I Won’t Forget You Lucy

Hi everyone. This is so not the post I had planned for today. Friday night our sweet feral, Lucy left us. It was all so fast and unexpected. I am pretty sure it was a blood clot.

Around 7 Pm I heard a cat meow- the bad kind of meow like something is wrong. I went upstairs and found Lucy in the hallway. She was breathing heavy and gasping. I carried her downstairs and sat on the floor with her. I had been in a similar situation when KaTwo died from one. She was gone within 20 minutes. I wrapped her in a towel and brought her back upstairs for a while so her sisters could say goodbye.

She was only about 5 years old and seemed healthy, so I have no idea why this happened. I am thankful I got to be with her and pet her at the end. She was a good cat that got along with every other cat in the house. She was beautiful, I had hoped to be able to get her to wear a hat someday, but it was not to be. Rest in peace sweet girl.

Thankyou Ann for the badge.

Thank you to Benji and Dalton’s mom for this beautiful badge.





  1. I’m so terribly sad for you, What a beautiful kitty she was. Ellen. Purrs and hugs to you for peace and comfort. XO

  2. So unexpectedly, and so fast. It does sound like a saddle thrombus, or something cardiac. She was very pretty, I’m sorry you lost her without being able to enjoy her for another 15 years or so. Sending you purrs from all of us.

  3. I am so sorry for the loss of beautiful Lucy. It would have been a comfort to her that you were with her at the end of her life.

  4. Oh, Ellen, how terribly sad and so sudden. These things happen. We send you hugs and love and sorrow for lovely Lucy. Sometimes feral kitties just have things we don’t know about. Love love love

  5. What a tragedy…….such a sad thing to go through when you have other cats right now who are struggling. The saving grace for little Lucy is it was apparently fairly quick and you were holding her and loving her and making her feel safe and secure at the end. I’m so sorry Ellen. We never know when “their time” will come but I’m glad it was with you that she spend her final time.

    Love, Pam

  6. We sent you prayers and purrs Ellen. I am so sorry such a lovely cat had to die so young. You know she was well loved and well taken care of. She’ll be an angel of yours with so many others.

  7. So sorry to read this sad and painful news about Lucy. This is way too fast and unexpected. I hope you can find some comfort in the beautiful memories of sweet Lucy.
    Sending you hugs and love.

  8. I am so very sorry, Ellen. Thankful you were with her and that she knew nothing but warmth, love and kindness during her life with you and in your arms at the end. Sweet Lucy♥ Sending you love and hugs, Ellen. Your strength and kind heart are gifts during these incredibly hard losses of special little souls.

  9. Ellen, I am so sorry Lucy flew away from you and the family. What sorrow this is. Much love and purrs for all the loving memories . XOX

  10. I’m so sorry for your loss, Ellen. These sudden and unexpected losses are the toughest to take. In truth, all losses are difficult, but when you have no time to prepare yourself, the shock can be overwhelming. Lucy knew she was loved, and I’m sure it was a comfort for her that you could be right with her until the end. Condolences to your whole family, with love from ours.

    1. Yes, they are the toughest to take. Thank you for the kind words. XO and love to you .

  11. Dear Ellen
    I am so very sorry to read about Lucy’s sudden passing. Very thankful that you were home and able to hold her as she made her journey OTRB
    L ovely
    U touched everyone’s heart with your gently purrsonality
    C aring sibling
    Y our mom loved you to the moon and back

    Hugs and love

  12. Oh Ellen, I’m so very sorry to hear that news about sweet Lucy, she was such a pretty sweetheart. Those unexpected losses are just horrible, I know that all too well.

  13. Lucy, you are such a gorgeous girl; all of us here in trout towne
    are sending you, mom and dad lots of hugs and loves. we too wish
    you could have had many more years together, yet, are thankful
    mom was right there with you, as you made the journey to start
    your tenth life in heaven. we are truly sorry 💖💖💖
    dude, boomer, dai$y, tuna, sauce and mackerull

  14. I’m so deeply sorry for Lucy’s passing. I lost angel Chumley to a blood clot and the horror of that night remains with me even after so many years. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kim and her angels

  15. I’m so sorry Ellen. Lucy was beautiful. You should have had so many more years together. Sometimes nature is just cruel.

  16. Oh Ellen, we’re so sorry to read this😿but Thankful that she wasn’t alone when she made her transition. You gave her the best years of her life in a real home and she was such a sweet girl😿Soft Pawkisses especially for you🐾😽💞
    Fly free beautiful Soul. Until we meet again✨

  17. Our Sinseerest Sympaffiess Aunty Ellen on THE loss of Lucy! Wee feel so sad fore all of youss’. At leest you got to take care of Lucy fore THE past few yeerss an show her LOVE!!
    Run free deerest Lucy an watch over all THE Kittiess at Aunty Ellen’ss an Aunty an Unkell two!
    ****purrss**** BellaDharma an ***blowss kissess*** BellaSita Mum

  18. Oh, Ellen. We are so sad and sorry that Lucy had to leave so suddenly for the Bridge. Thank you for loving her so much, and for the wonderful life you gave her. Hugs, purrs, and prayers to you.

  19. Dearest Ellen,
    What a sad and unexpected departure from her furrever home.
    Glad she called you and you got to be with her in her final moments.
    We always do the same, showing the Angel kitty to the siblings so they know.
    Big hugs,
    Mariette + Kitties

  20. So sudden and so sad, and so young. She never had the chances she should have. But what chances she had were because of you and the rest of her family. Her short life was happy. Godspeed, Lucy.

  21. It is hard enough when a beloved cat is older and ill…a death like this is beyond heartbreaking. We are so sorry to read this, and send purrs and purrayers to the humans and her housemates. Beautiful Lucy will be missed – and remembered.

  22. OMC I am so, so sorry. This sounds exactly like how I lost Truffles. She was way too young. This is heartbreaking 🙁

  23. When a soul leaves its mortal body, it is lifted by the wind unseen by adult human eyes, which have been cleared of the ability to experience magic. The soul floats to the nearest river, then rides the current until it enters the River of Life, which gently carries the soul to Rainbow Bridge. The new angel emerges from the water, having discarded all the pain and sorrow of mortal life (often transferred to those mortals nearest to them,). The soul then crosses the River of Life via the Rainbow Bridge and is reunited with their predecessors who loved them while they were mortal; then, a glorious reunion takes place. Their predecessors teach the new angel how to dream visit, to inhibit the bodies of furry and winged creatures so the angel can watch over their loved ones. So, if you see a bird or little animal watching you, or wake up from a dream feeling light of heart, know your angel has been with you. Death is not the end, it’s a temporary separation, and if you never stop loving the angel, you will be together again in a place called Rainbow Bridge.

  24. Such a pretty girl and much too young to pass. We send you our deepest condolences. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber, and Mom too.

  25. We are so very sorry that sweet Lucy was called, so young, to the Rainbow Bridge. But it is a comfort to know that you were with her and that she was not alone, and that she knew love and care, before she had to leave.
    Fly free now, little Angel, safe in the Loving Paw of the Great Cat in the Sky.

  26. We are so very sorry. I’m glad you were there to comfort your girl as she crossed over. You are a wonderful cat mama, and she had such a good life with you. Many purrs from Gigi and Buddy and Angel Spitty and the Human too.

  27. We are so sorry to hear the sad news about Lucy, you are in our thoughts purrs of sympathy and paws of comfort from all of us here at ATCAD

  28. We are so sorry, Ellen. Thank you for sharing her with everyone and for loving her. Sending big hugs and the softest purrs. Goodbye sweet Lucy. Run fast and free.

  29. Charlee: “Oh no! We are very sorry to hear about sweet Lucy!”
    Chaplin: “She was such a pretty fluffy girl!”
    Oona: “Oona and the other cats send lots of purrs your way.”
    Lulu: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags!”

  30. Ellen, my heart goes out to you. Lucy was so very blessed to have you and to know the endless love you share. All of our purrs, woofs, and prayers to you as you remember sweet Lucy.

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