Friendly Fill-Ins Week 371


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I have a spare ______________________.
2. ___________________ is the day I _____________________.
3. I need to invent _________ so that _________.
4. _________ really made me rethink _________.
My answers:
1. I have a spare coffee and a spare toaster. I must always have my coffee. And I thought our toaster was broken so I ordered a new one, but the old one just had a piece of pop tart stopping it from turning on.
2. Saturday is the day I do laundry.
3. I need to invent a magic pill so that I can lose weight and still eat what I want.
4. Losing my sister last year really made me rethink everything about my life.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from July 2022, my Angel Emmy was reminding everyone of National Fire Safety Day.

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  1. I think everyone…well almost…would want that kind of a #3 pill…the first one to invent it will get rich…but watch out, he/she might get fat from the good new life of a rich person, LOL!

    1. I have a spare toaster oven and inversion blender…when I see one at a good price I get it…because you never know when they will conk out…and they do…one of our earlier toaster ovens almost started a kitchen fire, it short circuited while we were using it:(.
    Immerison blenders often overheat and ‘die’…
    2. Friday is the day I usually vacuum, though I know I should do it more often..
    3. I need to invent ways or medicines to stop the cancer and Alzheimer scourges…they rob too many peeps of their loved one. so that peeps can live long and healthy lives..
    4. Having cancer in 2006/7 really made me rethink how I should live the rest of my days…and hubby’s current health troubles make that even more obviouus…for both of us.
    At least right now we still have each other and are relatively healthy and independent. God is good too us, and we thank Him for those mercies.

    1. Thanks for these great answers except I am sorry you had cancer- thankful you survived though. I wish you could do #3. I did see there is a new med to slow down Alzheimers. XO

  2. Yes, losing someone you love does make one think about one’s own life and paths…
    LOVED the pop tart problem, haha. Wish we had one of those toasters as ours is always doing weird things. But I think papa is ordering one that holds two slices side by side…

  3. You should start a GO FUND ME for that pill you speak of because I think a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE would love to be able to have it! LOL Thank you for co-hosting fill-ins…..they’re always TONS of fun!

    Hugs, Pam

    1. Thank you. That is a tough job, I admire any one who does it for so long. XO

  4. Angel Emmy♥
    I do laundry pretty much every day. There are just two of us. I don’t know what it is with laundry.
    When you invent that magic pill, would you share? I so feel your words about losing your sister.
    My Fill=Ins…
    1. I have a spare ChapStick everywhere.
    2. Sunday is the day I enjoy the most out of the week.
    3. I need to invent a better way other than flying so that I can go to Tuscany. Beam me up Scotty.
    4. Hurricane Ian really made me rethink living in Floriduh.
    Thank you Ellen!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. It would be nice to be able to teleport places. 🙂 XO

  5. Swinging by to say hello. I can’t seem to fill in the fill-ins today. Brain on vacation.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xo ♥

  6. Java Bean: “Must have coffee!!! I am in fact named after coffee, so you know coffee must be important.”
    Chaplin: “I would join Angel Emmy’s Fire Brigade! Tuxies to the rescue!”

  7. I have 2 spare coffee pots because you never know! Yikes. I do laundry every other day. It’s easier to me handle than a large load. Such a sweet pic of Angel Emmy.

  8. Mee-yow what GRATE Fill-Innss Aunty Ellen!! Yore pawsum! An ‘angel’ Emmy sure was publick minded…mew mew mew……
    BellaSita Mum wanted to due Fill-Inns bye herself so heer goes:

    1. I have a spare cat toys. You KNOW how fussy cats can be!?
    2. December 24th is the day I enjoy the most every year.
    3. I need to invent a pain med so that I can truly function properly.
    4. My Brother Dale’s murder in 1985 really made me rethink my Life & journey.

    Mee-yow those are sum seereuss Fill-Inns aren’t they Aunty?
    ****purrss**** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you for these answers. I didn’t know your brother had been murdered. That is awful. And I wish there was a pain med to help you. XO

      1. Yes Ellen August 16th, 1985…I would have been killed too, had I been there with Dale. I was at Sister’s recovering from surgery to remove Cancer. It was one Helluva Year!
        Codeine Phosphate DOES help but I can’t take alot as it upsets stomach & I do not want to get addicted to it. ***sighs***

        1. I am glad you didn’t get killed and sorry you had to deal with cancer. XO

          1. Ellen it was Cancer that saved my Life! If I had not just had surgery a month prior & was still convalescing I too would have been ambushed & murdered! The 3 Brothers even said that outside the Court Room & no one did a thing to arrest them!
            I walked out of one Life into another & saved myself…..

          2. That is a way to put a positive spin on cancer. Glad it saved you. XO

  9. We love that sweet angel, she sure was pretty and wise😺We won’t do a catch up, Ellen, Granny had to pull a tooth today and OMC it really hurts…So we’re here bring you Double Pawkisses and to wish you a Happy Weekend and hope to be around again soon🐾😽💞

  10. I can relate to having spare coffee you should see my Keurig coffee stash. and i can relate to losing a loved one, October 2020 I lost the love of my life my better half my Celestine.

  11. Mom would love to be able to do laundry just once a week. You and Mom Pam need to get together and work on #3, as she wants food without calories. I would definitely sign on for that. Emmy was so beautiful. It is always difficult to lose a loved one, and often brings about lifestyle changes for those left behind. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

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