Friendly Fill-Ins Week 171

Hi everyone! Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. Please leave your link (at bottom of post) here or at my co-host’s Four-Legged Furballs. You can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you.

1. I am a stickler for ___________________.
2. By the end of August, I plan to ____________________.

3. _________ is my favorite thing about myself.
4. These days, my biggest priority is _________.
My answers:
1. I am a stickler for thank-you cards/notes.I always send them and I get annoyed when others don’t for things like weddings and showers.
2. By the end of August, I plan to still have Noel with me. I am really trying to be positive, but her appetite comes and goes now which scares me.
3. My optimism is my favorite thing about myself.
4. These days, my biggest priority is Noel.
Noel enjoyed The Great One’s visit. I told her to be very gentle and she was. She kept bringing her toys. And she even wanted a photo with her which is very unusual. She wanted her to have the crown to be the queen.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

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  1. My hope is Noel makes it a good while longer. You are teaching The Great One many lessons in how to gently care for the creatures of the world around her.

  2. Ms Ellen, I’m so pleased that The Great One realized Ms. Noel is a queen.
    Thank you for hosting this blog hop.

  3. I am glad the Great One and Noel had time together. I continue to send good thoughts for her.
    I agree with #1. So many people can’t be bothered to say thank you any more. I sent each of our 6 nephews and nieces a substantial amount of money for each 21st birthday and only had a thank you from one. Just a phone call would have been better than nothing!

  4. That’s sweet that The Great One was so gentle with dear Noel. We know you are super worried about Noel – we all are – but just know that you TRULY have given her the best home in the whole world and best care as well……and we hope that she is with you for a long time to come. She’s in our prayers.

    Love, Teddy

  5. I used to be the exact same with thank you notes. When I was a kid, before we could play with any gifts, we had to write the thank you notes. I’ve loosened that quite a bit in the past couple years – but most people love getting them.

  6. We all have our paws crossed that Noel makes for a while longer. You are so right about thank you notes. It is a good thing to do. You all have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend.

  7. Our thoughts and prayers are for Noel. Hope she gets to stay with you a little longer.
    Hugs and love,
    Grady Lewis and Mom Joan

  8. Love all your answers and I hope Noel stays way longer than August. Great picture of the Great One and Noel. Love the crown.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  9. I hope Noel rebounds and you have her at least through the end of the year but of course only if she has a quality of life. Here are more healing purrz.
    TW gave up on cards and the only ones she sends are Christmas cards. She did send Aunt Pauline get well cards when she went through the cancer thing but that’s highly unusual.

    1. Thank you. I would be so thankful to have Noel with us for many more months. I don’t send many paper cards now either. XO

  10. Best wishes to Noel! This period of time together is precious. I know its difficult. Stay strong.

    Thanks for co-hosting Friendly Fill-Ins.

  11. I am praying for you and Noel. I hope that this sweet kitty will be well soon. {{{Hugs}}}

    Thanks for the fill-ins. They are a bright spot in my week.

    Have a blessed weekend, Ellen!

    1. Thank you for the prayers. She won’t ever be well with her giant tumor, but I pray for more time with her not suffering. I hope you have a blessed week too> XO

  12. My daughter-in-law is so great about thank you notes. She sends one whenever we give something to our grandsons, and they are always personalized and signed by the boys. It’s definitely a lost courtesy.
    Try to enjoy whatever time you have left with Noel, and not worry about how much it might be. ♥

  13. Always got our boys to write a note, even if it was an email…even now they are adults i still give them hints to not forget this courtesy for the gifts they get from others. (Or a phone call)
    The Great One is a special little girl:)
    We too hope and pray for many more good days with Noel at your side.

  14. I think your optimism is a wonderful thing, and it can help both you and Noel during this time. I also think it’s so cute that The Great One focused so much of her attention on Noel. How sweet! We are sending all of our purrs, woofs, and prayers to Noel and to you, Ellen!

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