Friendly Fill-Ins Week 131

Hi everyone! Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. Please leave your link (at bottom of post) here or at my co-host’s Four-Legged Furballs. You can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate.

1. I can’t wait to have _______________________ on Thanksgiving ( if not in the USA, substitute your next holiday).
2. I am thankful for ____________________________-.
3. When it comes to pie, _________.

4. A feast is not a feast without _________.
My answers:
1. I can’t wait to have cornbread stuffing with cranberries and green bean casserole for Thanksgiving.
2. I am thankful for my hubby, mom, niece, great-nieces, my kitties, my home and my life in general. Also thankful for all the friends I have made through blogging including all who are reading this.
3. When it comes to pie, banana cream is my favorite, but I never make it.For Thanksgiving, I will make chocolate cream and apple.
4. A feast is not a feast without appetizers- they are my favorite part of a meal. My favorites are a cheeseball and crackers, buffalo chicken dip and spinach dip. Speaking of cheeseballs, my great-niece’s 3rd birthday party was a Frozen theme so I made an Olaf cheeseball.
Emmy likes resting on my legs, sometimes she even sits on my lap. She is a sweetie.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

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  1. I would never have thought of making an Olaf cheeseball! It’s adorable.
    I love banana pie, too, but not for Thanksgiving… and my husband is the pie maker, not me. He makes the best banana/coconut pies – uses yolks from 6 eggs per pie plus fresh banana slices AND if that doesn’t have your mouth watering, he shreds and toasts coconut to sprinkle on top…. he makes his crust from scratch too…. and quite a mess in the kitchen, but I don’t mind cleaning for pie.

  2. Emmy is a sweet pie. 🙂

    I think your Olaf is adorable. I’ve never made a cheeseball, at least not that I remember.

    I agree with your #1 100%! I’m looking forward to the same things. 🙂

    Have a blessed week and a very Happy Thanksgiving, Ellen and family!

    1. Thank you. I can give you the recipe, it is easy. I hope you have a blessed week and Thanksgiving too. XO

  3. I had to stop making appetizers because we’d always eat so much we wouldn’t have room for the MAIN EVENT – turkey, etc.!!!! However, when we go to W. Virginia for THanksgiving, my sister-in-law makes a sausage dip that is out of this world and I can’t resist it in spite of how full I get. Oh well. Love all of your fill-in answers…..I agree about being grateful for family – we have so few left but each are precious.

    Hugs, Pam

    1. I don’t mind being too full for the meal, that means more leftovers 🙂 I have never heard of sausage dip, I bet it is tasty. XO

  4. We are thankful for family, too, although i mentioned something else in my fill-in on my blog. Chocolate cream pie sounds so good!

    That’s a neat cheese ball.

    Emmy is beautiful, i’m glad she has taken to you so well.

  5. 1. I can’t wait to have HOMEMADE NOODLES on Thanksgiving.
    2. I am thankful for a cold front that dropped down from the North today
    3. When it comes to pie, cherry is my choice with cream over it.
    4. A feast is not a feast without sharing.
    The Olaf cheeseball is darling and so is Emmy!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Homemade noodles on Thanksgiving sound delicious. Glad you got some cooler weather. I prefer cold to being to hot 🙂
      Have a great weekend! XO

  6. Mmmm. Your fill-ins have me craving cornbread, cranberries, green bean casserole, banana cream pie, cheeseball dip, and pretty much anything and everything on the Thanksgiving table. And as if cheeseball dip wasn’t good enough, your Olaf makes it even more enticing!

    Emmy is too cute! Eddy and Tonks are my leg sitters. Of course, I don’t think I’ll ever find them sitting together on my legs, because Eddy still pretty much loathes the kittens. I hope over time she’ll overcome that feeling. Have a fantastic Friday!

  7. HAH! Olaf cheeseballs! Hmmm,, no mention of turkey anywhere? TW makes pumpkin pie then the peeps look all over for mince pie cos no one sells it here anymore.

    1. I make a turkey, but I don’t really care for it. I used to make a mince pie every year for my mom’s significant other. I would buy a jar of the filling and use a ready made crust. XO

  8. I love the fill-ins. Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time of year. We’re going to enjoy it here too.

    Thanks for co-hosting Friendly Fill-ins. Such fun.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  9. We can’t help but ask – is there room at the Thanksgiving table for us three Woos?

    We are all excited for Thanksgiving too – family fun and yummy turkey!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. What a fun auntie to make an Olaf cheese ball! Cornbread stuffing green bean casserole sound amazing! Emmy is so sweet. My #2 is very similar to yours.

  11. That Olaf cheeseball is adorable! You are such a great aunt 🙂

    I enjoyed your answers, and now I’m very hungry from all the food you mentioned! LOL

  12. Emmy you look so sweet and lady-like.

    Tell your mommy MY mommy said:
    1. I can’t wait to have turkey and mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving.
    2. I am thankful for all I have…starting with children and family and friends.
    3. When it comes to pie, cherry and lemon both are my faves.
    4. A feast is not a feast without a meat of whichever kind is good for you and the family.

    1. Emmy thanks you. And I thank your mom for her great answers. I am thankful for her friendship. XO

  13. So much to be thankful for. We too are super thankful for all our blogging friends and that we have a great home and are well cared for. Emmy looks really comfy. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  14. It looks like you did a great job with Olaf. That is very creative. Of course, it could come back to bite you if the kid gets upset about eating Olaf. Have a blessed week and a Happy Thanksgiving.

  15. I love the Olaf cheeseball – that’s so creative!

    I miss having a lap cat. Sam is a very fidgety girl, so when I’m giving her attention, she paces around and never stays still!

  16. I love your Olaf cheeseball! That is such a cute idea. I love chocolate pie and of course, cornbread dressing! P.S. I have a pineapple cheeseball recipe that is delicious if you are interested. ☺

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