Evil Cat and a Good One too!

Happy Friday everyone! I want to thank  http://thecatonmyhead.com/ for nominating 15andmeowing for “One Lovely Blog Award” .The rules say we need to tell you 7 things about us and nominate 7 blogs so here goes:


1. 3 of our kitties just joined The Tabby Cat Club

2. Sammy wants to join Cat Scouts, but I won’t let him

3.Prancie knocks the phone on the floor if we don’t get up when she wants us to.

4. I love it when Sammy sleeps on my head and makes a nest with my hair.

5. My hubby and I sing goodnight songs to the kitties.

6. Snowball runs away from me unless I have food to offer her.

7. Out of 15 cats, we have only 2 blue eyes and they are not on the same cat.

Now here are my 7 choices, I apologize if you already got the award and I missed it.

1. http://dezizworld.wordpress.com/ 2.http://sweetpurrfections.blogspot.com/

3. http://nels-ed-nitro-xing.blogspot.com/   ( Meowers from Missouri)

4. http://spittyspeaks.blogspot.com/

5. http://katieisabella.blogspot.com/  6. http://www.island-cats.com/

7. http://twoblindcatsandcrew.wordpress.com/

Now to the book reviews: Lucy loved Evil Cat, a bunch of cartoons about an evil cat torturing humans and dogs.009

I enjoyed The Cat Who Came Back for Christmas. It was more than just a story about a cat, it was also about the autistic child. I really had no idea how hard it was to raise a child with autism. Many times I have been out shopping or out to eat and get annoyed when a child starts acting up. I always have bad thought about what awful parents the child has-thankfully, I have never said anything to them. The next time that happens, I will have more compassion like Ben, the cat who befriends the boy. Here is the Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Cat-Who-Came-Back-Christmas-ebook/dp/B0095ZMF4K/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1411511066&sr=1-1&keywords=the+cat+who+came+back+for+christmas .Have a great day everyone!

PS: We are blog hopping with Rascal and Rocco- thanks for hosting it:Pet Parade


  1. ConCatulations on da award and fank yous. WooHoo so glad yous joined da TCC, but Miss Ellen dat’s just not wight not to let Sammy join da cat scouts. It’s soooooo much fun. Weez got a cawnival tumowwo. Hope to see Sammy soon. 🙂 And fank yous so vewy much fur yous donation to help us. Weez weally purreciate it mowe than yous know.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I know I should let Sammy join the scouts, but I worry about him going places without me ( even in cyberspace). You’re welcome for the donation, I wish it could have been more.

  2. Concatulations on the award! The Christmas book sounds really good – not so sure about the evil cat one, since I’m totally not evil! Maybe Binga would like it.

    1. Yes, Sammy I should let my Sammy join you, but I am very protective and worry about him in the woods on trips.

    1. Yes, Millie has one blue eye and SNowball does too- they are both white cats, but not related.

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