Friendly Fill-Ins Week 170

Hi everyone! Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. Please leave your link (at bottom of post) here or at my co-host’s Four-Legged Furballs. You can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you.

1. I love it when __________________________.

2. I know it’s time to _________________ when ________________.

3. Others come to me when they need _________.
4. We should never take _________ for granted.
My Answers:
1. I love it when Prancie tortures her Dad. She has him wrapped around her little paw. She will knock things off his end table until he gets up to snack her.
2. I know it’s time to vacuum when Trouble’s bloomers look like this ( see photo)
Poor Trouble, her fur easily catches the cardboard shreds from scratchers.
3. Others come to me when they need anything to do with cats- advice on health, behavior, etc.
4. We should never take anything for granted. If you re able to be online and read then you have it better than most people in the world. And especially, never take your loved ones for granted, we never know how long we have with them ( 2-legged and 4-legged).
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Be sure to stop by Saturday for Black Cat Appreciation Day. We are going to have a giveaway to celebrate.

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  1. What wonderful filling in you did today……we love your #4 especially and that photo of Trouble and her bloomers is so cute! Happy Friday.

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom too

  2. Meowser Ms. Ellen thank you for hosting today’s hop. I liked your answers. Could you please ask Ms. Prancie if she would give me advice on how to wrap humans around her paw? I can always use advice on training staff.
    Have a wonderful day/weekend dear furiend.

    1. Thank you 🙂 Prancie would love to give you lessons. SHe sure did a good job teaching Joanie. XO

  3. Some kitties pick up everything with their fur. Trouble is a cutie pie.

    Love all your answers and I can see #4 being a reality.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  4. Trouble, we have the exact same bits of scratcher debris all over Eastside Cats too! Plus the remnants of chewed upon cardboard boxes, and tumbleweeds of fur….

  5. Trouble doesn’t look too happy in this photo 🙂
    You are right, we never should take those who love us for granted, even though I think true love never dies.
    Have a wonderful Feline Friday!

  6. Such purrfect fill-ins! Your #2 made me laugh, because it’s the same way with Toby at our house. His fuzzy bloomers collect anything light and loose floating around the house, definitely including detritus from the cat scratchers. And your #4 is so, so true. I wish we had more time with our furbabies, but we can at least make the most of the time we do have with them. Purrs and prayers to all!

  7. We loved your answers and the photo. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  8. Trouble is such a pretty, fluffy kitty. 🙂 Our kitties are forever picking up spiderwebs. They’ll come for kisses and pets and I will see that they’ve been snacking on spiderwebs. I get them off the kitties, then they are stuck to me.

    I agree with your #4 answer. Those of us who can read have it way better than many, many others, regardless of what else may be wrong in our lives. I can’t imagine a life without reading.

    All of your answers are great. Have a blessed weekend!

  9. Great answers. And you do your black beauties justice in photos. That’s not easy. ~hugs~ Thank you for the prayers. Tilly is lying on my arm as I type one handed. 🙂

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