Hi everyone. Before I get started, I want to pay tribute to a dear blogging friend that sadly passed away recently. Jean Nielson, mom to Shoko and Tyebe ,was a wonderful lady who left us too soon. Messages can be left on The Cat Blogosphere page, click here.

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.
1. I enjoy watching ___________________.
I __________________ on St. Patrick’s Day.
3. Others come to me when they need help with _________.
4. _________ is my lucky charm.
My answers:
1. I enjoy watching my great nephew go through my purse. He puts my glasses on his head and ends up taking everything out.
2. I have Lucky Charms for breakfast on St. Patrick’s Day. I call that the Polish way of celebrating St. Patty’s Day. I usually make my hubby cherry winks with green maraschino cherries too.
3. Others come to me when they need help with heir cats. My niece also comes to me to remove tough stains in clothes. 🙂
4. My little angel in my pocket named Hope is my lucky charm. I always have Hope with me wherever I go.
My flashback is from March 2015 when I got to meet Matilda the cat when we stayed at The Algonquin in NYC. Sadly, she passed away in 2017.
One more thing, I promised an update on Elvira. The vet thought her ulcerated tumor looked much better and did not give more antibiotics for now. She also said it can’t be removed or stitched shut. She will remain on pain meds and doesn’t have to go back until there is a change lie the tumor becoming infected again or her breathing changes (which would mean it spread to the lungs). Thank you all for the purrs and prayers (and woofs). Right now, her quality of life is good as she eats, plays and doesn’t seem to be in pain. I almost wonder if she had arthritis pain because she is much peppier now that she was at any time over the past (almost) 2 years.

I got her a little outfit to protect her wound. She looks pretty in pink, I just wish I could turn those high beams down.
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Good to hear that Elvira has a good quality of life right now. It’s very sad about Jean and I do remember Shoko and Tyebe. I tried to leave a message at Cat Blogosphere but I don’t think it went through. XO
Thank you. I think it went through. XO
That’s so sad about Jean.
I’m glad to hear that Elvira’s quality of life is good. We had the same answer for #3.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Oh, how we love your darling grand nephew’s rummage through the purse, and such good news about Elvira. B12 for cats is a miracle vitamin that helped Loulou walk again and JUMP at times. It is called Zobaline and Loulou ate it crushed into a tiny bit of goat yogurt every morning and LOVED it. It worked wonders! Love your Patty’s Day breakfast. You are too funny….makes our morning so bright right now….
Thank you. 🙂 I will ask about it, thank you. XO
Elvira looks adorable even with her high beams on! We’re happy she is better and we know you will know if and when things change for her. Of course everyone comes to you for help – you are a wonderful and very caring person….we know that for sure. Good job filling in the blanks AND good job being one of the hosts for Fill-Ins – we love filling in!
Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam
Thank you. I always enjoy your answers. XO
Yes, it was sad to read about Jean. We hope Elvira continues to enjoy a good quality of life and glad it seems she’s not in pain. Have a good weekend, Ellen.
Thank you. XO
I am glad there is an improvement in the ulcerated tumour, and that Elvira is enjoying life.
You were lucky to meet Matilda.
I was sad to hear of Jean’s passing and send my condolences to Bill.
Thank you. 🙂 Yes., I was lucky to meet her even though she technically snubbed me. XO
Elvira’s news is not the best but it certainly is getting a little better for her and she certainly looks lovely in pink. It’s fun reading your feelings as it makes us feel closer to knowing you better.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, and my sympathy goes out to her husband and kitties.
And we are sending healing vibes to Elvira. It’s no fun being in pain all the time, so we’re glad there’s some relief. Hugs to you all
Thank you. XO
I hope Elvira improves and her pain lessens. More prayers and healing vibes coming her way. That is a sweert pic of Matilda, and I am sorry to hear about Jean. My condolences to her family.
Thank you. XO
You’re welcome, Ellen.
I didn’t really know Jean but I have been introduced to her wonderful sense of humor back when I was blogging. I am so sorry she passed away.
I am so thankful that Elvira is with you. She is in the best place. I love that you got her a “pretty in pink” outfit to protect her wound. Her high beams are bright and shining and I love them♥ Everybody needs a little Hope in their pocket, Ellen!
My Fill-Ins~
1. I enjoy watching Equestrian Dressage competition wherever I can find it.
2. I share some Kerrygold Dubliner cheese with SSNS on St. Patrick’s Day.
3. Others come to me when they need help with _________. I can’t think of a thing people come to me for!
4. Even though she has been an Angel Cat since January 2009, my Z Cat is my lucky charm. She changed my life when we brought her home.
Thank you, Ellen!
Thank you for these great answers. The cheese sounds good. Sweet answer to #4 and I am sure people come to you for things you just can’t think of something right now. XO
I have never been to their page as I hadn’t heard of it till now but I am so sorry to learn about it. I will get over to the CB and leave my condolences.
Elvira, I am so glad for you! This is wonderful. And I am glad that you have the energy to turn your high beams on!!! Not a problem, little girl.
1. I enjoy watching Texas Ranger. The original only- with Chuck Norris.
2. I don’t do anything different on St, Patrick’s Day. When working, I would wear something green before I had to change out.
3. Others always come to me when they need help with anything concerning writing. Reports, resumes, letters to the editor things, letters to companies, etc.
4. I guess my first son’s baby spoon is my lucky charm. But it lives in the silverware drawer. I would be devastated if anything happened to it.
Thank you for these great answers. You should try the new one, it is good. 🙂 I can see that- you are a good writer. XO
Pawesome fill-ins, and we’re sending Elvira lot’s of healing purrs, the extra special BBHQ kind! Wishing mew all a purrfect weekend!
Thank you. 🙂 Hope you have a nice weekend. XO
I was so sad to read about Jean. She was such a light. Elvira looks too cute in her protective shirt. Sending her hugs!
Very sad. She was a light. Elvira thanks for the hugs. XO
I think it’s really funny and clever that you eat Lucky Charms on St. Patrick’s Day. Continued purrs for Elvira. Hope she continues to have many good days.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Charlee: “We didn’t really know the Canadian Cats but we were sad to hear about Jean’s earlier stroke and now her passing.”
Chaplin: “Yeah, Dada always gets a little shivery these days about strokes, for some reason.”
Lulu: “Our Dada loves the little marshmallows in the Lucky Charms, but he never buys it anymore because they don’t sell it at the store where he usually goes grocery shopping. Once in a while he buys the Mother’s brand of cereal that has similar marshmallows, though.”
A store that doesn’t sell Lucky Charms? The horror!
Those were fun answers and thanks for the update on Elvira, I’m sure glad she is playing and having fun. I was sure sad to hear about Jean.
Thank you. 🙂 Yes, very sad.
Ellen what fun your G Nephew is to observe after two G Nieces. I’m sure he will give you lots of laughs. Jean was a good friend to us all.
Healing hugs to Elvira as you loving take care of her
He is definitely all boy. 🙂 Yes, Jean was. Thank you. XO
1. I enjoy watching our precious kitties. They bring us such joy.
I I don’t do anything special on St. Patrick’s Day.
3. Others come to me when they need help with advice. Mostly family members.
4. Hubby is my lucky charm.
Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. XO ♥
Thank you for these great answers. #4 is sweet. I love watching kitties too. XO
I’m sorry to read about the passing of your bloggy friend. Prayers to the family!
1. I enjoy watching _good TV series with DH on the weekend. We’re currently on the last season of The Americans which I highly recommend_.
I _usually make Ruben sandwiches_ on St. Patrick’s Day.
3. Others come to me when they need help with _ bloggy stuff or homeschooling advice_.
4. _DH_ is my lucky charm.
Have a good weekend!
Thank you. And thanks for the great answers. #4 is sweet. XO
Glad Elvira is still doing well, Unlike us humans, the kitties don’t waste time thinking ahead and worrying! Purrs !
Thank you. That is so true.
We are happy to hear Elvira is hanging in there and continued with loads of prayers. But we were absolutely gutted about the news of Jean. She was such a dear lady and we loved her kitty stories. We sent our best condolences to Bill.
Thank you. I was sad to learn of her passing too. xo
Elvira is so cute. Glad she’s comfortable and doing well.
Thank you. 🙂
Lucky Charms for breakfast sounds like a fun way to go.
I appreciate the update on Elvira, I know you will look after her very well.
Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!
They are magically delicious. Thank you. 🙂
You look adorable, Elvira. You’re so lucky you got to meet Matilda!
Thank you. 🙂
Her high beams make me smile; as does the update. Thank you for the lovely card, my dear. You are a treasure that surely makes all our angel pets and their lovely bloggers in heaven likewise joyful. Blessings, my dear.
Thank you. you are too sweet. XO
I’m very happy to hear that Elvira has stabilized. Best wishes to her and the rest of the kitties.
Thank you. XO
Healing Pawkisses for sweet Elvira continue. We wish that the tumors shrink more and more effurry day 🙏 Soft Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞
Thank you. xO