Friendly Fill-Ins Week 284

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was ___________________.
2. When ________________, I want to _________________.
3. _________ doesn’t bother me.
4. I don’t handle _________ very well.
My answers:
1. Something I lost and was never able to find was a cat pin. Actually, I have lost 2 which is why I no longer wear pins.
2. When it gets to be 3 PM, I want to be home. Well, I always want to be home, but when I am out, I like to be back by 3PM. Not sure why.
3.  A cat drinking out of my glass  doesn’t bother me.
4. I don’t handle change very well.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

My flashback is from November 2015. Angel Stinky was wearing a pilgrim hat I crocheted.

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  1. Sorry about your Cat pins. Funny how you get used to Cats doing things and it doesn’t bother you. It intrigues me why you always want to be home by 3 PM when out…..Interesting
    Liked flashback of Angel Stinky.

  2. Angel Stinky sure wore that hat well!
    That is frustrating to lose pretty things you love.
    I used to want to be Home by suppertime, but things like that sure have changed for me, since I work second shift…

    Something I lost and was never able to find was a little pice of catnip filled calico…Groucho our first kitty played with that for ours upon hours and I have not seen it since long before he passed away…I wish I could find it…it would go into the kitty memorial stuff:)

    When it rains or snows I want to just stay home and curl up with my furry ones…or watch the junk on TV, or make a nice big mug of Hot Chocolate!

    Smelly things while they are unpleasant don’t really bother me…since I have to deal with that at my work a lot, LOL!

    I don’t handle waiting for stuff very well…my patience is often worn down by the time something happens. Last night I had an appt for my covid booster…and I was there over 90 minutes…sheeshh! At least I diid enjoy chatting with all the other waiting peeps! It sure helped that we were all friendly and willing to talk. All from different walks of life, different ages and styles!
    Wow, I wish the whole world was like that!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. My hubby got his covid booster this week and it took quite a while. I still need mine.
      I wonder where that toy disappeared to? XO

  3. I love the pic of Angel Stinky. So cute.

    I don’t like change either. I like things to stay the same, but change can’t be avoided. Have a great weekend!

  4. Funny you mention a 3PM deadline to be home……when I visit my sister in W. Virginia I have a 3PM deadline to HEAD back home. LOL I’m not crazy about change either!!

    Hugs, Pam

  5. I don’t like change either. That is a sweet flashback.
    The thing I lost that I regret the most is a gold stud earring. They were my nan’s and I was given them when she died. They were good quality gold and never caused a problem with my sensitive skin so I never took them out. They had wires and not butterflies on the back.
    We were in Kennedy Space Centre and watching a flight and moon landing. When I came out I realised one was missing. I wanted to go back in but they wouldn’t let me because of security. I told them it was sentimental value so they took my address in case they found it. Of course I never heard anything as it was so small. I have the other earring in a box and considered having a duplicate made but it wouldn’t be the same.

  6. Angel Stinky made a great pilgrim.

    It’s not fun to lose things, but my Sweetie loses stuff all day long. He’s learned to find it all for himself, because i’m often not there to help.

    By 3pm, it’s time to be home thinking about what to cook for supper.

  7. Love your fill-ins and I like to be home by 4 pm. Funny how that works.

    Angel Stinky looked so handsome in that hat.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

    1. Yes, she should. Does she use it on crackers? I used to make one for cream cheese and crackers.

  8. Ellen, Jerry and I are always home by three. We don’t even work at it but there must be something to it for us too. I don’t do change well either, and dang, we have had a lot of change. Here’s my Fill-Ins..
    1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was the necklace SSNS gave me for a wedding present.
    2. When I eat chili, I want to get the jar of peanut butter.
    3. Rain doesn’t bother me.
    4. I don’t handle heat very well.

    1. Thank you for your answers. I am sorry you lost your wedding gift necklace. When I eat chili, I want tortilla chips to dip in it. 🙂 Have a nice weekend. XO

  9. I LOVE Stinky in THE HAT! and I love your fill-ins Ellen. I was canning all day and did not get a chance to do fill-ins for the cats, so I will answer them myself, here.
    1. Something I lost, and was never able to find was my wedding ring (yes, I lost it shovelling the snow and never did find it! We even bought a metal detector!)
    2. When I feel down in the dumps, I want to eat chocolate.
    3. Spiders in the house doesn’t bother me.
    4. I don’t handle crowds very well. Its a good thing that I live in a small town.
    I hope you all have a marvellously Happy Weekend!

    1. Kuddos to you for canning. I am too lazy now. Thank you for these answers. I am sorry you lost your wedding ring. I am with you on chocolate and I like having spiders in the house-they get all the other bugs. XO

  10. Chili Bruce and I share spoonfuls of raw almond butter, which is why I have to mark my jars so The Hubby isn’t eating cat spit, but I don’t mind one single bit.

  11. My latest habit is drinking from Pop’s water glass. He tried giving me my own. Fail.
    I like the peeps home by 3 pm; 4 at the latest for my dinner. This clinic thing is throwing me all off.

  12. Always such fantastic fill-ins! I can relate to all of your answers, though I haven’t lost any cat pins. I have lost some other jewelry that meant a lot to me, though. And I completely agree with your #2, 3, and 4. Purrs!

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