Friendly Fill-Ins Week 409


Ho everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I hope my Easter basket has __________ in it.
2. March has been ____________________.
3. If there ever was a time to _________, it’s now.
4. I _________ in preparation for _________.
My answers:
1. I hope my Easter basket has Doritos and Dove chocolate in it. Those were the things I gave up for Lent.
2. March has been awful or as the grinch would say, it stink, stank ,stunk!
3. If there ever was a time to do something you have always wanted to do-it’s now.
4. I spent a lot of time with Joanie in preparation for her passing.I have always spent a lot of time with her, but once she turned 17, I made sure to spend even more time with her because I knew our time was running short.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from last March, Angel Joanie and Gremmie at The Catburry Bunny auditions.

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  1. That is a sweet picture of Angel Joanie. I am glad you were able to spend a lot of time with her.

  2. Oh, sweet Joanie. Hugs to you all on Easter and every day. May Doritos come your way!

  3. Angel Joanie was so lucky to have you as her Mom……and now she can watch over you just as you had watched over her. We hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!!!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  4. Angel Joanie and Lucy probably see to it they hear Easter basket is overflowing.

  5. Sweet pic of Angel Joanie. I hope my Easter basket is filled with lots of chocolate and Easter eggs. Great fill-ins.

  6. Your flashback of Angel Joanie with Gremmie is so sweet this morning♥… I am glad you shared it. She is so missed, Ellen.
    SSNS is right there with you regarding Doritos!
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. I hope my Easter basket has Kilwins chocolate malted milk balls in it.
    2. March has been a roller coaster of emotions.
    3. If there ever was a time to be thankful, it’s now.
    4. I don’t do much in preparation for Easter anymore but we have to do our deviled eggs!
    Thank you, Ellen and Meowing Crew♥

    1. Thank you for missing her too. And thank you for these great answers. Malted milk balls sound good. I haven’t had them in years. XO

  7. I love seeing angel Joanie. And especially with Gremmie. A sweet meaningful picture. XO

  8. I 100% agree live each day to the fullest…
    Joanie was an example of a life lived well and full
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Charlee: “Angel Joanie and Gremmie look so cute in their Easter headgear! Gremmie is the best-dressed Mogwai we’ve ever seen!”
    Chaplin: “If you get Doritos in your Easter basket, you can probably expect a visit from our imaginary friend Spicoli …”

  10. 1. I hope my Easter basket has Cheetos and Ice Cream in it.
    2. March has been whirlwind of unwanted activity. I’m ready for some happy.
    3. If there ever was a time to be kind, it’s now.
    4. We spent a lot of time making sure our mechanic and our boat detailer had access to our boat in preparation for boating this season. We’re ready.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins, Ellen. Always fun.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the kitties and healing hugs to you, my friend. xo ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I hope you get your ice cream and cheetos. 🙂 Glad you are ready to go boating. Have a Happy Easter! XO

  11. Let’s pray April is better for us all. ~hugs~ I must add, though, that things are not bad here at all. The world in general is another story. ~sigh~ Be well, my dear.

  12. How can wee even type ‘angel’ Joanie Aunty Ellen? This iss so furry sad…..wee so sorry……Shee was so cute inn THE Bunny earss…..
    Yore Fill-Inn answerss are guud. BellaSita Mum thinkss March needss to go sumwhere an nevurr reetern! 😉
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

  13. Such nice answers and sweet Joanie loved being with you so much, no doubt about it.

  14. May you have Doritos and Dove chocolate until you’re ready to give them up again!

    Thank you for linking your beautiful Angel Joanie up with Feline Friday. We’re all going to miss her like crazy.

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