Friendly Fill-Ins Week 370


Hi everyone. Before we get started, I want to give my condolences to sweet Valentine’s family. They had to say goodbye to him on June 26th. His mom is sick and no longer blogging, but condolences can be left on The Cat Blogosphere. Click here. 

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. When I ______________________, it means that I am sick.
2. I ___________________fireworks.
3. I have a newfound appreciation for _________.
4. I think everyone should _________ so that ________
My answers:
1. When I go to bed before midnight, it means I am sick.
2. I dislike fireworks.  They scare animals and they can’t be good for the environment.
3. I have a newfound appreciation for Rusty. He has really calmed down and he follows me everywhere ( including the bathroom). 🙂
4. I think everyone should have a will and their wishes written down so that their loved ones don’t have to make those decisions.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from June 2017, Angel Emmy posing with a patriotic hat.

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  1. I’m so sorry to hear about Valentine. My condolences to the family.

    We had similar answers to #2. Great advice about #4.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Adorable picture of Angel Emmy, and good answers! I don’t like fireworks either. We were very sorry to hear about Valentine. XO

  3. Yes to all four. Good fill-ins and thank you for letting us know about dear Valentine. Such a sweet kitty and we love her mama, Kerry.

  4. I am sorry to hear about Valentine. I hate fireworks too!
    That is a sweet picture of Angel Emmy.

  5. Sorry to hear about Valentine – we didn’t know him well but what a handsome boy he was. Fireworks are nothing but (a) dangerous and (b) TOO NOISY! We’d prefer to celebrate with red-white-and blue ice cream – it’s more quiet. Glad Rusty has become your shadow.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

  6. Wonderful news about Rusty. We love the Patriotic hat that angel Emmy is wearing. But whoever invented fireworks in China 100 zillion years ago could have just not.

  7. I didn’t know Angel Valentine but goodness, what a beautiful baby. I send condolences to his momma. Rusty! I knew you had it in you!!! Hope your fellow other Ginger does too.

  8. We can’t believe Valentine has departed for the Rainbow Realm, we are devasted! 💔💔💔
    Supurr fill-ins today, and ditto on #2, fireworks are ok for organised events, but in the hands of regular people, NO! Have a pawesome weekend guys and lovely seeing Angel Emmy today!

  9. Sweet pic of Angel Emmy, and my condolences to Valentine’s family. I follow another blogger that has cats and last week, her Angel Teddy crossed the bridge. She buys Chewy products for her cats, and Chewy sent her a bouquet of flowers when she notified them to modify her order.

  10. Lulu: “NO FIREWORKS!!!”
    Java Bean: “Fireworks don’t scare me. I bark at them to give them what-for!”
    Oona: “What are fireworks?”
    Chaplin: “You’ll find out soon.”
    Charlee: “The dogs are not fans.”
    Chaplin: “We cats don’t care though.”
    Charlee: “We didn’t know Valentine but we are always sad to hear about a furry friend going to the Rainbow Bridge. We send lots of purrs for his family.”

  11. 1. When I very quiet, it means that I am sick.
    2. I love fireworks, but hated them when we had Little Bit. She was scared the entire time.
    3. I have a newfound appreciation for common sense. There is so little at times.
    4. I think everyone should be kind so that the world would be a better place.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xo ♥

  12. Deer deer Valentine……hee was such a kewl man cat Aunty Ellen. I hope hee findss yore Emmy an all his frendss inn Purr Land…..
    Wee are sorry his Meowmy iss unwell two. Wee hoped shee wuud get bettur…….
    Yore Fill-Innss are grate Aunty!!!

    Wee gonna due Fill-Inns twogether:
    1. When I/Wee sleep alot, it means that I/Wee are sick.
    2. I/Wee HATE fireworks.
    3. I/Wee have a newfound appreciation for Hippy-Hop nice mewsick!
    4. I/Wee think everyone should not lie an gossip so that wee all cuud live inn Peece.

    How did wee due Aunty Ellen?
    ~~~head rubss~~~ BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Very sad about Valentine. Thank you for these great answers. Hip hop is one I could never get into. I am with you on #4. XO

  13. Ellen, that was very thoughtful of you to give mention about Valentine (Noir Kitty Mews). You and your kitties have been such good friend/furiends to us over the years. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. -Kerry and family

    1. You’re welcome. I am very sorry for your loss. Valentine was a special little guy. XO

  14. It’s always so sad when a beloved pet passes away. I’ll have to pay them a visit. Valentine is a little black teddy bear.
    1. When I keep falling asleep, it means that I am sick.
    2. I detest fireworks. It’s the noise I can’t stand. This year in Canada we are not allowed to have them because of the wildfires.
    3. I have a newfound appreciation for my handyman who is a hard worker and a fast one, too.
    4. I think everyone should practise meditation so they can calm down and be able to understand each other.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I wish I had a handyman. And I agree about meditation. XO

  15. Those were really good answers, awwww, hooray for Rusty! That’s a sweet flashback. We’re very sad to hear about dear Valentine, he was a special one.

  16. If i stayed up until midnight, i’d never be able to get up for work. My Sweetie is the night owl around here.

    I’m glad Rusty is calming down and i hope Rudy follows his lead.

    Angel Emmy is a beauty. Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  17. We all miss Valentine, even though he hasn’t blogged in a long while,. We know his family misses him even more.

    Angel Emmy looked so patriotic!

    1. When I can’t eat or do computer work, it means that I am sick.
    2. I prefer watching fireworks. on the TV…such as tithe one from Washington DC.
    3. I have a newfound appreciation for peeps who can sleuth out medical mysteries.
    4. I think everyone should experience being in a hospitals bed for a number of days…real or staged, so that they will have greater empathy for those who they may have to care for in similar situations.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I don’t mind fireworks on tv either. Good idea with #4. xo

  18. Sorry I am late, Ellen. And I got blocked on the Fill-Ins. Couldn’t get #4. I didn’t know Valentine, but it is always sad when a kitty has to leave their family. He is so handsome.
    I have some stronger words about how I feel about fireworks but I will be good and hold back.
    Here are my Fill-Ins…
    1. When I stay isolated and get quiet it means that I am sick.
    2. I hate fireworks. I want them banned. They frighten both animals and people. I want them to become a thing of the past.
    3. I have a newfound appreciation for old time fans.
    4. I think everyone should _________ so that ________.
    Thanks, Ellen

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I hate fireworks too. And I love fans, I have a cat shaped one. 🙂 XO

  19. Thanks for letting us know about Valentine. He was such a sweetheart. Very happy to hear that Rusty is settling in.


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