Friendly Fill-Ins Week 276

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. My cure for the hiccups is __________________________________.
2. I am currently watching ( or reading) _____________________________.
3. I would recommend _________ to anyone who _________.
4. I can do without _________ as long as _________.
My answers:
1. My cure for the hiccups is to do a math problem in my head. Sounds odd, but works every time.
2. I am currently watching Ray Donovan. My hubby and I loved Boscht so I researched shows similar and came up with that. We prefer Boscht, but this is OK.
3. I would recommend adopting a cat  to anyone who wants unconditional love.
4. I can do without a lot of money as long as I can afford vet care for my cats.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

The flashback is from September 2015.  Angel Stinky was snoozing.

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  1. I forgot to mention that all your moments with the Great one…and her sister…will be very precious.

    My cure for the hiccups is to have a drink of ginger-ale, that works well, and it tastes good too, LOL!

    I am currently watching ( or reading) nothin right now…though I like to watch college football, believe it or not. I don’t watch much TV and right now all my books are recipe books in a pile beside my desk! ( I watch more TV at my work when I am in resident rooms than here at home, LOL!)

    I would recommend functional fitness to anyone who wants to stay strong and fit in their senior years. I worked with a trainer a few years ago, and he taught me a lot about things that are important to keep being independent.

    I can do without new clothes as long as my current ones don’t wear out. I find it hard to find clothes that I like, so I guess I would be terrible out of fashion in my clothes that I’ve had for several years already, LOL!

    Angel Stinky sure looks cozy:)

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I will have to try gingerale as I always have some in the fridge. I am surprised that you watch football.
      I know what you mean about clothes. I hate what is available now. And I definitely need some fitness. Have a nice weekend. Xo

  2. That’s an interesting cure for hiccups… I stunk and still do stink at math! Your #3… truth. I must google Ray Donovan. Angel Stinky♥
    My Fill-Ins
    1. My cure for the hiccups is holding my breath.
    2. I am currently watching ( or reading) reading blogs.
    3. I would recommend Billi Speaks to anyone who has Instagram and loves cats. Even SSNS follows her!
    4. I can do without all the holidays as long as I have Thanksgiving, homemade noodles and SSNS .

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I just sent over and followed Billi Speaks. Have a nice weekend. XO

  3. I totally agree with you about cats and unconditional love. I can’t imagine not having a cat in my life.

  4. Nice replies the hiccups can be a complete nightmare heheh! “hic hic” oops excuse me 🙂

    What a nice flashback photo of Angel Stinky 🙂

    Have a hiccuplesstastic weekend 👍

  5. Love your fill-ins and love your flashback. So precious.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  6. A math problem in your head!!!! Bravo for you Ellen I can hardly do one on paper, if I tried to do on in my head I’d need CPR, which might actually work for the hiccups.LOL.

    Don’t faint///I pawticipated in Fill-ins today
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Here are BellaSita’s answerss to Fill-Innss Miss Ellen:
    1) My cure for hiccups is to hold my breath & swallow three times. It actually works! (After a few attempts!)
    2) I am currently reading “Hideaway” by Dean Koontz! YIKES! It is a spooky story!
    3) I would recommend living in the country to anyone who wants a quieter life.
    4) I can do without Ice Cream as long as I have CHOCOLATE!!!
    Grate answerss BellaSita an great answers Miss Ellen!! You both are so clevurr!!!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} BellaSita

    1. Thank you to your mum for these great answers. I have read a few Dean Koontz- very scary. The country life is more peaceful, but not quiet- the dang birds wake up around 3 am and the frogs, coyotes, owls, etc are all very loud neighbors. XO

  8. Hey that is a great idea for hiccups and we will try that next time. Ray Donovan we have seen and liked a lot. Still havent found the one we want to recommend, How do they get so lost? Purrs for a good weekend

  9. I will definitely have to remember that trick about doing a math problem. I loved Bosch. (Fun fact, the college that Maddie attends in the show is where I went to school and where my husband currently works.) Did you know they’re doing a Bosch spinoff of sorts?

  10. Thanks for co-hosting Fill-Ins! We filled in…….but had a hard time finding your Friday Fill-In Post to link up!!!!! But here we are – we made it. We love your #3 answer AND my Mom thinks your way of curing hiccups is worth a try…………

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. Sorry you had a tough time finding us. Sometimes I can’t even see my latest post- so frustrating. XO

  11. shop vac; knot onlee iz it a good thing catz get hiccupz like may bee onze ore better….never…..but we wood EPIC FAIL momz cure for em !!!! 🙂 ♥♥

  12. Being a former math teacher, Mom finds your hiccup cure very interesting:)

    Our Dad loved Ray Donovan, but not Mom – not her taste at all. If you were a Dexter watcher, we saw in the paper that there will be 8 or so new episodes in November. And his dead sister “returns”. Also not Mom’s style – the language really turns her off.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. I could do without the sex and swears, but I like both shows. Dexter filmed in my state and I tried to be an extra, but no luck. XO

  13. I am for sure going to try out this method of getting rid of hiccups. I tend to get them a lot, and nothing I try works, but hopefully doing some math in my head will! And I completely agree with your #3 and #4. Angel Stinky is and always will be gorgeous. Purrs!

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