F is for Fester Cat

DSCF1011Hi everyone! Today for the A-Z Challenge, we have Fester Cat. Lucy reviewed his book back in January 2015. We loved it then and we still do. It is a very sweet story of how a cat adopts 2 men and they become a family. The actual title is The Story of Fester Cat by Paul Magrs.

Mom said I have to give you all a Brody update. He comes downstairs every night and meows at Dad. If Mom even wiggles a finger he goes flying back upstairs. He keeps trying to get near me and I hiss at him. So does Prancie and Snowball. We just want to set some limits.


I got to see my Grammie Monday and Wednesday. I love her so very, very much.

Mom says someone purchased the kitty puzzle box yesterday – anonymously thank you.

Sammy went on a Quest with The Cat Scouts. QUEST4SAMMYP Doesn’t he look cute all dressed up?Β  Thank you to Sammy K’s Mom for taking the photo.

I was supposed to start a giveaway, but Mom was too lazy busy to do the photo shoot so she said we could start it tomorrow for G ( Giveaway). She will still have a G book to recommend too.



  1. It sounds like you have a lot going on! I haven’t heard of that book before, but it sounds like a really sweet story. πŸ™‚ Kitties know how to bring out the best in humans. I hope that things get better with Brody. Some relationships take a little while to develop.

  2. Glad Brody is doing better – coming down stairs and such. Just let him move about about on his own schedule is always best!! Thanks for another book recommendation. Jack is currently reading Meow Wow! – the book you blessed us with; he will be posting a review soon! A-Z challenges have sucked up all my time so I’ve gotten a bit lazy on book reviews!!

    1. You have put a lot of time into your a-z posts, they are excellent. You will enjoy Fester.

  3. Oh I’m glad Brody comes downstairs and is trying to make some friends…..it does sound like he’s making “baby steps” to fitting in. We think of him every day and keep hoping he will relax more and more and enjoy inside life. I’m glad the puzzle box was purchased! YAY!

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. Hello all you treasured kitties! Mom said she is interested in the book about Fester xoxoxo

  5. The Story of Fester Cat sounds like a great read. And, I’m so glad to hear that Brody is venturing downstairs more. It sounds like he’s perhaps quite taken with your dad, Phoebe. Slowly but surely, I think Brody’s making great progress! Purrs!

    1. It is a great book. Yes, Mom is jealous that Brody isn’t as scared of Dad as he is of her.

  6. Whoa, Fester Cat is a looker. So is Brody. It will take a while for him to fit in…I hate that part…I have a week hiththt so other kitties think I’m kidding. It aien’t fair I say.


  7. phoebe…purr haps….just purr hapz….brody haza wee crush on ewe…it IZ spring time when lovez iz in de air ya noe πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

    thanx for de reeview bout fester….we will chex out hiz book !!!

    we iz out til monday…sew heerz two a Baikal oilfish kinda week oh end two each N everrree one β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. You should have food service girl read Fester to you. I hope you have a great weekend. Phoebe’s purrince will be upset if Brody has a crush on her .

  8. Thiss Fester Kat sounds like a kewl kittyboy!
    An Phoebe yur foto tooked mee breath away…..yur mee sweet buttercup Purrincess fur all ways <3
    An Grammie luvss you so-o much all so!
    An iss good you let Brody know there are limitss. Mew mew mew….
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~head rubsss~~ yur Purrince,
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you my sweet purrince. I hope your Mum can read Fester to you. XOXOXO and paw kisses

          1. **blushie earsss**
            Fank you mee sweet buttercup!
            Mee iss leernin to count to 10 now. Onlee countin to 5 iss so kittenish…
            1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
            Mee DID it!!! Woo Hoo! LadyMum helped mee leern bye countin treetss πŸ˜‰
            ***paw kissesss*** an ~~tummy tickullss~~
            Yur Countin Purrince xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          2. Did you get 10 whole treats? That would be nice.XOXOXOX I love you my very intelligent purrince

  9. I am glad Brody is venturing downstairs. It sounds like he might want to make friends, but I agree, you do have to set your limits first.

    1. Thank you sweet Flynn, he does seem to want to make friends with the kitties more than the humans.

  10. So glad to hear Brody is venturing out. Slow but sure. And love your book reviews !

  11. Hi Phoebe, you look as pretty as ever. How nice that you got to see your grammie. Good for Brody for venturing out each evening. Hopefully, in time, he’ll be less scared. Yes, Sammy sure does look cute!

    1. Phoebe and Sammy both thank you. XO And Snowball promises a selfie for Pierrot on Sunday.

  12. That sounds like a sweet read! And it sounds as though Brody might have the makings of a Daddy’s boy! πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. It is a great read. Yes, I think Brody will be a Daddy’s boy before he becomes a Mama;s boy which is OK because my Sammy would be very upset. XO

  13. Busy, Busy! Like my place!!!
    Mes happy to hear that Brody is coming out…before your Mommy knows it, Brody will be sitting on her lap!
    Dear Furrends!

    1. We are busy and I would be thrilled to just get to pet him, but a lap kitty would be nice. XO

    1. Brody is getting braver all the time. Hopefully all the kitties will accept him. He is such a sweetie.

  14. Mee DID get 10 hole treetss sweet Phoebe….inn 1 day tho’. Mee has to have them cut inn half an not eat too many beecause of mee IBS. LadyMum sayss mee iss berry inntelligent all so!
    ***blushie earsss*** yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

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