Friendly Fill-Ins Week 206

Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link ( see below) to the hop so everyone can visit you.

1. It is important to learn ___________________.
2.When I was ________________, I was obsessed with ______________________.
3. I feel _________ about _________.
4. My lucky number is _________.
My answers:
1. It is important to learn to read. Of course, there are many other important things to learn, but once you can read , you can teach yourself many things by reading about them.
2. When I was 13, I was obsessed with Ricky Schroder.
3. I  feel scared about the virus. I worry that loved ones could die from it.
4. My lucky number is 17. Back in February, I chose #17 to win the Daytona 500 and won Miss Mudpie’s contest.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.
Cinco de Mayo is coming up. That was Angel Phoebe’s favorite day because she got her Dad and Grammie to each give her $5 for pole dancing. Here she is all dressed up for the day ( I crocheted the hat and scarf).
Please say a prayer for our friend Marv’s brother, Ninja. He has been missing since Monday.

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  1. We are purring snd pawyering very hard for Ninja.

    1. It is important to learn to get along with others. You can’t always be in isolation, even hermits have to interact with others at times:)
    2.When I was a little girl, I was obsessed with Japan and I tried to make clothes for my Barbie Dolls that were oriental. Not sure how I got into that anymore, though, LOL!.
    3. I feel worried about how we will man age now that hubby has been laid off…its a scary new path we are on, stupid evil corona virus..
    4. My lucky number is 13, so many peeps in my family and circle of friends are born on a 13.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Yes, as a hermit I know I still need people 🙂
      That is a unique obsession. I am sorry your hubby is laid off, that is scary. XO

  2. Great fill-ins. Mum says she was obsessed with Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet as a teenager. You weren’t meant to like both at the time!

    Purring for Ninja to come home xx

  3. I agree, it is very important to be able to read. Reading opens up a whole new world.

  4. I was a big fan of Ricky Schroder. I am scared about the virus, too. I think they are opening Florida too early. It is not safe yet from the virus. Angel Phoebe is missed. I am worried about Ninja too and I did not know him before he became lost… fingers crossed he comes home. My Fill-Ins…
    1. It is important to learn to be kind to animals.
    2. When I was younger, I was obsessed with horses.
    3. I feel no motivation about exercising.
    4. My lucky number is 0. If I have a lucky number it hasn’t found me yet.

    1. I think they are opening too soon too. SO many don’t realize we are not safe until there is a vaccine or a cure. Thank you for these great answers. I agree about #1. I didn’t realize you were a horse lover-did you have one? I am the same on #3. Have a nice weekend. XO

      1. Yes I am a horse lover! I had seven horses at various times in my life. My heart horse was Lady’s Dance. She was a beautiful bay.

        1. Would you believe I have never gotten on a horse. I wouldn’t now for fear of breaking him/her. I would love to see photos. XO

  5. Ellen,

    The 3 Rs are important to learn as our life revolves our these educational fundamentals. Covid-19 is scary but I’m not worried about it. I think if you’re taking precautions then you’ll be okay. Hopefully those we love are doing the same but if they aren’t then there’s nothing you can do about it and worrying won’t help. I hope you’re feeling more at peace about things as the days go by. These are troubling times. I didn’t play alone today. I was going to take the day off but decided to put my BoTB and funnies up for those expecting that. I want to do some A2Z catch up since I fell behind last month on the blog fest. Have a good weekend, dearie and be well!! xx

    1. Yes, they sure are troubling times Have a nice weekend and stay well too. XO

  6. Mom and I agree that learning to read is super important……you can’t get by in this world if you can’t read. We love Angel Phoebe’s Cinco outfit……….it’s definitely a day to celebrate and she sure knew how to do that in style!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  7. Love your fill-ins and especially #1. Reading can take you around the world without you ever leaving your chair.

    Aw on Angel Phoebe. We are all wishing and praying that Ninja comes home.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥

  8. I liked your replies and agree with number 1 it is very important, and yes this COVID-19 is very worrying 🙁

    I liked the photo and the hat heheh!

    Have a safetastic weekend 😷😷😷

  9. Great answers! I’m worried about the virus too. I try not to but it’s easier said than done. Have a great weekend!

  10. Such a cute photo! It’s so sad to hear of a cat missing. Hope Ninja returns home soon.

  11. Thanks for hosting the fill-ins. Humans should learn to read. We’re very scared over the crony thing, at least TW is. Pop is finally learning to wash his hands. We understand that humans need to get back to work but think it’s way too soon.

    1. Glad Pop is washing his hands. It is too soon. I think we are not safe until there is a vaccine or a cure. XO

  12. Those were good answers and we enjoyed that sweet flashback photo. I sure wish dear Ninja would come home.

  13. What did Angel Phoebe do with her $10; inquiring minds want to know!
    We have the sads about Ninja, and pray he makes it home soon.
    I’m not going anywhere, to do my part to keep the spread of this pandemic down!

    1. She saved up and bought more poles 🙂 I hope Ninja comes home soon too.

  14. We’re purring for Ninja. And how sweet to see Phoebe! When our mom was 13 she was obsessed with John Travolta.

  15. Based on Ricky Schroeder, I think we may be close in age. LOL And I’ve always told my kids that if you can read, you can teach yourself many, many things 🙂 Stay safe!

  16. I’m with you on numbers 1 and 3. The virus has me constantly worried! Stay safe/healthy! xoxo

  17. Mom is a big reader. She always told her own children and now the grands that being able to read well opens so many doors.

    She too is afraid of the virus. She know if she gets it, Dad will get it, and vice versa. We sure don’t want that to happen. Stay safe and stay healthy.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber

  18. I totally agree with #1. I hated reading as a child, but now I’m so glad I learned it.

  19. Pheobe was so pretty. And so talented!

    1. It is important to learn manners.
    2.When I was somewhat younger, I was obsessed with Thorin Oakenshield.
    3. I feel strongly about many things. Like cats.
    4. My lucky number is 1, 4 or 9.

    1. Thank you. I miss Phoebe a lot. Thank you for these great answers. I agree about manners. I had to look up Thorin, I have never seen Lord of the Rings.
      Have a nice weekend. XO

  20. You are so right about reading! It helps that it’s about my favorite thing to do ever.

    Praying for Ninja right now!

  21. 1. It is important to learn to get along with other kitties.
    2.When I was 1, I was obsessed with toys and food. Then I liked companionship.
    3. I feel carefuller about jumping high these days.
    4. My lucky number is whatever age I reach.


    1. Thank you for these great answers Ayla. Good idea to be careful when jumping. XO

  22. It’s always sad to hear about missing kitties. Best wishes to them. And best wishes to you and yours. These are difficult times, for sure, but we have one another and that’s more than many folks. ~hugs~ Your artistic talents are amazing! Take care , my dear.

  23. I agree about reading! I couldn’t wait to do that when I was a child since I loved books so much.

  24. You are so right about reading. It’s really disheartening to think of all the people, both children and adults, who never got the proper chance to learn to read. Reading opens so many doorways. And Angel Phoebe was so pretty! Have any of the other kitties at your house taken over her job as the resident pole dancer? At our house, Thimble is the pole dancer. I guess I should start paying her, shouldn’t I?

    1. I fee bad for anyone that can’t read, so sad. Rosie has been practicing her pole dancing, she has different moves. 🙂 Yes, Thimble should get paid.

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