Friendly Fill-Ins Week 359


Hi everyone!  Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. ______________ is like nailing jello to a wall.
2. I could use a break from ________________-.
3. I’d like to thank _________ for _________.
4. Just in case _________, I _________.
My answers:
1. Getting Rusty and Rudy to behave is like nailing jello to a wall. Impossible.
2. I could use a break from the news.I try to avoid it, but my hubby watches it.
3. I’d like to thank my mom for being such a good mom. Thank you Mom!!!
4. Just in case the library doesn’t get enough of the books I want to read in. I have a stash at home from book sales.
We are up to the letter L in The A-Z Blogging Challenge. For L, I have found some decluttering lists to help us all so we don’t miss anything.
The Blog, Passports and Parenting has a Konmari Checklist. I know I am not a big fan of her method, but the list is good. Click here.
Arin Solange at Home also has a great free printable list. Click here.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.  
My flashback is from last April, my sweet Angel Emmy.

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  1. OH, BOY…mama printed that list right away and I’ll bet she will go around the house touching everything to see if it is joyful!!! What a great thought for decluttering. At least I know I’ll be here a long time, haha,

  2. Your little orange kitty has lots of fun running over the blog page,LOL!!

    Angel Emmy was such a sweetie.

    I am drawing a blank on the fill-ins this week…maybe because I had to work late, and then do a bunch of chores when I got home.

    But…I am thankful we got our new fridge and its great to hear it humming away as it keeps our food cold/frozen.

  3. Sounds to me like you will be able to WRITE a decluttering book after going through the experience!!! Love your fill-ins……

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  4. Good answers. I don’t like watching the news either. It is always doom and gloom so I read it on my phone where I can decide what I want to hear about. That is a sweet flashback of Angel Emmy.

  5. I do enjoy your answers. Thanks for fun time
    Angel Emmy, You are so sweet with a rabbit. Your pawrents must miss you so much

  6. Wonderful picture of the lovely Emmy with her bunny. I stopped listening and watching the “bad”
    news a few years ago. If it does not pop up in my face when I sign onto the computer, I don’t see it. I feel bad that I have become this way, as I know I need to pray for those in need.

  7. My wife used to watch the news every morning while getting ready. I started complaining because it was 95 percent bad news and it did us no good to know it. So we both agreed to stop watching news on television. That was around 2016. Now I just read headlines and will read a news story if it seems interesting.

  8. I would like to thank your Mom for being such a good Mom and Grammie. Emmy you are missed♥ A sweet photo to file to my memories of the Mewoing Crew.
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. Trying to lose a few pounds is like nailing jello to a wall.
    2. I could use a break from the days and days of wind.
    3. I’d like to thank my lucky stars for the cats I have had in my life.
    4. Just in case I have not said it enough, I have lost all patience with people and their cell phones who prefer to talk/text someone else while they are spending time with somebody right in front of them in person.
    Thank you, Ellen!

    1. Thank you for your kind words about my mom. And thank you for these great answers. Very true about trying to lose pounds. We have had an unusual amount of windy days lately too. And I am with you on #4. XO

  9. 1. Herding cats is like nailing jello to a wall.
    2. I could use a break from rude people-.
    3. I’d like to thank all my blogging buddies for bringing me such joy.
    4. Just in case I’ve not mentioned this, I love all my blogging buddies.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥

  10. Well dun on Listss fore deeclutterin Aunty Ellen! You got this! Now to get yore Mistur mottyvated rite?
    An ‘angel’ Emmy sure was so beeuteefull……
    Mee an BellaSita MOL/LOL over yore answerss; speshelly #1 😉
    BellaSita wantss to due Fill-Innss, so heer goes:

    1. Getting any reply from my family is like nailing Jello to a wall.
    2. I could use a break from drug fumes, loud renovations & people screaming at each other here!
    3. I’d like to thank all our FAITHFUL Readers & Followers for sticking with us thru’ thick & thin!
    4. Just in case we have more shortages of Meds & Rubs, I stockpile Tylenol Gelcaps & A-535 Rubs!
    This was fun Ellen 🙂 BellaSita Mum

    Well dun BellaSita!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma two

    1. Thank you for answering. I am sorry your family is not very nice to you. And it stinks about the drug fumes. Very wise to stockpile meds. Make sure you stockpile Bella Dharma’s foods. XO

  11. Interesting answers, as always! I totally relate about the news. I’ve stopped watching/reading/listening and I’m much more at peace. Now I tune into happy news…like cat videos and animal rescues. So much better for the heart! xo

  12. Granny always has her ears in so she doesn’t hear what she don’t wants to hear😸 We’re having our moments too, Ellen, but we grew over it…sometimes…MOL…so Rudi and Rusty will too…maybe…😸🙈Extra Pawkisses for now🐾😽💞

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