Caturday Saturday

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop and The Pet Parade.

My art this week is the masterpieces The Great One and I worked on together with yarn.

Can you tell they are kitties?

Before we go, we want to give our thoughts and prayers to Zoey or Zoolatry who is not feeling well.

And to our friend’s Marv and Ninja for their Dad who is in ICU after an accident.




  1. Oh yes I can definitely see yarn kitties! Love this most creative idea too…..We are sending hugs to Marv and Ninja and to Miss Ann who must be ever so worried about her Zoey. POTP to sweet Zoey.

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. How did I miss so many posts? They are all wonderful. As for the fifty lessons, we think so much alike it’s almost scary. ~grin~ I’m so sorry every time someone loses a beloved pet. 🙁 My best wishes to the health of all, humans included.

    I adore those yarn portraits. Too cute.

    That’s sad you struggle with sleep. I hope you can resolve the pain/discomfort and snoring issues, at least. My husband uses a C-pap machine to relieve his sleep insomnia, which was a boon for us both. Take care, my dear.

    1. We need to get my hubby tested because I think he needs a C-Pap too. Great minds think alike 🙂 XO

  3. Yes, that is some cool cat yarn art!

    Yes, i will pray for Zoey, and i have Marv and Ninja’s dad on my prayer list already.

  4. That yarn art is very good – nice idea!!!

    We have our paws crossed for Zoey and lots of prayers headed to Marv and Ninja’s Dad.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. This art is precious! And I think it’s purrfectly clear that they’re adorable kitties! We’ve been sending lots and lots of purrs and prayers to sweet Zoey, and to Marv and Ninja’s dad.

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