Friendly Fill-Ins Week 368


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. _____________________ is something that boggles my mind.
2. I hope to __________________ this summer.
3. I could really use some recommendations for _________.
4. _________ wasn’t my best idea.
My answers:
1. How people are smart enough to have enough money to buy all their groceries at Whole Foods yet are dumb enough to spend so much in there is something that boggles my mind. I go in there once in a while for one item and see people with a cart full that ends up being $300.
2. I hope to spend a lot of time with The Great One and Typhoid Mary this summer.
3. I could really use some recommendations for something to binge watch this summer now that the regular tv season is over.
4. Making slime with the girls wasn’t my best idea. We did that a few months ago and it made a very big mess.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from July 2014. Angel Lucy was our original mermaid. She definitely wore it better than Rusty or Rudy.

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  1. Beautiful flashback photo of Angel Lucy.

    Great fill ins. I’ll have to stop by and see what people are recommending to binge. I’m looking for something good too. We still have The Blacklist for a few more weeks.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Love your fill-ins – – AND we totally agree that Lucy rocked that mermaid costume BEST! I’m sure you will be spending lots of quality time with your nieces (and nephew) this Summer…..Auntie Ellen has more toys at her house for them then they have at THEIR house so no doubt you’re “THE PLACE TO BE” !!!!

    Hugs, Pam

  3. Borgen is fantastic. Diplomat maybe. The Bureau, fabulous but for us, we who never saw it, FRIENDS is the choice for binging. Also The Good Fight, The Good Wife and Black Mirror but only some episodes. Never got into Secession. Love animal shows! Slime? You are more than creative….

    1. I LOVE Friends. I watched them all originally. I like The God Fight and Wife so I will try Black Mirror. 🙂 Thank you. XO

  4. Making slime sounds like something I would not want to do! Angel Lucy made a very cute mermaid.

  5. People see “discount” and spend more to save money…
    They have money, not smarts 😉 MOL!
    Hope you enjoy lots of time this Summer with Typhoid Mary and the Great One!
    Enjoy the great outdoors…it’s less messy 😉 MOL!
    Purrs, Julie

  6. Ideas for tv shows to binge watch: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon), This is Us (Hulu), Dr. Pol (Disney+). Lucy was a purr-fect mermaid.

    1. You have great taste. I love Mrs. Maisel and This is Us so I will try Dr. Pol. XO

  7. Aww, Angel Lucy looked so cute!
    Whole Foods is a terrific place for lunch; I’ve met friends and family there; we all pick our own stuff, and enjoy the cafeteria atmosphere.

  8. Charlee: “Ooh well for a TV show, our Dada always tells everyone they should watch this old AMC show called ‘Halt and Catch Fire’ but it’s about the early years of computers and the Internet so you may need to be a nerd to really like it.”
    Chaplin: “But Mama really liked it, and Mama is not a nerd.”
    Charlee: “No, but she’s married to a nerd, so by the transitive property …”
    Oona: “NERDS!!!”

  9. Lucy you made a darling mermaid!!
    As for binge watching…I’m thinking I might try the comedy Ghosts it has been on for 2 seasons.
    I think on ABC. The commercials for it are sure funny
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. ‘angel’ Lucy looked deevine inn THE Murrmaid outfit Aunty Ellen!
    Grate answerss to yore Fill-innss.
    Sadly BellaSita has a Tummy Bug so wee skip this week. Butt wee still love you an Kittiess so-o much!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. I am sorry BellaSita has a tummy bug. I hope she feels better soon. XO

  11. We know, Lucy. It isn’t easy being green. Or being slime. Take out your wings and make a quick getaway. You can come back when your family returns to their original colour. XO

  12. Angel Lucy definitely wore it best! I am late today, not enough hours in this day. But today SSNS got his last cataract removed. Lots of waiting! I was exhausted when we got home. Not a fan of WF so I don’t even think about shopping there. Here are my Fill-Ins…
    1. All the angry and impatient drivers that always seem to be behind me is something that boggles my mind.
    2. I hope to have a new tile roof this summer. I am sure that’s going to happen soon, the tile gets delivered Wednesday!
    3. I could really use some recommendations for improving my patience quotient.
    4. Moving to a state known to suffer from hurricanes wasn’t my best idea.
    Thanks Ellen… see you tomorrow for Caturday Saturday.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. That is good that SSNS got his cataracts removed. I always have a line behind me too because I obey the speed limit. That is great about the roof. Sorry, I have no advice on patience. 🙂 XO

  13. Angel Lucy made the purrfect mermaid if you ask us. Dad says he and mom are right there with you on the Whole Foods thing (same goes for Trader Joes). Mom goes into both once or twice a month for just a few things that she says are better than the other grocery chains or the giant WM.

  14. Angel Lucy looks pawsitively MER-TASTIC!!!! Supurr fill-ins, and OMG on the slime, the P.A. had some when she was little (a billion or so years ago) and it was a dirty, snot green colour or a nuclear orange shade, and sometimes it came with plastic animals in it, (which would be classed as a choking hazard by todays rules) anyhoo, she survived to tell the tale of slime-ownership but wouldn’t have in the house today at any price! MOL

  15. I think shopping “Whole Paycheck” is a status thing. The store left me unimpressed, as did a local Trader Joe’s. Our two Dorothy Lane Market locations, however, are pricey but worthwhile when we want something a little more exotic. Funny enough, a recent (rare) trip provided us Thai basil leaves (yum) and no artificial crab legs to include in our rice wrappers. ~scratches head~ Oh, well. Best wishes, my dear!

    1. I am not into Trader Joe’s either. Ans I have not heard of Dorothy Lane. 🙂 XO

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