Wonder if we counted all of the blooper photos we have against the ‘good’ ones…what would the percentage be? In my case, I’m thinking 75% blooper! But I usually save them anyway…
I think 75% would be accurate 🙂
I used to like the canned roast beef hash, the corned beef one was ok too. Now they just taste like greasy mush to me! Yuck!! The Polish Borscht sounds pretty good, and I would like to try it! I agree about daddy/daughter dances at weddings, something bittersweet about their little girls growing up! All kitty tales, and especially the talking furkids we meet in the blogsphere, make me laugh! They brighten up my day with their creative ghost writers! 😉 I am looking forward to Fridays and seeing what everyone has to say, thanks to you and Annie for Friendly Fill-Ins! 🙂
I agree, the kitties in the blogosphere are funny. If you lived near me, I would have you try some borscht. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I enjoy learning about you.
Great fill-in answers. A lifetime ago, our human participated in this meme every week in her other blog, but she got tired. She said she has way too many blogs already.
I didn’t realize your human had another blog, I must look into this.
Great fill-ins! #1 – I’ve never had that, but it just repulses me reading it! 🙂 I would also never eat #2.
Thank you 🙂 Borscht is definitely an acquired taste.
I don’t post on Fridays so can I post here?
1. I used to love to eat what was offer this morning, but now it repulses me.
2. I would never eat what was on offer yesterday, but now I love it.
3. I always cry at spilled nip.
4. Watchin’ the peep try to figure out something difficult always makes me laugh.
Seville, those are great answers 🙂
Great answers and bloopers. TW used to love liverwurst but doesn’t think she could eat it anymore. My answer is more like Seville’s. Yesterday I loved what was offered for breakfast. I got the leftover today and walked away.
TW used to make her own hummus but it don’t innerest me.
I always cry in the middle of the night after the peeps go to bed.
My peeps’ senior moments always makes me laugh and then I write a blog about them.
Thank you. Just the name liverwurst repulses me. Nice answers CK 🙂 I bet your folks love to hear you sing in the middle of the night.
We’s not furmiliar with those foods, but we purrobably have some yous never heard of here in da South. MOL Glad Phoebe had fun with grammaw. Hope you have a great weekend.
Luv ya’
I am not familiar with most Southern food so you are right. Have a great weekend too!
***We would love to have Phoebe’s Shades come visit us. What fun!
1. I used to love to eat Lemon cake but now it repulses me.
2. I would never eat Chocolate with mint but now I love it.
3. I always cry when my friends pass to the bridge
4. Furs always makes me laugh.
You are on the list for the shades 🙂 Thanks for the answers, I always cry when friends go to The Bridge too.
Weddings are wonderful times for laughter and tears, aren’t they? Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for visiting. I agree, weddings have both just like a marriage.
Great answers. I don’t think I have ever eaten corned beef hash, but it doesn’t sound like something I’d like. Neither does Polish Borscht.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Thank you. I hope you have a great weekend too.
I just started buying corned beef hash and I actually like it!
That is funny 🙂
I agree, good answers! Those Trout Tabbies always give me the giggles too!
Thank you. I especially love their art shows 🙂
Wow, what a lot of good and fun answers to the fill ins:)
Thank you, I am enjoying everyone’s answers.
I don’t think I have even heard/tried any of those foods. So I can’t tell whether I like them, or not…
: )
I agree, it would be hard if you haven’t tried them. 🙂
I don’t believe I have ever had corned beef hash?? Father and daughter dances always get me too. I don’t have a relationship with my real father, but I was so happy and grateful to be blessed with an awesome step dad who filled those shoes on my special day.
I am glad you had a good step dad. I don’t recommend the hash- it is very greasy. I can’t believe I ever ate it.