Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful for the sweet Thank You card The Great One’s class made for me for reading Emmy’s book to them and donating it to the classroom. They all signed the inside.

Also, thankful my vegan banana chocolate chip cookies came out good. My hubby’s niece is coming for a visit tomorrow and she is vegan, so I wanted to make something to offer.


We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.  And here is the photo prompt provided:

As you can see, I have a full tummy. 

That warthog sure was yummy. 
Now I will relax up high.
as I wait for dessert to walk by. 
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. _____________________ is something that boggles my mind.
2. I hope to __________________ this summer.
3. I could really use some recommendations for _________.
4. _________ wasn’t my best idea.


  1. Oh that is a really cute thank you note! Funny poem! That is the strangest lion picture I’ve ever seen! XO

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA…….LOVE the poem! Mom had a hard time STOPPING her giggling……! We both thought the thank you card for reading to the kids at school was adorable…..

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. That is a sweet thank you card. Those cookies look good! Love the poem. That certainly is a full looking tummy.

  4. Ohhh what a sweet classroom and KUDOS for being taught to send thank you notes.
    The cookies look very yummy.
    OMCs Ellen that poem was hilarious
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you. They were tasty. I am glad they are learning to write thank yous too. XO

  5. Charlee: “That is a very cute card from The Great One’s class. It’s nice to be appreciated!”
    Chaplin: “Speaking of appreciation, I would appreciate having a nice fat belly like that lion. Would you girl cats donate your next few meals to me?”
    Charlee: “Pffft. No.”
    Chaplin: “Oona, what about y—”

  6. I love that you read Emmy’s book to The Great One’s class. And their thank you card is so cute! I also couldn’t stop laughing at the dark humor of your poem. Perfection! Purrs to all of you!

  7. THE Grate One’ss classmatess were so sweet to make a Thanx card fore you Aunty Ellen!
    An yore Cookiess look deelishuss!
    An yore poe-em iss heelareeuss…..yore like Mistur Ogden Nash only funnyer 🙂
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  8. Those cookies look good, even the lion is ready for dessert MOL! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. It is a good combo. 🙂 I looked up what lions eat and that was one of the things. XO

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